Target "Take Charge of Education"
What's on GCEN?
Visit their web site by clicking the logo above.
If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir and read
alumni news.
Cheetah Choices for Healthy Living
The GCIT Health Services office web page includes information focused on health issues of importance for GCIT students and the GCIT Community. Please take a few moments to review this information and our newsletter.
Health Services web page
Annual Open House - October 8th
Come visit GCIT during our annual
open house, Thursday, October 8, 2015, from 6:00-8:00pm.
This annual event provides an opportunity for parents, guardians, family members and the community to visit program areas and classrooms. Visitors will be able to see student demonstrations and projects.
For more information, click here...
To view the flyer, click here...
September Students of the Month
Each month the school staff and principal nominate and choose four Students of the Month, one from each grade level. These students are chosen for their contributions to our school, community, for being caring, energetic and excellent role models for other students, not only at GCIT but everywhere.
For September, the students were chosen from the Academy of Allied Health and Medical Science.
Congratulations to senior Caroline Boroughs, junior Caitlyn Newsom, sophomore Branden Hines, and freshman Kiyoshi Woods.
These students have shown outstanding citizenship, maturity and character within the walls of our GCIT community.
14th Annual GCIT Golf Classic
|  You can win a car or a football signed by DeMarco Murray!
Calling all golfers! We are looking for golfers (of all playing levels) to play in our golf tournament which benefits our Career-Technical Student Organizations, such as DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, HOSA, and SkillsUSA.
When: Monday, October 12th Where: Pitman Golf Course
The proceeds will be used to benefit students who participate in the Vocational Service Organizations of the Gloucester County Vocational-Technical School District.
With your support, we are able to provide additional services to many of our programs. For more information and the registration forms,
Out of the Dark Suicide Prevention Walk
GCIT, in partnership with the
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and School Based Youth Services, is sponsoring the 7th annual Southern New Jersey Suicide Awareness and Prevention Walk.
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2015
Registration: 8:30am
Walk Begins: 10:00am
Halloween Costume Ball
Halloween is here again, Time to trick or treat, Halloween is here again, Where spooky friends will meet.
Meet at GCIT on Friday, October 30th from 6-10pm for the Halloween Costume Ball. All grades are welcomed to attend. Costumes are mandatory and prizes will be given.
Tickets can be purchased for $5 during 5th and 6th period lunch or in room 266 between October 5-23.
Women's Cancer Walk
The School of Cosmetology

and the School of Preforming Arts - Drama department's teamed up to do the Women's Cancer Walk, formally known as the Walk 4 Hope, on Sunday September 13th. Besides having a new name it also had a new starting point. The walk started at Rutgers campus in Camden and proceeded over the Ben Franklin to Philadelphia.
Before the walk the Cosmetology students provided fancy braids, fair hair styles and nail services to the excited walkers while the drama department entertained the crowds with songs. We also had the honor to kick off the walk with the National Anthem. The excitement was everywhere and the GCIT team raised $300 for City of Hope Cancer Research Center. GCIT students had fun and also played a major part in making this event a success.
SkillsUSA Officers Receive Statemans Awards
|  On Saturday, September 19th, GCIT SkillsUSA Chapter Officers, Kerin Verna, Joshua Eddy, Kate Yeung, Payton Neeley, Arfien White, Toni Leonardo, Brandon Dereiux, and Chris Bianchi attended the SkillsUSA Washington Leadership Training Institute in Washington D.C. The focus of their training was on enhancing leadership skills, the importance of Perkins Funding, and how it impacts Career-Technical Education. These young leaders also had the opportunity to meet with Congressional leaders and advocate for Perkins funding. After four days of training, workshops, assignments, and interviews all eight students received the Statesman Award. This award recognizes students who have demonstrated leadership skills and have mastered certain requirements in leadership training.
Amanda Peacock Crowned
Outstanding Teen 2016
| Junior Amanda Peacock Crowned Miss Atlantic Shore's Outstanding Teen 2016 Amanda Peacock, a junior in the Performing Arts Program at GCIT, was recently crowned Miss Atlantic Shore's Outstanding Teen 2016, which is part of the Miss America Outstanding Teen Organization.
To read more about Amanda Peacock and her story, click here... |
General Announcements
Week of Respect, School Violence Awareness Week and Red Ribbon Week
School Based Youth Services will assist GCIT observing Week of Respect, School Violence Awareness Week, and Red Ribbon Week. Various activities will take place during the month of October to highlight the importance of these topics. In addition, all freshmen will be trained in 'Bystander Intervention' which teaches students how to prevent a situation where someone might fall victim to violence or bullying, while keeping themselves safe.
Show Us Your Grades
GCIT and School Based Youth Services are partnering with Jack Frost/Big Boulder Ski Areas to participate in Show Us Your Grades. All students who achieve Honor Roll or Principal's List (All A's & B's) for the first marking period will receive a free Snow Pass to JFBB which can be used anytime during the 2015-2016 season. Passes will be distributed once they are received, typically in late December.
Underclassmen Pictures Individual pictures for underclassmen will be taken on
October 1, 2015, in the East Gymnasium. Makeup pictures are scheduled for November 19, 2015, in the same gym.
Junior Ring Breakfast
A "Ring Breakfast" has been scheduled for October 9, 2015, for juniors to receive their rings.
Pay for Student Breakfast & Lunch Online
You can now add money to your child's meal account with My School Bucks, a payment service over the Internet for school breakfast and lunch.
MySchoolBucks offers a secure online payment portal that accepts VISA and MasterCard as a means of adding money to your child's meal account. Credit or debit cards can also be used. To get started please click here...
Free & Reduced Meals Application and Reduced Fees Form Available OnlineThe application for high school students in the Gloucester County Vocational-Technical School District is now available. You can apply anytime during the school year. Please return the completed application to the main office, cafeteria staff or mail the completed application to the school to the attention of Mr. Bruce DeMerice.
Attention Juniors and Seniors:
The Honor Societies will no longer be sending home letters of eligibility to students. If you are a Junior or Senior interested in joining the Honor Societies, please visit the NHS/NTHS webpages for detailed directions (link below).
Folders will be available during 6th period lunches from October 1st - October 7th. After those days please see Mrs. Smith or Mr. Stires.
There will be an optional informational meeting on Friday, Oct. 2nd, during clubs, in the Theater.
You may see Mrs. Smith or Mr. Stires (in room 264) if you have any questions.
Allied Health News |
Cooper University Hospital Field Trip AHMS seniors are scheduled to participate in the Traumatic Injury Prevention Program (TIPP) on December 9th and December 17th.
This 3-hour program demonstrates the results of risk-taking behaviors using reality instead of shock and scare tactics. Besides hearing a description of the resuscitation process used when a patient is admitted to the Cooper Trauma Unit, students see the actual equipment used during resuscitation and will have a tour of the Trauma Intensive Care Unit. They will be able to see anonymous patients and the trauma team at work.
HOSA Fall Leadership Conference GCIT HOSA Officers along with HOSA Advisers, Mrs. Goff and Ms. Sobolewski, will attend the New Jersey HOSA Fall Leadership Conference held at Rutgers University on Thursday, November 19th. Students will have the opportunity to network with other HOSA leaders from around the state. During the conference they will attend various leadership workshops and medical-based workshops, as well as listen to a keynote speaker. This conference provides students with the opportunity to learn new skills and build self-confidence in order to better serve their community as proud HOSA members and leaders, in addition to sharing their knowledge with other HOSA members throughout the state of New Jersey. Annual Blood Drive On January 14, 2016, the AHMS Academy and HOSA will sponsor the American Red Cross Blood Drive to be held in the West Gymnasium from 8 am to 3 pm. Blood supplies usually reach a critically low level around the holidays so it is of the utmost importance to help our local chapters. GCIT students volunteer each year to donate blood to help increase the blood supplies in the Penn-Jersey area.
The fall season is underway as we look forward to another successful season by all of our squads.
The Girls Tennis started the 2015-2016 year in great fashion with a victory over Glassboro & the Girls Volleyball team had a great showing at the Williamstown Tournament by finishing in 3rd place.
2016-2017 Admissions Information
| Parent/Student Information Sessions
The Admissions Department will hold three Parent/Student Information Sessions. We will open our doors for you to learn about our programs, meet our staff and explore our state-of-the-art facilities.
Explore your options at our Information Sessions:
- Thursday, November 12, 2015
- Saturday, December 5, 2015
- Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Sessions begin at 6:00pm on week nights and 10:00am on Saturday.
Online Application The 2016-2017 student application will be available online this Fall 2015. Please visit to apply. |
Buy GCIT Apparel & Gear Online
| Buy Customized GCIT Apparel & Gear Online!
Get $10 OFF your purchase or 50% OFF a custom t-shirt. We are proud to introduce GCIT branded apparel and gear that you can customize and buy online! You can now design and personalize many products for GCIT Cheetah clubs, sports, classes, activities, staff, friends and family. Our logo is even included in the design! For information, click here... |
School Based Youth Services
Counseling Services
SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.
Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.
8am - 7pm Friday 8am - 3pm
Summer Hours
Monday - Friday
8am - 3pm
In addition, SBYS hosts many recreational and leadership trips during the school year. For more information, visit or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 x2691.
The Branch The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.
Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions begin promptly at 3:30pm and end at 5:00pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.
Bystander Intervention
SBYS will continue to train GCIT students in Bystander Intervention. This valuable program encourages youth to intervene in situations where harm may be caused to another person, while keeping themselves safe. Personal safety and suicide prevention will also be discussed during the presentation.
Parents & Students can Subscribe to
Teacher Class Pages
| Parents & Students Can Receive Homework Alerts & Students Can Submit Assignments Online
Students and parents can subscribe to teacher class pages on the GCIT web site and receive automated emails each day as teachers post homework/assignments to their class pages.
The feature is only available for teachers who have created class pages on the GCIT site.
Parents can create an  account and add their children's classes to their "My Classes" list. The parent account will customize the website and allow parents to see just the classes that they subscribe to and will also send assignment notifications to the email address associated with the account.
Students can create their own account with the added bonus of being able to submit assignments online should their teacher set the assignment up that way.
Please see the documents below to help you in creating either a student or parent account.
Get Connected and Stay Connected to GCIT
Alert Solutions-Power Announcement
In case of emergencies, GCIT uses a notification system called Alert Solutions-Power Announcement. This system allows GCIT to send messages using email, voice and text messaging.
Parents can enter and maintain their own contact information and communication preferences through PowerSchool.
View the Power Announcement- Alert Solutions Instructions.
It is important that all parents/guardians log into PowerSchool and add/update their emergency contact information through Power Announcement as soon as possible.
Click to log into PowerSchool now...
PowerSchool is the online system you use to view your child's grades, report cards, progress reports, schedule and attendance. If you misplaced your PowerSchool login or do not have Internet access, please call the guidance office at 856-468-1445 x2103.
Social Media