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April 28, 2013








This week FFCC loaded another 40-foot shipping container with non-perishable meals packaged with love by our community to send to those in need in Tanzania Africa.  In addition to the food, we were able to include donated computers for a primary school in the bush of Tanzania and bicycles for teachers to use for transportation.  To date, our community has sent 4.6 million meals to Tanzania Africa.  AMAZING! If you would like to sponsor an event this summer, we would love to talk to you.  It's just 25 cents a meal!  Contact Phil Harris (philffcc@san.rr.com) or Tina Socha (tina.socha@san.rr.com) for more information.







"Washing the feet of the homeless," Phil calmly said in reply.  "But Phil, my students are 13! They get grossed out washing dishes."  I underestimated my students.  Wanting to get involved in raising money for a worthwhile cause, my students are now feverishly bringing in coins and bills to help support FFCC's new outreach of washing the feet of the homeless. 

On Saturday, April 13 I joined FFCC's inaugural group at the downtown Salvation Army.  I met and washed the feet of Heather and Sylvia, two women who allowed me into their lives sharing stories of their family, their very normal past, and their life today.  Heather is a grandmother living on the street
with her husband who considers it her responsibility to care for the younger
ones who find themselves on the street. Sylvia loved high school and now, at age 29, has three young sons, ages 1, 2, and 3.  With her mom sitting to her
right, Sylvia happily cried out, "Mom, I don't think my feet have ever felt
this soft!" 

Now several of my students want to join - want to make a difference in the life of another - some by raising money and some by joining us in May to wash more feet and make more connections.  Never underestimate God's mysterious ways.  And never underestimate a determined group of eighth graders!


Eighth grade teacher





    Haiti Team #15 has been in Haiti all week and is just now heading home.  Here is one of the updates from late in the week describing what they've accomplished:

    Today was the first day running two simultaneous clinics. Dr. Eunice, Pam, Diane, Melissa & Phil traveled down a riverbed & up into the hills of Que Ignes. They set up shop on the property of a pastor there and treated over 50 patients. Dr. Eunice had treated some very sick patients at this location last November. She got to see some of them again today and was thrilled to see that their different issues had all resolved. One hiccup in their day- a bag medical equipment that they needed was left at clinic 1. But there is nothing like being in a place like Haiti to inspire ingenuity. J

    Clinic 2 also had a good day. Our medical team saw 124 patients & gave out 42 pair of eyeglasses. Grace, a senior at Poway High School who is going to nursing school next year, was having the time of her life as she worked alongside KJ, a seasoned nurse. It was fun to see how much she was learning and how much fun she was having doing it.

    Norma met with our prospective 2014 Ayaiti Academy students this afternoon. She is gathering all their information so we can share with all of you back home about these phenomenal Haitian young people who would love an opportunity to be sponsored so as to pursue their dreams with higher education.

    We finished with the clinic and many of us walked back to Shepherd's House. It is a nice evening and the landscape around us is quite beautiful. Nothing like a good walk and fun conversation to end the day.

    We had dinner, took showers, had a team meeting and now we're ready for bed before we start again.

    Tomorrow a different group will travel to Que Ignes for clinic 2. Stay tune for more adventures tomorrow.

    Good night,
    your Haiti team



In This Issue
Another 300,000 Meals!
Oaks Valley Cares!
Haiti Team Update!
Any food can find
You make a difference!
Thank you so much for your gifts of time, talent, and financial support!
Quick Links

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Upcoming Events at a Glance  


Haiti Team #15 Haiti bound! (Medical Team)                                           April 19 - 28

Senior Outreach (SD Salvation Army, 825 7th Ave. SD 92101)                April 23  9:00 am

Homeless Outreach (SD Salvation Army, 825 7th Ave SD 92101)            May 6   6:00 pm

June Tanzania Team Meeting                                                                      May 7   6:30 pm

Haiti Team #15 Reunion Potluck (Everyone is welcome!)                         May 19  5:00 pm

Oak Valley Middle School Homeless Event (private)                                May 25

Senior Outreach (SD Salvation Army, 825 7th Ave SD 92101)                  May 28  9:00 am

Del Norte High School, KIN Club food packaging event (private)           May 31  


**For information on any of these events, contact Tina Socha at tina.socha@san.rr.com**




Haiti Trip #15 April 2013 (Medical Focus)                          April 19-28, 2013

Tanzania Trip #16 June/July 2013                                     June 17- July 4, 2013

Haiti Trip #16 November 2013                                          November 1-November 9, 2013


For information regarding traveling with FFCC, please contact Tina Socha at tina.socha@san.rr.com




Contact Information
FFCC Director
Phil Harris
Friends & Family Community Connection
12463 Rancho Bernardo Road, PMB 158
San Diego, California  92128
Nonprofit 501(c)3, Federal Tax Identification 75-3057954