Volume: 1 - Issue:  517
13 December 2013
Iran Update


We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

Senior Euro MP: US attempts to conceal fate of Camp Ashraf hostages

Press Release

Struan Stevenson, MEP, President of the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with Iraq has said that he was surprised by US Secretary of State John Kerry's response to a question about the hostages when he said the information was "classified"....Read On

Wife of U.S. pastor held in Iran pleads for his freedom


The wife of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran pleaded with a House subcommittee on foreign affairs Thursday to do something to free her husband...Read On

Treasury Secretary Warns CEOs Testing U.S. on Iran Sanctions to 'Think Again'


Treasury Secretary, Jacob J. Lew warned corporate executives not to test the U.S.'s commitment to sanctions against Iran and said enforcement will be "unflinching." 

An international agreement designed to limit Iran's nuclear program "does nothing to undo or weaken the core architecture of our sanctions regime,"....Read On

U.N. Iran panel chair urges states to keep enforcing sanctions


The Australian chairman of the U.N. Security Council's Iran sanctions committee on Thursday urged the United Nations' 193 member states to continue enforcing U.N. sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear program...Read On

Senators Vow to Add to Iran Economic Sanctions in 2014


A number of U.S. senators vowed to continue seeking new sanctions against Iran after meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who say such measures endanger an international accord designed to limit that nation's nuclear program...Read On

Another Christian Pastor Sentenced To Years Imprisonment in Iran

BOSNews Life

Vruir Avanessian of the Assemblies of God Church, a large Pentecostal denomination, was detained despite suffering from what fellow Christians called "serious illnesses", including heart disease and diabetes...Read On

Norman Podhoretz: Strike Iran Now to Avert Disaster Later

Wall Street Journal

Not too many years ago, hardly anyone disagreed with John McCain when he first said that "the only thing worse than bombing Iran is letting Iran get the bomb." Today hardly anyone disagrees with those who say that the only thing worse than letting Iran get the bomb is bombing Iran. And in this reversal hangs a tale...Read On

Thank you for your reading Iran Update. We welcome your comments. 




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