Any food can find
December 16, 2010
Dear   ,
 Hadzabi Kids 


A few facts about malnutrition in Tanzania to emphasize why our packaging events are so important:


Over the past decade, more than 600,000 children aged five and younger are estimated to have died as a result of malnutrition in Tanzania. This year another, 43,000 children will die prematurely because they lack the proper nutrients in their diet.


 Tanzania has about 2.4 million malnourished children, making it the third worst affected country in Africa. Malnutrition cause death, but rarely because children starve. Children are dying needlessly because their diets lack basic nutrients to build strong immune systems to stay healthy.  When such children fall sick with diarrhea, malaria or pneumonia they are more likely to die.


Additionally, 19% of women in the 15-19 age range are severely malnourished, and 58% of pregnant women in Tanzania are anemic.  Maternal malnourishment can lead to:


.        Increased risk of fetal, neo-natal, and infant death


.        Intra-uterine growth restriction, low birth weight, and



.        Birth defects


.        Cretinism


.        Brain damage


.        Increased rate of infection


.        Increased risk of Mother-To-Child-Transmission (MOCT) of HIV


Your financial donations are making a difference.  To date, FFCC has shipped and distributed 2.7 million meals to Tanzania, Africa and 1,000,000 to Haiti, and distributed over 600,000 meals to individuals in San Diego County.  Please consider an end-of-the-year donation that will assist in purchasing the bulk food items needed for a 1/2 million meal Food Packaging Event in March of 2011.  Your donation of $20.00 provides 80 meals for individuals locally and globally. 


Thank you for partnering with us.


 countdown2Thank You! 

FFCC received this thank-you from the folks heading up the packaging event at the Celebration Center in San Diego:


Dear FFCC,   

The Celebration Center in San Diego can't thank you enough for all you did to get us through our first packaging event.  We packaged 82,728 meals on Saturday!  A great first event.   We delivered 

four pallets (47,520 meals) to Father Joe's Village/St. Vincent DePaul this morning and they were thrilled to have the food.  Another pallet with 11,448 meals stayed at the Celebration Center and will be delivered, a few boxes at a time, to the Monarch School which feeds and schools homeless children in downtown San Diego.  You [FFCC] have the remaining two pallets (23,760 meals), which we expect to go on the next shipment to Africa.      

Much love and a wish for the most blessed Christmas to all of you. We are SO looking forward to many more opportunities to work together in 2011!

Paul and Tricia



It was a delight to partner with the Celebration Center and support their vision for hosting and executing their first packaging event. Outstanding job.  If you would like to purchase the bulk food ingredients and  host an event at your location please contact Phil at philffcc@san.rr.com  to discuss how to make it happen. 


Haiti Feb 10 a Haiti Trip Update!


Given the current state of events in Haiti, and after   lengthy discussions with our Haitian contacts in Port au Prince, Carrefour and Gressier, including the Minister of Health, as well as with the FFCC  Haiti Leadership  Team (Joel and Eunice Mata, and Melissa Betschel) we have made the decision to reschedule the January  Medical  Trip  to April .   


There has been a rash of riots and outbreaks throughout Haiti due to the upcoming elections in January.  Our team of 31 doctors, nurses and community volunteers have  invested much time in the raising of funds, the design and building of the mobile clinic in Kabwa, and  the collecting, sorting and packing of medical supplies.  The good news is that none of this work is lost.  All of the Team's effort will be rechanneled into our April trip.  Our first trip will be April 1st - 10th, to build an orphanage and install water kits.  Our second trip will be April 10th - 16th, to provide medical care for the Haitians in Kabwa.  If you are interested in traveling with FFCC, contact Phil at philffcc@san.rr.com .


I am so disappointed that we are having to reschedule, but I would be more disappointed to find ourselves in a situation that would put our team at risk.  Thank you for your understanding and working this through with us.


pointone filter 
Give Clean Water for Christmas!

A great idea for a Christmas gift this season that can really change peoples' lives and save lives:  A $75 water filtration system that can provide clean, safe drinking water for a family in Haiti or Tanzania -- for a lifetime! 


 Who knew??!


The key to this amazingly simple system is a high-tech filter manufactured with the same technology used in kidney dialysis systems.  The 0.1 micron filter can eliminate virtually all bacteria and cysts (including cholera) from the water, and filter over one million gallons, about a lifetime's worth of drinking water.


If you or your family would like to purchase one or more of these systems to donate to families in Haiti, FFCC will install them in homes in the village of Gressier, Haiti, on our upcoming trips in April.   If you'd like to donate a system to a family in Tanzania, we'll install it on our trip to Africa in June.  Please click here to donate to this special project or make your tax-deductible check out to FFCC and write "clean water" in the memo section.  Mail to:


12463 Rancho Bernardo Rd., PMB 158

San Diego, CA  92128


You can also purchase the same $75 filtration system for your own family as part of your emergency preparedness kit.  We'll even show you how to set it up and use it!


In This Issue
Thank You!
Haiti Trip Update!
Clean Water for Christmas!
Any food can find
You make a difference!
Thank you so much for your gifts of time, talent, and financial support!
Quick Links
Upcoming Events at a Glance



Senior Outreach (Downtown Salvation Army)                              December 28


Homeless Outreach (Downtown Salvation Army)                          January 3                 6:00pm


Tanzania February Trip #8 Team Meeting                                    January 10                6:30pm


Tanzania February Trip  #8                                                         February 12-March 1, 2011


Food Packaging Event #23 (More information soon!)                     March 25-26 


Haiti April Trip #5                                                                       April 1-10, 2011   


Haiti April Trip #6                                                                       April 10-16, 2011







Contact Information
FFCC Director
Phil Harris
Friends & Family Community Connection
12463 Rancho Bernardo Road, PMB 158
San Diego, California  92128
Nonprofit 501(c)3, Federal Tax Identification 75-3057954