Upcoming Events
3 | Junior Ring Breakfast | 3 | Sophomore Semi-Formal Dance 7pm | 7 | Home & School Assoc. Meeting 6:30pm | 7-9 | HSPA Testing (Seniors) | 9 | Open House 6-8pm | 14-16 | HSPA Makeup Testing (Seniors) | 15 | PSAT Testing | 19 | Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk 9am | 28 | Thespian Induction Ceremony 7pm |
3 |
Upperclassmen Picture Makeup's
| 4 |
Home & School Assoc. Meeting 6:30pm
| 12 |
Parent/Student Information Session 6pm
| 14 |
Seafood Fundraising Dinner 6pm
| 18-21 |
Drama Junior Class Performance 7pm
| 24 |
Powderpuff Football Game 6pm
Early Dismissals & School Closings
3 | 12:15pm Student Dismissal | 13 | School Closed | | |
5 |
School Closed- Teacher In-Service
| 6-7 |
School Closed
| 26 |
12:15pm Student Dismissal
| 27-28 |
School Closed
| | |
Target "Take Charge of Education"
SAT Test Dates
October 11, 2014
November 8, 2014
December 6, 2014
January 24, 2015
March 14, 2015
May 2, 2015
June 6, 2015
For registration information visit CollegeBoard.org |
What's on GCEN?
Visit their web site by clicking the logo above.
Receive automatic email notifications for schedule changes or to remind you about the start of an event.
Sign up now!
Click the logo above.
If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir and read alumni news. |
For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.
No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",
Annual Open House - October 9th
Come visit GCIT during our annual open house, Thursday, October 9, 2014 from 6:00-8:00pm.
This annual event provides an opportunity for parents, guardians, family members and the community to visit program areas and classrooms. Visitors will be able to see student demonstrations and projects.
Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk
October 19, 2014
GCIT, in partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and School Based Youth Services, is sponsoring the 5th Annual Southern New Jersey Suicide Awareness and Prevention Walk.
For more information, click here...
13th Annual GCIT Golf Classic
October 13, 2014
Calling all golfers! We are looking for golfers (of all playing levels) to play in our golf tournament which benefits our Career-Technical Student Organization. With your support, we are able to provide additional services to many of our programs. The registration fee includes lunch, golf and dinner. For questions, call Ms. Hand 856-468-1445 x2510.
Click here for more information and the registration form.
Yankee Candle Fundraiser
Through October 20, 2014
Please support student activities at GCIT by purchasing from the Yankee Candle Fundraiser. This is an opportunity for students to defray the costs of trips, proms and yearbooks.
For more information, click here...
Fundraising Night at 5 Guy's Burgers and Fries, Deptford
The GCIT Robotics Team will be hosting two fundraising nights. Please come out support them and a percentage of the sales will go to the team. The dates are Thursday, October 16, 2014 and Thursday, November 20, 2014. Take a big bite to support the future of Robotics at GCIT!
Entertainment Book Sale
Through December 1, 2014
GCIT students will be selling Entertainment Books to raise money to support our students competing within their career technical student organizations (DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, HOSA and SkillsUSA). The cost of the book is $30.00. Please make checks payable to GCIT.
All-Day Scrapbooking Event
November 1, 2014
Join us for an All-Day Scrapbooking Event at GCIT! This is our 2nd Annual Fall Scrapbooking Event which will be held from 9am - 7pm. The cost is $35.00 and you get your own personal table, 3 meals, snacks, drinks and time to enjoy with friends!
We are also seeking vendors for this event. If you sell scrapbooking supplies or other items, come and join us. Please sign up as seats are already taken and we will sell out for this event! Proceeds benefit GCIT Home & School Association. Click here for more information and forms.
Seafood Fest Fundraiser November 14, 2014
GCIT, in conjunction with School Based Youth Services, will once again be hosting a fundraising dinner that will benefit GCIT Career-Technical Student Organizations and School Based Youth Services endeavors. Doors open at 5:30pm and dinner begins at 6:30pm.
The evening will include a complete sit-down dinner, basket auction and entertainment. We are currently accepting donations of goods and baskets for the basket auction. Tickets are $35.00 each and may be paid by check payable to GCIT. Tickets are available in the 100-wing main office. For more information, click here...
Allied Health News
HOSA Fall Leadership Conference GCIT HOSA Officers along with HOSA Advisor, Mrs. Goff, will attend the New Jersey HOSA Fall Leadership Conference. This conference will give students the chance to network with other HOSA leaders from around the state. During the conference they will have the opportunity to attend various leadership workshops and medical based workshops, as well as hear from the keynote speaker. This conference provides students with the opportunity to learn new skills and build self-confidence in order to better serve their community as proud HOSA members and leaders, in addition to sharing their knowledge with other HOSA members throughout the state of New Jersey. Student Highlight
Junior, Academy of Allied Health & Medical Science student, Bryce DuBois was one of only four students selected in the United States to attend Purdue University in Indiana. While at Purdue, he took part in a three-day animal science workshop covering important aspects of animal science including healthcare and genetics. He received the Doc Reed Memorial Scholarship to cover his flight, room and board. We are sure this experience will help him in his future career. Congratulations, Bryce!
Robotics Team 3151
Success Won't Wait Book Drive
The GCIT Robotics Team will be collecting books for both adults and children to benefit Success Won't Wait, a non-profit group that focuses on increasing literacy.
All types of books will be collected, with the exception of textbooks, manuals or encyclopedias. The Robotics Team will collect books through October 16, 2014. Collection boxes will be placed in main offices and reception areas. Larger quantities of books may be dropped off and labeled "Robotics Team/Mrs. Belding". Answers to questions or assistance unloading books can be arranged by contacting Mrs. Belding at sbelding@gcecnj.org.
2014-2015 Competitions
Duel on the Delaware
October 18, 2014 at Salem Community College
8:00am to 5:00pm
Free admissions
Ramp Riot
November 1, 2014 at Wissahickon High School (Ambler, PA)
8:00am to 5:00pm
Free admissions
Come out and support GCIT's Robotics Team.
Potluck Dinner
October 7, 2014 from 6:00-8:00pm
Meet and mingle over meat! This night is for current Robotics members and their families.
Join the Team!
The Team meets every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00-4:00pm. We welcome everyone to stop by room 250 (Mrs. Belding's classroom) to see the team at work as we improve upon our competition robot and get ready for two exciting competitions this fall.
Fundraising Nights
5 Guy's Burgers and Fries in Deptford
Thursday, October 16, 2014 and
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Take a big bite to support the future of Robotics at GCIT!
General School Announcements
Pay for Student Breakfast & Lunch Online
We are excited to announce that GCIT now offers My School Bucks, a payment service over the Internet for school breakfast and lunch.
MySchoolBucks.com offers a secure online payment portal that accepts VISA and MasterCard as a means of adding money to your child's meal account. Credit or debit cards can also be used. To get started, all you need is a computer, Internet access and an email account.
Free & Reduced Lunch ApplicationThe application for high school students in the Gloucester County Vocational-Technical School District is now available.
You can apply anytime during the school year. Please return the completed application to the cafeteria staff or mail the completed application to the school to the attention of Mr. Bruce DeMerice.
For more information and the application, click here...
Admissions Information
| Parent/Student Information Sessions
The Admissions Department will hold three Parent/Student Information Sessions. We will open our doors for you to learn about our programs, meet our staff and explore our state-of-the-art facilities.
Explore your options at our Information Sessions:
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Sessions begin at 6:00pm on week nights and 10:00am on Saturday.
Online Application
"Show Us Your Grades" Program
GCIT is once again participating in the Jack Frost/Big Boulder Show us your Grades Program. Any student who earns Principal's List or Honor Roll for the first marking period will receive a FREE Snow Pass to JFBB. This ticket may be used anytime during the 2014-15 season. The Snow Pass has a value of up to $45.
Tickets will be distributed to students once we receive them from Jack Frost. For more information, please contact a School Based Youth Services staff member.
Athletics News
Please follow @GCITAthletics on Twitter to get GCIT sports updates and news.
GCIT Apparel & Gear
| Buy Customized GCIT Apparel & Gear Online!
Get $10 OFF your purchase or 50% OFF a custom t-shirt. We are proud to introduce GCIT branded apparel and gear that you can customize and buy online! You can now design and personalize many products for GCIT Cheetah clubs, sports, classes, activities, staff, friends and family. Our logo is even included in the design! For information, click here... |
School Based Youth Services
Seafood Fest Fundraiser November 14, 2014
GCIT, in conjunction with School Based Youth Services, will once again be hosting a fundraising dinner that will benefit GCIT Career-Technical Student Organizations and School Based Youth Services endeavors. Doors open at 5:30pm and dinner begins at 6:30pm.
The evening will include a complete sit-down dinner, basket auction and entertainment. We are currently accepting donations of goods and baskets for the basket auction. Tickets are $35.00 each and may be paid by check payable to GCIT. Tickets are available in the 100-wing main office. For more information, click here...
Counseling Services
SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.
Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.
8am - 7pm Friday 8am - 3pm
Summer Hours
Monday - Friday
8am - 3pm
In addition, SBYS hosts many recreational and leadership trips during the school year. For more information, visit www.gcit.org/sbys or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 x2691.
The Branch The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.
Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions begin promptly at 3:30pm and end at 5:00pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.
Bystander Intervention
SBYS will continue to train GCIT students in Bystander Intervention. This valuable program encourages youth to intervene in situations where harm may be caused to another person, while keeping themselves safe. Personal safety and suicide prevention will also be discussed during the presentation.
Parents & Students Can Subscribe to
Teacher Class Pages
| Parents & Students Can Receive Homework Alerts & Students Can Submit Assignments Online
Now students and parents can subscribe to teacher class pages on the GCIT web site and receive automated emails each day as teachers post assignments to their class pages.
This feature is known as the "Student Vault." The feature is only available for teachers who have created class pages on the GCIT site.
Parents can create an  account and add their children's classes to their "My Classes" list. The parent account will customize the website and allow parents to see just the classes that they subscribe to and will also send assignment notifications to the email address associated with the account.
Students can create their own account with the added bonus of being able to submit assignments online should their teacher set the assignment up that way. In order to do this, students should print out their verification code that is generated during the registration process and bring it to one of their teachers for verification. This will then allow their account to submit assignments online to teachers that allow it.
Please see the documents below to help you in creating either a student or parent account.
Get Connected and Stay Connected to GCIT
In case of emergencies, GCIT uses a notification system called Power Announcement. Power Announcement allows GCIT to send messages using email, voice and text messaging.
Now parents can enter and maintain their own contact information and communication preferences through PowerSchool. View the Power Announcement Instructions.
It is important that all parents/guardians log into PowerSchool and add/update their emergency contact information through Power Announcement as soon as possible.
Click to log into PowerSchool now...
PowerSchool is the online system you use to view your child's grades, report cards, progress reports, schedule and attendance. If you misplaced your PowerSchool login or do not have Internet access, please call the guidance office at 856-468-1445 x2519.
Social Media