Volume: 2 - Issue:  27
15 March 2014
Iran Update


We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

Rouhani has not stopped Iran suppressing human rights: U.N. envoy


President Hassan Rouhani has made only "baby steps" to improve human rights in Iran where forces loyal to the supreme leader are "working to suppress the rights of people," a United Nations investigator said on Friday...Read On

Full Report of the UN Secretary General on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN Human rights Council - Twenty Fifth Session

b. Torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment. 

10. The recurrence of cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment, such as amputation of limbs and flogging remains a cause for concern. The judiciary has frequently applied punishments which are prohibited by the ICCPR, to which Iran is a State party....Read On

Iran's Oppressed Christians

New York Times

A 28-year-old refugee who once ran a small business in Iran, he converted to Christianity five years ago and spoke to me on condition that I use only his first name in order to protect his identity...Read On

International meeting in Geneva issues warning on Ignoring the dire condition of human rights in Iran and in Camp Liberty 


India has to cut its Iranian oil imports by nearly two-thirds from the first quarter after the United States asked it to hold the shipments at end-2013 levels, in keeping with the nuclear deal easing sanctions on Tehran, Indian government sources said...Read On

Exiled Iranians urge to lift Iraq camp 'blockade'


An exiled Iranian opposition group on Friday urged the international community to help lift the "blockade" of a refugee camp near Baghdad and called for an investigation into killings at a second camp...Read On

Why human rights sanctions could work with Iran


On the face of it, Iran's human rights record and its nuclear capabilities have little or no connection. But a deeper look suggests that they in fact do - and the implications are profound...Read On

New hope for Iranian women


Hope and change, two of the buzzwords of President Obama's election campaign (and the campaigns of most incoming leaders) feature prominently in talk concerning Iran's President Hassan Rouhani amongst the international community. For Iran's populace and women in particular, however, there have been only two real changes: a change in the regime's rhetoric and a change in domestic abuses, which have deteriorated even further since Rouhani's tenure. ..Read On

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