Upcoming Events
8-12 |
School Musical
7pm | 14 |
Home & School
Association Meeting 6pm |
15 |
End of 3rd Marking Period | 23-24 |
Dancing with the Teachers 7pm | 25 | Powderpuff Football Game 6pm | 28-30 | Sophomore Drama One Act Play Festival 7pm |
1-2 | Sophomore Drama One Act Play Festival 7pm | 2 |
Junior Prom 7pm | 6-9 |
Dance Performance Guest Artist Concert 7pm | 12 |
Home & School
Association Meeting 6pm | 13-16 | Freshman Drama Performance 7pm | 15-17 |
Junior Trip | 20 | Sports Banquet 6pm | 21-22 | Dance Performance- Senior Pieces 7pm | 27 | CTSO Ceremony 6pm | 28 | Drama Film Premiere 7pm | 30 | Senior Prom 7pm |
5 | Drama Academy Awards 6pm | 6-11 | Senior Trip | 9 |
Home & School
Association Meeting 6pm | 16 | Senior Year Option Certificate Ceremony 6pm | 20 | Graduation 6pm |
Early Dismissals
& School Closings
18 & 21
12:15pm Dismissal
School Closed
Spring Break |
2 |
Student Dismissal |
23 |
Student Dismissal |
26 | School Closed |
30 |
Student Dismissal |
18-19 | 12:15pm Student Dismissal | 20 | 12:15pm Student Dismissal |
Target "Take Charge of Education"
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Click the logo above.
If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir, and read alumni news. |
For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the
GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.
No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",
Go Green

Help Support
our Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's) with our new
Go Green fundraiser.
You can save money on your electric bill and make a difference in the environment while
helping GCIT to raise funds for our CTSO's.
GCIT will receive $2 for every customer that signs up and $2 per month as long as they are a customer.
For more information, click here. |
FCCLA Students Win 36 Gold Medals at Leadership Conference |
GCIT's FCCLA students won 36 gold medals and 17 silver medals at the Leadership Conference in March. In addition, GCIT students were awarded $50,000.00 in scholarship money in a variety of career oriented competitive events.
Superintendent Mike Dicken was also recognized for his support of FCCLA students with FCCLA's superintendent of the year award.
Fifty-three GCIT FCCLA students competed at the 67th annual FCCLA Leadership Conference in Cherry Hill on Thursday and Friday, March 20-21, 2014.
To read more...click here. |
Athletics News |
Two Athletes Hit 1,000-Point Milestone in Basketball
Sean Gahagan and Taylor Favinger each reached 1,000 points in their high school career at GCIT. Both were featured in a South Jersey Times article. To read the article, click here...
Christopher Miller Named South Jersey Times Swim Coach of the Year
Congratulations to coach Miller for earning Swim Coach of the Year. 
"The Gloucester County Institute of Technology girls swim team met all of its goals this year, while the boys team exceeded theirs.
The Cheetah girls beat every other team on their regular season schedule except for Tri-County Conference juggernaut Clearview, qualified for the playoffs with a higher seed than last year, finished higher at the county and conference meets and repeated as the state technical school champions." To read more from the South Jersey Times article, click here... Carla Hansen Named SJ Times Bowler of the Year Girls Bowling Team Wins 1st Ever Conference Title Congratulations to Freshman Carla Hansen as she was named the South Jersey Times Female Bowler of the Year!
Also, the girls bowling team won the Olympic Conference National Division title. This is the 1st ever conference championship in Girls Bowling history at GCIT!
Sports Information Session for Incoming Freshmen June 11, 2014 at 6:00pm
The Athletic Department will be hosting a Sports Information Session for any incoming freshmen interested in playing a GCIT sport for the 2014-2015 school year. View the Flyer. |
General School Announcements |
Revised Calendar for GCIT
Superintendent Michael C. Dicken released the revised calendar for the school year.
Please take note of the following revised important dates:
- Tuesday April 22: All students and staff will report to school at the regular reporting time
- School was originally scheduled to be closed on this day.
- Friday June 20: Last day for GCIT students and Graduation
To read the full message, click here...
Riversharks Shining Student Program
School Based Youth Services is sponsoring
the Riversharks Shining Student Program.
All students who achieve honor roll for
the third marking period will be
eligible to receive a free ticket voucher to the Saturday, May 10, 2014 Riversharks game. Students will pick up their voucher in school and exchange that voucher at the ticket window at the stadium the night of the game.
Dancing with the Teachers Returns April 23rd & 24th GCIT's 3rd Annual Dancing with the Teachers will be April 23 and 24, 2014. Tickets are $6.
Pay for Student Breakfast & Lunch OnlineWe are excited to announce that Gloucester County Institute of Technology now offers My School Bucks, a payment service over the Internet for school breakfast and lunch. MySchoolBucks.com offers a secure online payment portal that accepts VISA and MasterCard as a means of adding money to your child's meal account. Credit or debit cards can also be used. To get started, all you need is a computer, Internet access, and an email account.
Attention All Seniors with Parking Passes For your safety, please adhere to the following requirements:
- Always use the crosswalks in the parking lot
- Stop for pedestrians in the crosswalks and drive slowly
A violation of any of the above may result in suspended, or loss of, driving privileges. |
GCIT duo make national auto-repair competition |
Just call them the Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson of auto repair.
Gloucester County Institute of Technology students Jimmy Wiest and David Andrews fix cars as if they were solving a mystery.
"If a customer complains
| Picture courtesy Courier-Post |
that their brakes are squeaking, it is a mystery," said Wiest, an East Greenwich resident.
"It could be a million things," chimed in Andrews, a Williamstown native.
The challenge is what pushes these future car technicians, who used their diagnostic skills to come out on top at the Greater Philadelphia Automotive Technology Competition in February.
The winning duo now have their sights set on the national competition. Approximately 30 teams from around the country will participate in the event April 22 and 23 in New York City.
Click here to read the rest of the article from the Courier-Post... |
"I Hear GCIT Singing" In Mrs. Williams' Class |
Listen up! The students, or should we say poets, in Mrs. Williams' American Literature classes were busy writing poems this month. They studied several of Walt Whitman's well-known poems, including "I Hear America Singing". In his poem, Whitman celebrates the spirit and diversity of turn of the century American citizens merrily at work.
After exploring the various techniques of writing "catalog" poems, students worked individually and in groups to create their own free verse poetry. Applying the literary techniques of anaphora and rhythm, many of the students produced poems highlighting the "varied carols" heard on the GCIT campus. We sing their praises here for exhibiting not only outstanding talent, but school spirit and pride as well.
To read a sampling of the students' poems, please click the link to Mrs. Williams' blog www.slwilliams.edublogs.org. |
Allied Health News |
Congratulations to our HOSA students who competed in the HOSA State Leadership Conference.
- 1st place in the Medical Photography Event was Caitlin Ross
- 3rd place in the Pharmacology Knowledge Test was Jaci Conroy
- 5th place in the Public Service Announcement event was the team of Brandi Chester, Tricia Gregory, Brandon Jones, Zachary McDonald, Marissa Moore, and Alyssa Ungrue.
Caitlin Ross will be traveling to the HOSA National Leadership Conference which will be held in Orlando, Florida in June.
Congratulations to Sara Mae Medalla, who had a very successful year as the Southern Regional Vice-President Representative of the HOSA State Officers Executive Committee.
In April, Allied Health students will be participating in several structured learning experiences. The freshman class will be going to Nova Care Rehabilitation center where they will be learning about occupational and physical therapy techniques used to help patients recover from their injuries. The sophomore class will be visiting the Mutter Museum where they will see various medical oddities, anatomical and pathological specimens, wax models, and antique medical equipment. The junior class will be visiting Cooper Hospital's Trauma Center where they will be shown what occurs when a trauma patient arrives for treatment.
Students are also preparing to team up with the Cosmetology classes in honoring our War Vets this April. We are proud to show them how much we respect what they have done to help keep us all safe and free. |
Academy of IT/DC Freshmen Pass
2nd Computer Certification Exam
Congratulations again to all of the 9th grade students in the Academy of Information Technology & Digital Communications for passing their second computer certification exam.
The students passed their second of three IC3 exams, Living Online. The test covers skills for
working in an Internet or networked environment and maximizing your communication, education, collaboration and social interaction in a safe and ethical way.
In June, they will take the third and final exam, Key Applications. After they pass all three exams, students will be IC3 certified and have the opportunity to use that computer literacy certification for college credit.
Performing Arts Student Olivia Dinter Featured in South Jersey Times | Being comfortable on stage has never been an issue for Gloucester County Institute of Technology freshman Olivia Dinter, who has been performing in singing competitions and musicals since the age of 11. The Broadway hopeful from Washington Township would like to grace the stage in the near future.
Please click here to read her full story in the South Jersey Times. |
"Hair Through History" Show A Success | The Cosmetology Department's "Hair Through History" event on February 21st was a huge success. The evening was filled with hairstyles, costumes, and music from various eras, spanning the Renaissance to modern day.
To read more and to see more photos, click here... |
Thespian Troupe 5480 | On March 15 & 16, 2014, GCIT's Thespian Troupe 5480 competed at Kean University in the NJ State Thespian Competition. Students from across New Jersey competed in the areas of acting, technical theatre, design, and musical theatre. To see the list of winners please click here... |
School Based Youth Services
SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.
Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.
8am - 7pm Friday 8am - 3pm
In addition, SBYS hosts many recreational and leadership trips during the school year. For more information, visit www.gcit.org/sbys or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 X 2691.
The Branch The Branch is a teen drop-in group held every Thursday at GCIT when school is in session. It is open to all Gloucester County high school teenagers. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders with adult staff present.
Topics of discussion include communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education, stress reduction, and more. The group meets in the Media Center, 2nd floor, 200 wing. Sessions begin promptly at 3:30pm and end at 5:00pm. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.
Bystander Intervention
SBYS will continue to train GCIT students in Bystander Intervention. This valuable program encourages youth to intervene in situations where harm may be caused to another person, while keeping themselves safe. Personal safety and suicide prevention will also be discussed during the presentation.
Parents & Students Can Subscribe to
Teacher Class Pages | Parents & Students Can Receive Homework Alerts & Students Can Submit Assignments Online
Now students and parents can subscribe to teacher class pages on the GCIT web site and receive automated emails each day as teachers post assignments to their class pages.
This feature is known as the "Student Vault." The feature is only available for teachers who have created class pages on the GCIT site.
Parents can create an  account and add their children's classes to their "My Classes" list. The parent account will customize the website and allow parents to see just the classes that they subscribe to and will also send assignment notifications to the email address associated with the account.
Students can create their own account with the added bonus of being able to submit assignments online should their teacher set the assignment up that way. In order to do this, students should print out their verification code that is generated during the registration process and bring it to one of their teachers for verification. This will then allow their account to submit assignments online to teachers that allow it.
Please see the documents below to help you in creating either a student or parent account.
Bottom Dollar Fundraiser
Help Us Earn Educational Equipment
We are participating in the Bottom Dollar Food Classroom Connections Program. This program is designed to help us earn much needed educational equipment for our school. This equipment will be used by our students to further enhance their education and we need your help!
Thank you in advance for your help and support.
Get Connected and Stay Connected to GCIT
In case of emergencies, GCIT uses a notification system called Power Announcement. Power Announcement allows GCIT to send messages using email, voice, and text messaging.
Now parents can enter and maintain their own contact information and communication preferences through PowerSchool. View the Power Announcement Instructions.
It is important that all parents/guardians log into PowerSchool and add/update their emergency contact information through Power Announcement as soon as possible.
Click to log into PowerSchool now...
PowerSchool is the online system you use to view your child's grades, report cards, progress reports, schedule, and attendance. If you misplaced your PowerSchool login or do not have Internet access, please call the guidance office at 856-468-1445 X 2103.
Class Pages
Many of our teachers utilize a class page to post homework assignments, handouts, class calendar, and more. You can create a parent account on our website and add your child's classes to your list. You will receive an email when teachers post assignments, including due dates.
Social Media