Volume: 1 - Issue:  397
10 June 2013
Iran Update



We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

U.N. chief appoints Germany's Martin Kobler as Congo envoy
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed former German diplomat Martin Kobler on Monday as his special envoy to the volatile Democratic Republic of Congo,  Read On...
Khamenei wants no one to jolt his power in Iran vote
Five days from Iran's presidential election, these are nervy times for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who as only the second Supreme Leader in the Islamic Republic's 34-year history answers to God and not voters.  Read On... 
Iraq: Inhuman pressure on Iranians in Camp Liberty
Iraqi suppressive forces under the command of Iraq's prime ministry have increased their inhumane pressure on residents of Camp Liberty at the behest of the clerical regime ruling in Iran.  Read On...

Thank you for your reading Iran Update. We welcome your comments. 




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