New Cheetah LogoGloucester County
Institute of Technology

newsletter 3

December-January 2012-2013


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In This Issue
General Announcements
School-Wide Musical Auditions
Yearbook Ads
Subscribe to Teacher Pages
Admissions Information
New Image Salon
Cupcake Challenge Wins Gold
Wanlass Wins Leadership Award
Alumni News
School Based Youth Services
Upcoming Events




4-7      "Women of
           Lockerbie" Junior
           Drama Performance 


7        Freshman Semi-
          Formal Dance 7:00pm


10       Home & School 
          Association Meeting 


13      Information Session
         for 8th Graders





5        Information Session
          for 8th Graders


10      Home & School
         Association Meeting


15-18  Drama Senior Class
          Performance 7:00pm


30-31  1st Semester Final
Early Dismissals
 & School Closings




7      12:15pm

        Student Dismissal


21     12:15pm

        Student Dismissal 


24-31 School Closed




1       School Closed


21      School Closed


30-31 12:15pm

         Student Dismissal


 Printable School Calendar
Quick Links 

Target Fundraiser

target Fundraiser

SAT Banner
SAT Test Dates  


January 26, 2013

March 9, 2013

May 4, 2013

June 1, 2013 



For registration information,
visit CollegeBoard



Photo Album Ad 3
 What's on GCEN?
 Visit their web site by clicking the logo above.
 View the GCEN programming schedule by clicking here...
Athletic Schedules Ad 2 
 Game Alerts:


Receive automatic email notifications for schedule changes or to remind you about the start of an event.


Sign up now!
 Click the logo above.

Alumni Ad 
 If you are an alumnus of GCIT, click the logo above to register. You can search the alumni directory, post a memoir, and read alumni news.
Guidance News Ad
For up-to-date Guidance Department news and scholarship information, visit our Guidance News section on the
GCIT web site.
Click on the logo above.

No Child Left Behind
To read "Benefits of NCLB for You and Your Children",

Go Green



 Go Green Viridian Logo


Help Support

 our Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's) with our new

Go Green fundraiser. 


You can save money on your electric bill and make a difference in the environment while

helping GCIT to raise funds for our CTSO's.


 GCIT will receive $2 for every customer that signs up and $2 per month as long as they are a customer.


For more information, 
click here.

General Announcements

SkiingShow Us Your Grades

SBYS, in conjunction with Jack Frost/Big Boulder ski areas, will once again participate in Show Us Your Grades. Any GCIT student who earned all A's and B's in the first marking period will be eligible to receive a free Snow Pass lift ticket voucher for use during the 2012-2013 ski/snowboard season. Passes will be distributed after they have been received from JF/BB and report cards have been issued.


Secret Santa Boutique

School Based Youth Services will be hosting a Secret Santa Boutique in December. Any student who would like to pick out a gift for a family member or loved one may do so at no cost in the privacy of the workshop. Announcements will be made in December to schedule appointments to visit the workshop. For more information, please contact a SBYS counselor.

All Shook Up - School-Wide Musical

All Shook UpThe theater department will conduct open auditions for the GCIT School-Wide musical "All Shook Up," a fun rock musical based on the music of Elvis Presley.


Audition dates:

December 10 & 13, 2012 @ 2:30pm.

Auditions will be held in the dance studio and room 512.


Call-backs will be held on December 17, 2012 at 2:30pm. GCIT students from ALL programs and ALL grade levels are encouraged to audition. For more details of the musical and character descriptions, click here. You can also visit the School-Wide Musical page for more information and an audition form or contact Kimberly Palomo, Producer/Director at

Five Guys Five Guys Burgers and Fries 

The GCIT Robotics team is hosting a Family Night fundraiser at Five Guys Burgers and Fries in Deptford on Thursday, Decemeber 13, 2012 from 5:00-8:00pm.  Please come out and support our Robotics Team!

 GCIT Hoodie


Cheetah Spirit Wear

GCIT Cheetah spirit wear is now available. Help support athletics by purchasing hoodies, t-shirts, polo shirts and other Cheetah merchandise. The Cheetah spirit wear is available at Cross Brothers Apparel, click here to visit their site...



Red RibbonBuy a Red Ribbon for Sandy victims 

NHS and Student Council will be fundraising to help victims of Hurricane Sandy by selling red ribbons for $1 per ribbon during 5th and 6th period lunches. Sales will run from December 3 - 20, 2012.




Barnes & Noble Bookfair

Barnes and Noble 

The GCIT English Department is hosting a bookfair at the Deptford Barnes & Noble on Monday, December 10, 2012 to benefit the Student Activities Fund. 


Additionally, any purchases made online from December 10-15, 2012 will also support our school.

For more details, flyer with voucher, and online bookfair id

click here...

Yearbook Ads for Senior Students
Straight from the heart and into the yearbook! Our staff is offering the opportunity to "personalize" the yearbook in a very special way with a senior recognition ad. Space is available to tell your student how proud you are! Your ad provides a great way to recognize a student in a unique way.


All forms must be completed and returned to Mrs. Wilson by December 14, 2012.

To buy a yearbook, click here...
Subscribe to Teacher Class Pages
Receive Homework Alerts & Submit Assignments Online


Now students and parents alike can subscribe to teacher class pages on the GCIT web site and receive automated emails each day as teachers post assignments to their webpages.


This feature is known as the "Student Vault."  The feature is currently only available for teachers who have created class pages on the GCIT site.
Parents can create an account and add their children's classes to their "My Classes."  This account will customize the website and allow parents to see just the classes that they subscribe to and will also send assignment notifications to the email address associated with the account. 


Students can create their own account with the added bonus of being able to submit assignments online should their teacher set the assignment up that way. In order to do this, students should print out their verification code that is generated during the registration process and bring it to one of their teachers for verification. This will then allow their account to submit assignments online to teachers that allow it.
Please see the documents below to help you in creating either a student or parent account.

Admissions Information
Parent / Student Information Sessions
The Admissions Department will hold two more Parent/Student Information Sessions. We will open our doors for you to learn about our programs, meet our staff, and explore our state-of-the-art facilities.


Explore your options at our Information Sessions:
Thursday, December 13, 2012 at 6:00pm
Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 10:00am
Applications are due by January 15, 2013
New Image Salon

Cosmo PicThe New Image Salon at GCIT is open for business. Please stop in and support the Cosmetology program and see our students in action.


The clinical experience is a required part of each student's education and since we are a public, non-profit, regional county/state supported school district, the costs for the services are minimal and less than at salons and barber shops. 


The New Image Salon will be open Monday-Thursday from 11:30am - 1:00pm.


To see the services available, please click here. To schedule an appointment, call 856-468-1445, x2875 (CURL).

Cupcake Challenge Wins Gold

FCCLA cupcake winners 2012

On Monday, November 19, 2012 students Hope Taylor, Amy Maccaroni, and Megan Agren attended the NJ Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America's (FCCLA) Fall Leadership Connection at the Pines Manor in Edison, NJ.  They competed in a statewide competitive event, the Cupcake Challenge!

The team received a 2nd place gold medal in their category for their outstanding efforts and creativity.

To read the full story, please click here...
Widener University's High School
Leadership Award

Matt Walnass

Matthew Walnass, junior in the Academy of Finance and Business Management, was awarded the Widener University and NBC10's High School Leadership Award for his contributions to his school and community.


To read more, please click here...

Alumni News
Alumni Photo 2012
Electrical Construction Grads Honored

Previous graduates of GCIT's Electrical Construction class were honored as new Journeymen Wireman for IBEW Local 351 at Bally's in Atlantic City Saturday, October 20, 2012.

Congratulations to Andrew Skinner (2007), Brian Mathieson (2006), and Steve Wendt (2006). Since 1995, twenty-five GCIT Electrical Construction students have graduated from Local IBEW 351's Apprenticeship Program with an average yearly income of wages and benefits at approximately $95,000 dollars!
School Based Youth Services

SBYS is a counseling agency set up in GCIT. Counselors are on staff to assist with any issue that someone might want to explore in the confidence of a trained professional.

Services are open to Gloucester County high school students.



Monday - Thursday
8am - 7pm
8am - 3pm


For more information, visit the SBYS web page or call Kim Glazer, Director of SBYS, at 856-468-1445 X 2691.


Teen Support Group

SBYS is hosting a support group for teens who are concerned about someone else's substance use. This group is open to all Gloucester County high school students, meeting every Monday when school is in session.


The group takes place from 3:15 - 4:15pm in the SBYS conference room in the 100-wing of GCIT. Please contact a SBYS counselor for more information.


The Branch

The Branch is a weekly drop in group which is open to all Gloucester County high school students. The group is for teens, facilitated by trained teen leaders. Adult staff is always present. Topics of discussion range from communication skills, enhancing self-esteem, drug and alcohol education and more.


The group meets on Thursdays when school is in session in the GCIT Media Center, beginning promptly at 3:30 and ending at 5:00pm. For more information please contact a SBYS counselor.  

GCIT operates under the direction of The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders and The Board of Education of the Special Services School District and The Vocational School District of the County of Gloucester
Gloucester County Institute of Technology
1360 Tanyard Road
Sewell, NJ 08080