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August-September 2015



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In This Issue
Upcoming Events



3Freshmen Orientation 6:30pm
8First Day of School
10-11Senior Portrait Makeup's
13City of Hope Cancer Walk- Rutgers Camden
15Home & School Assoc. Meeting 6:30pm
15Meet the Teachers Night 6:30pm
23Junior Trip Meeting 6pm
23Senior Trip Meeting 7pm
Balance Due on School Rings- Juniors
Underclassmen Pictures
8Open House
12Golf Classic
13Home & School Assoc. Meeting 6:30pm
14PSAT Testing
16Junior Ring Breakfast
Soph. Harvest Moon Dance
18Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk 9am
22Thespian Induction Ceremony 7pm
Early Dismissals & School Closings



912:15 Student Dismissal
12School Closed

Quick Links 

"Take Charge of Education"

target 2    

SAT Banner
SAT Test Dates  

October 3, 2015

November 7, 2015

December 5, 2015

January 23, 2016

March 5, 2016

May 7, 2016

June 4, 2016


 For registration information  visit  CollegeBoard 

Photo Album Ad 3
 What's on GCEN?
 Visit their web site by clicking the logo above.
 View the GCEN programming schedule by clicking here...
Athletic Schedules Ad 2 
 Game Alerts:


Receive automatic email notifications for schedule changes or to remind you about the start of an event.


Sign up now!
 Click the logo above.

Alumni Ad 
 If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir and read alumni news.
Guidance News Ad
For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.

No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",

Cheetah Choices
for Healthy Living


 The GCIT Health Services office web page includes information focused on health issues of importance for GCIT students and the GCIT Community.  Please take a few moments to review this information and our newsletter.


Health Services web page

Welcome Back from the Superintendent
Dear Gloucester County Institute of Technology Parents and Students:
With the onset of the upcoming school year just around the corner, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your family to 2015-2016 academic year. The first day of classes is scheduled for Tuesday, September 8.

At GCIT, we believe that our students will be prepared to compete in both higher educational and workforce environments. That they will possess the knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to make meaningful career choices, to be productive in the workplace, and to build life-long skills to function independently in the community. We continue to "raise the bar" for student achievement and the overall educational process for those who choose to be part of our school community.

GCIT Proves Skills Excellence
Forty-three students from the
Gloucester County Institute of Technology (GCIT) proved they had the know-how to get the job done during the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, June 24-26.

Demonstrating key workplace proficiency, the GCIT SkillsUSA Chapter was named the national recipient of the SkillsUSA Models of Excellence in the "Technical Skills" category. GCIT was one of the top 24 SkillsUSA chapters chosen as a Model of Excellence national recipient.

To read the full article, click here...
HOSA Chapter News

HOSA Competition  
Many of GCIT's HOSA members traveled to the Passaic County School of Technology to compete at the two-day State Leadership Conference, in various competitive events.


Congratulations to the following students for placing at this conference: Rebecca Charboneau, Kellianne Costello, Brittany Cullison, Allison Eisenhart, Lauren Fordyce, Victoria Logan, Gianna Pantaleo, Carly Sennett, and Shannon Watson. Great job!! We are so very proud of you.

2015-2016 HOSA Officers Named
Congratulations to our 2015-16 newly elected HOSA Officers


President - Caroline Boroughs
Vice-President - Jordyne Chernitsky
Treasurer - Shannon Watson
Secretary - Madelyn Pepe
Historian - Allison Eisenhart
Member-At-Large - Jami Alazruei

Finally, on behalf of the HOSA Advisors, Mrs. Goff and Ms. Sobolewski, the HOSA members, and Allied Health faculty we would like to thank our 2014-15 HOSA Officers for their dedication, service and commitment to our HOSA chapter. We could not have had such a successful year without your commitment and leadership. To the officers who graduated, we wish you continued success throughout your academic journey. 
FCCLA Students Win Big

The Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) hosted its 70th Annual National Leadership Conference from July 5-10 in Washington, D.C.


Twenty Gloucester County Institute of Technology students competed over the week-long conference and every student secured a medal. The students secured five gold metals, 11 silver metals and four bronze metals.

In addition, GCIT's culinary arts team won 3rd place nationally in the Hot Foods Competition and received $72,000 in scholarship money.

To read the full article, click here...

Home & School Association

The Home & School Association is made up of parents that represent the students of GCIT.  The association holds meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm in the 400 wing commons.  


This year's first meeting will be held September 15, 2015.


During the meetings, they discuss fundraising ideas to be able to help provide our students with support for their programs and activities. They also provide support for groups and clubs associated with GCIT by donating, helping or assisting events. 


If you are interested in joining, complete the membership form.

Back to School Information Due August 28th
Back to School Form Logo

Back to school time usually means lots of paperwork for parents to fill out.


At GCIT, for your convenience, all of these forms are online, making it easier to complete. A letter has been mailed home with instructions on what to do.


The forms to be completed online include:

  • Student Information
  • Parent/Guardian Information
  • Health & Emergency Information
  • HIB/Dating Violence Policy
  • SBYS Consent
  • Technology Usage
  • Parent/Student Handbook
  • Photo/Video/Information Release

There's also other important information & documents available on this page which includes:

  • Administration of Medication Information
  • Free & Reduced Meals and Fees Information
  • Gym Uniform Information
  • Junior & Senior Trip Information
  • Meet the Teachers Night
  • New Student Orientation
  • Student Drop-off & Pick-up
  • Student Parking Information
  • and Other Important Documents to Review



If you need to complete the online forms, click here to access them.

Freshmen Meet and Greet and Orientation

Freshman "Meet and Greet"

August 19, 2015

For Students Only


The Freshman "Meet and Greet," facilitated by SBYS, will be held on Wednesday, August 19, 2015, from 9:00am - 2:30pm


This day will provide an opportunity for the incoming freshmen to meet their future classmates, instructors and other school personnel. The morning will be spent getting to know each other and having some fun, and the afternoon will consist of tours, question and answer sessions and a special performance by current students.
  • This event is for students only
  • Attendance is strongly encouraged
  • Breakfast and lunch will be provided
  • Please wear comfortable clothes
  • Drop off and pick up at the McLean Fitness Center entrance
Freshman Orientation
September 3, 2015 - Gymnasium
For Students and Parents


Locker combinations will be distributed between 6:30pm and 7:00pm in our West Gymnasium.


After a brief presentation and discussion on general topics, students will have the opportunity to tour the building to locate their classrooms and lockers, while parents participate in a question and answer session.

Senior Parking Information

The process for applying, paying and receiving your parking permit is new for 2015-2016. Due to limited parking on campus, only senior students may apply to park at GCIT.


Parking permits are $30.

Only seniors with a valid driver's license can apply for a parking permit. Students with a learner's permit cannot apply until after they obtain their actual license.

The application and payment submission dates are separate from the parking permit pick up dates. Parking spots will randomly be assigned.
  • APPLY & PAY: Senior students may apply and pay for parking online from August 10-17 or in person from August 10-14 and August 17 between 8:00am-3:00pm.
  • PICK UP PERMIT: Senior students may then pick up their parking permits beginning August 24 from 8:00am-3:00pm in the 400 wing main office.
Click here for more information, the online application and payment link, or for the downloadable application.

It does not matter which method you apply and pay for your parking permit.
General Announcements
Drop & Add Classes
The drop/add period for classes will end September 15, 2015. No class changes will be allowed after that date. Students must make arrangements with their guidance counselor as soon as possible.

Underclassmen Pictures
Individual pictures for underclassmen will be taken on October 1, 2015, in Room 1110. Makeup pictures are scheduled for November 19, 2015, in the same room.

Senior Portrait Makeup Pictures
Herff Jones Photography will be at GCIT on September 10 & 11, 2015, in Room 1110, for seniors who still need their portraits taken or retaken.


School Rings
A representative from Balfour will be at GCIT on September 24, 2015, during student lunches, to collect the balance due on school rings.

A "Ring Breakfast" has been scheduled for October 16, 2015, for juniors to receive their rings.


Pay for Student Breakfast & Lunch Online

We are excited to announce that GCIT now offers My School Bucks, a payment service over the Internet for school breakfast and lunch. 

MySchoolBucks offers a secure online payment portal that accepts VISA and MasterCard as a means of adding money to your child's meal account. Credit or debit cards can also be used. To get started please click here...

Free & Reduced Meals Application and Reduced Fees Form Available Online

The application for high school students in the Gloucester County Vocational-Technical School District is now available.

You can apply anytime during the school year.  Please return the completed application to the main office, cafeteria staff or mail the completed application to the school to the attention of Mr. Bruce DeMerice.


For more information and the application, click here...

Annual Open House - October 8th

Come visit GCIT during our annual open house, Thursday, October 8, 2015, from 6:00-8:00pm.


This annual event provides an opportunity for parents, guardians, family members and the community to visit program areas and classrooms. Visitors will be able to see student demonstrations and projects.  

Mandatory Parent/Student Trip Meeting

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015, GCIT will hold its mandatory junior and senior trip meetings in the gymnasium.

If you have an emergency or scheduling issue and are unable to attend the meeting, please email Mr. Dundee at by 3:00pm on September 23, 2015.


September 23, 2015

Juniors - 6:00pm - West Gymnasium

Seniors - 7:00pm - East Gymnasium


The junior trip is scheduled for May 19-21, 2016, to Williamsburg, Virginia.

The senior trip is scheduled for June 5-9, 2016, to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.


The student AND one parent/guardian MUST be in attendance at the meeting.
For more information on the junior trip and senior trip, click here.
Meet the Teachers Night

Please join our GCIT family on Tuesday, September 15, 2015, from 6:30-8:00pm for "Meet the Teachers" Night.


Student schedules will be available in the West Gymnasium at 6:00pm for you to experience what a day is like in the educational life of your child.


Classroom visitations will begin promptly at 6:30pm.


You will visit the three academic classes and one career cluster class of your child minus the lunch period according to their schedule. Student ambassadors will be in the hallways to help guide you.

  • Parents and students enrolled in the Emergency Response/Fire Science and Law Enforcement programs do not need to pick up their child's schedule. Classroom visitations for those programs will begin promptly at 7:30pm.

Administrators, along with counselors, will be available from 6:30-8:00pm to answer any questions in the 400 wing commons area.

2016-2017 Admissions Information
Parent/Student Information Sessions
The Admissions Department will hold three Parent/Student Information Sessions. We will open our doors for you to learn about our programs, meet our staff and explore our state-of-the-art facilities.


Explore your options at our Information Sessions:
  • Thursday, November 12, 2015
  • Saturday, December 5, 2015
  • Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sessions begin at 6:00pm on week nights and 10:00am on Saturday.

Online Application
The 2016-2017 student application will be available online this Fall 2015. Please visit to apply.
14th Annual GCIT Golf Classic
Calling all golfers! We are looking for golfers (of all playing levels) to play in our golf tournament which benefits our Career-Technical Student Organizations, such as DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, HOSA, and SkillsUSA.

When: Monday, October 12th
Where: Pitman Golf Course

The proceeds will be used to benefit students who participate in the Vocational Service Organizations of the Gloucester County Vocational-Technical School District.

With your support, we are able to provide additional services to many of our programs. 

For more information and the registration forms,
Purchase Gym Uniforms Online & In Person
This year you will be able to purchase gym uniforms online as well as in person during gym class.

The official GCIT gym class uniform is the shirt and shorts at minimum. Here are all of the items available for purchase.

  • Gym Shirt $5.00
  • Gym Shorts $10.00
  • Gym Sweatpants $15.00
  • Gym Hoodie $25.00
  • Gym Sweatpants & Hoodie Combo $35.00
  • All four items above $50.00


The online store will be open from August 17-September 25.

To purchase online, click here.

Pickup of online orders begins first day of school from your gym teacher, during your gym class.

To purchase in-person, take your payment to your gym teacher beginning the first day of school. Cash will only be accepted if the order is under $20. Please make checks payable to GCIT.

*Please note: Online purchases include a small credit card convenience fee.
Buy GCIT Apparel & Gear Online
Buy Customized GCIT
Apparel & Gear Online!


Get $10 OFF your purchase or 50% OFF a custom t-shirt.  We are proud to introduce GCIT branded apparel and gear that you can customize and buy online! 


You can now design and personalize many products for GCIT Cheetah clubs, sports, classes, activities, staff, friends and family. Our logo is even included in the design!


For information, click here...

School Based Youth Services

Counseling Services 

SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.

Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.


Monday - Thursday 

8am - 7pm
8am - 3pm


Summer Hours

Monday - Friday

8am - 3pm

In addition, SBYS hosts many recreational and leadership trips during the school year.  For more information, visit or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 x2691.


The Branch 
The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.

Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions begin promptly at 3:30pm and end at 5:00pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.


Bystander Intervention
SBYS will continue to train GCIT students in Bystander Intervention.  This valuable program encourages youth to intervene in situations where harm may be caused to another person, while keeping themselves safe.  Personal safety and suicide prevention will also be discussed during the presentation. 
Parents & Students can Subscribe to
Teacher Class Pages
Parents & Students Can Receive Homework Alerts & Students Can Submit Assignments Online

Now students and parents can subscribe to teacher class pages on the GCIT web site and receive automated emails each day as teachers post assignments to their class pages.


This feature is known as the "Student Vault." The feature is only available for teachers who have created class pages on the GCIT site.

Parents can create an account and add their children's classes to their "My Classes" list. The parent account will customize the website and allow parents to see just the classes that they subscribe to and will also send assignment notifications to the email address associated with the account.


Students can create their own account with the added bonus of being able to submit assignments online should their teacher set the assignment up that way. In order to do this, students should print out their verification code that is generated during the registration process and bring it to one of their teachers for verification. This will then allow their account to submit assignments online to teachers that allow it.

Please see the documents below to help you in creating either a student or parent account.

Get Connected and Stay Connected to GCIT


In case of emergencies, GCIT uses a notification system called Power Announcement. Power Announcement allows GCIT to send messages using email, voice and text messaging. 


Now parents can enter and maintain their own contact information and communication preferences through PowerSchool. View the Power Announcement Instructions.


It is important that all parents/guardians log into PowerSchool and add/update their emergency contact information through Power Announcement as soon as possible.


Click to log into PowerSchool now...

PowerSchool is the online system you use to view your child's grades, report cards, progress reports, schedule and attendance. If you misplaced your PowerSchool login or do not have Internet access, please call the guidance office at 856-468-1445 x2519.
Social Media
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter @GCITCheetahs and @GCITAthletics 
Visit our website
GCIT operates under the direction of The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders and The Board of Education of the Special Services School District and The Vocational School District of the County of Gloucester
Gloucester County Institute of Technology
1360 Tanyard Road
Sewell, NJ 08080