August 12, 2010
Dear   ,
 supply cabinet 
Look what's happening in Tanzania!
Beyond the obvious job of feeding the hungry, it has always been the objective of FFCC to help those in need to help themselves.  It was, therefore, with great joy that we recently received an email and pictures from Sister Hilda at the Children's Center in Singida, TZ, detailing the work she and the staff had done since the FFCC visit in June!  Storage cabinets to house all the cups, plates, and equipment that are used to serve 1,000 meals each day are completed.  Repairs to the water channeling system (the Center uses treated rain runoff for drinking water) have also been completed.  In addition, negotiations with city officials for road modifications in front of the Center, the construction of a playground at a nearby school, and the provision of school uniforms for Center kids have all progressed.  Last but not least, a long list of minor repairs and painting jobs have been completed.
Clearly, the folks we're assisting are treating your time, talent, and treasure as a hand-up and not a hand-out, and that's the real legacy we want to see!
 mme shirtFebruary in Tanzania...
The grass is greener.  African spring is in the air.  Come be a part of it!  Join FFCC's Team Tanzania in Africa this winter!  We encourage you to come to an informational meeting on Monday, August 30th, at 6:30pm at the home of Phil Harris.  Whether you'd like to find out more about traveling to Tanzania yourself, or just want to know more about FFCC's ongoing projects there, we'd love to have you!  Contact Tina Socha at tinasocha@san.rr.com for more information.
In This Issue
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Any food can find
You make a difference!
Thank you so much for your gifts of time, talent, and financial support!
Quick Links
Upcoming Events at a Glance
Tanzania Trip #8 Information Meeting (Harris' Home)              August 30              6:30pm
Homeless Outreach (SD Salvation Army)                             September 6
21st Food Packaging Event (Del Norte High School)             November 6
22nd Food Packaging Event (Old Police Station, Escondido) November 28
Tanzania Trip #8                                                                February 11-March 1, 2011   
Contact Information
FFCC Director
Phil Harris
Friends & Family Community Connection
12463 Rancho Bernardo Road, PMB 158
San Diego, California  92128
Nonprofit 501(c)3, Federal Tax Identification 75-3057954