Volume: 2 - Issue:  42
2 May 2014
Iran Update


We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

Video - Senior Cleric; "Iranian President Should Punch Obama in the Mouth"


During a recent sermon in Tehran, a senior Iranian cleric criticized the United States and said that the Iranian president should "punch the American president in the mouth" if he "talks nonsense." The comments by Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami were made on April 25, and broadcast on Iran's Channel 1. The Middle East Media Research Institute translated them and posted them on YouTube...


How Rouhani treats political prisoners in Iran

The Hill

The regime's barbaric attack against defenseless political prisoners shows the extent of its trepidation and fear of popular dissent.  The West should take note instead of turning a blind eye to the Iranian regime's human rights abuses...Read On

The Bright Spot in Iran's Latest Political Repression

The Diplomat

While nuclear negotiations continue, Tehran tries to crack down on internal dissent...Read On

Iran Accused Of Excavating Baha'i Cemetery

Radio Free Europe

The U.S.-based Baha'i community's spokesperson, Farhad Sabetan, said on May 2 that the excavation has begun and that some 40 trucks are lined up to remove earth...Read On

U.S. escalates enforcement of sanctions against Iran  


The United States escalated enforcement of sanctions against Iran by naming eight Chinese companies and two people involved in shipping missile parts to Iran...Read On

State Department: 'Core' Al Qaeda in Iran  

The Weekly Standard

The State Department released its annual Country Reports on Terrorism yesterday. And once again the U.S. government has highlighted al Qaeda's relationship with the Iranian regime. While the Iranians hold some al Qaeda members under house arrest, others are allowed to operate. And these terrorists, based on Iranian soil, play a prominent role in al Qaeda's international network...Read On


Iran News Update

On Thursday morning, May 1, workers of the urban bus system who had assembled in Tehran's Azadi Square on the occasion of the workers' day were attacked by regime's suppressive forces and 23 of the workers were transferred to Evin Prison in a cage-type vehicle of the security forces after they had been battered and insulted. Ebrahim Madadi, Saeidi, Vahidei and Nematei are amongst those arrested...Read On

Rouhani's "moderate" tone contradicts his actions

The Hill

Iran's repeated human rights abuses receive little coverage - it is under the veil of moderation that these abuses hide and they deserve to be uncovered. The latest incident of abuse in the prison involved dangerous "criminals", criminals like Sa'id Metinpour. Sa'id's horrible crime was belonging to Iran's Azerbijani minority and promoting linguistic and cultural rights for the group, an act the regime described as "espionage" and "spreading propaganda against the system"...Read On

Getting Ready for a Bad Deal

Jerusalem Post

Retired general Amos Yadlin, the former head of Israeli Military Intelligence and now director of the Institute for National Security Studies, wrote a piece for theJerusalem Post. Like Netanyahu, he objected to a deal with Iran that would allow it to preserve its nuclear weapons program-and said that appears to be where the West is headed....Read On

Governor Tom Ridge


Iran News Update

The fact that Tehran dared to nominate Abutalebi as its new envoy to the United Nations, speaks volumes about how it views American policy: weak and indecisive. It also shows that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is neither serious about the trust that has been offered to him by Western powers, nor deserving of it...Read On

Iran Used "Golden Loophole" to Bust Sanctions Via Turkey


Reuters on described the emergence and effects of a "golden loophole" in what had been Western efforts to impose sanctions on Iran, with the outlet conveying the contents of a Turkish police report outlining how Turkish channels were used to implement 'an audacious, multi-billion-dollar scheme involving bribery and suspect food shipments to Iran'...Read On

Iran Cancels $2.5 Billion Chinese Oil Contract

ABC News

The Russia-Iran energy deal, reported by the Iranian state news media, is the second significant economic collaboration under negotiation between the two countries that could undercut the efficacy of the sanctions on Iran. Those sanctions are widely credited with successfully pressuring the Iranians in the current talks over their disputed nuclear program...Read On

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