September 7, 2016

In This Issue
Upcoming ABYC Events
Contributors' Comments
ABYC Board Elections - Rear Commodore
General Manager's Report
In-Water Winter Lay-Up
Haul Out News.
Bill Logie
EYC Regatta Report
Cruising Report
Cruise Report
Race Committee Coordinator - Molly Asseltine
Cruising Report
QCYC Open September
The Cat (Indeed!) Came Back
Menu - Friday, August 12
Friendly Reminders
Hours of Operation
ABYC Address and Contact Information

Upcoming ABYC Events

Friday - Fine Dining

24-25  -  Sat-Sun - Bluffers Park Yacht Club Reciprocal Cruise

10  -  Saturday - QCYC
11  -  Black Swan/Whiplash Challenge Race
16  -  Friday - TELDS Race 4 Whitby
19  -  Monday - Protest Night #4
24  -  Saturday - Donald Summerville Memorial Race
Final Series E Tuesdays & Thursdays
Dinghy Series Wednesday, September 7 Final
Friday - Fine Dining

10  -  Monday - Thanksgiving
21-23  -  Fri-Sun - HAULOUT
29  -  Saturday - Halloween at the Club

01  -  Saturday - Archie Walker Race
02  -  Sunday - Ahmen Race 6 QCYC
03  -  Monday - Protest Night
Online ABYC Calendar                                                           

Log in and get up-to-date Club events information, such as Cruises and Races. Also see the latest list of extended ABYC races and regattas, such as LORC, TELDS, LOSHRS, and more.

Contributors' Comments

September Elections Are Upon Us!
From the Past Commodore

The September General Meeting is quickly approaching and our Nominating Committee, chaired by Petra Fischer, has been busy soliciting possible candidates for three of our board positions that come up for election. The positions of Rear Commodore, Vice-Commodore-Financial Services, and Vice-Commodore-Marine Services are the centre of our attention for this year.

At this time and after much work from our Nominating Committee, we are in a position to say that there are NO confirmed candidates for any of these three positions. Despite numerous submissions to S2S from the Nominating Committee and also recent articles from our Commodore and Rear Commodore, our call remains unheard. We hear that members are "not ready", "too busy", "I will in a couple of years", or "I will when I retire". Of course these are good reasons however those whose thoughts may be close to taking on one of these positions are encouraged to put their names forth now. 

We need you to offer your time and talent. 

One comment that I have heard over the years is that you should be retired before taking on a Position of Responsibility on the Board. This does not follow with fact as a majority of Board Members over the past many years have indeed been fully employed. To help, Board Members do not act alone in their portfolios. Board members have competent Committees that are self-sufficient to the point that the load of each portfolio is shared. This lightens the load substantially and, in many instances, supervision, and direction are all that is needed. 

I invite any potential candidates for these three positions to continue to consider running in this election and put your name forward. Contact a member of the Nominating Committee. You also may be nominated from the floor at the General Meeting if you decide at the eleventh hour.

I solicit your help with this call for candidates. Your club needs members in these positions on the Board and I know that there are candidates out there. Ask others, identify others, step forward yourself. You will find it challenging and rewarding.

For your information, in the case of no candidate applying for a particular position on the Board at the time of election, the remaining members of the Board will then work to fill the position through appointment providing that a quorum of directors remains in office. You may refer to By-law 4.04 for more information. 
I thank you for your consideration and hope that you will heed the call.

Rick Humphrey
Past Commodore
   General Manager's Report

As we move into September, you will see a shift in staff in our food and beverage department. Most of our summer students have now left and we are training new crew on the floor. I know there have been comments regarding slow service over the last little while and we are trying to address this as a team to ensure that members enjoy every experience they have at the Club. I do ask for everyone's patience as we build the team once again and thank you for your feedback. This helps us benchmark our recovery of service in the Clubhouse. 

We are also working to clean and ready the yard as the season winds down. We are now addressing the weeds on the rail side to ensure that beautification of the property is maintained globally.

Karen Meier
General Manager     
In-Water Winter Lay-Up
In recent weeks, I have fielded enquiries concerning ABYC's plans for in-water winter boat storage.  As you may recall from last year's trials, this involves preparing your vessel in much the same manner as you would for dry-land winter lay-up.  There is an additional need for equipment to ensure an ice-free perimeter around your boat, and that requires the purchase of an ice-eater.  There are no extraordinary requirements on the part of boat owners to satisfy the requirements of insurers.  There is a general information presentation available that was prepared as a preamble to last year's test run.  Suffice it to say that the four participating boat owners were satisfied with the outcome, and we have learned a thing or two from the experience.
The Board has given the green light to continuance of in-water winter lay-up, and so at this time I would like to gauge the degree of interest in the ABYC membership for participating in the program.  A formal meeting will be arranged in coming weeks.  Please contact me at or by phone at 416-884-6480.
Please note that, for Crane Planning purposes, a change of storage requirements note must be sent to the ABYC office no later than September 10.

Al Workman, Chairman
In-Water Winter Lay-Up Committee
Last Mast of Summer
Ahoy Skippers and Crew!

With after work racing wrapping up next week and the equinox bringing the fall two weeks today, the weekend in the middle, September 17 & 18, is the last of the summer. Let's do what sailors do: go for a sail augmented by some camaraderie back at the dock. You are invited to:

The Last Mast Of Summer
Saturday, September 17
Skipper & crew meeting 11:30 am
Off the dock at noon
Back to the docks at 3 pm with patio party to follow

Skippers  Did you know ABYC has over 150 associate members? Not just race crew, but adult keelboat graduates, thirty co-op sailors, and people pay their fees just to help out at your club. Speaking of, guess who shows up at haul out to push on a rope, help navigate our club through various committees, lend some muscle at work parties, and punch up the fun content of the off season socials. You are invited to enjoy a sail with some of your fellow members who do not yet have boats. If you already sail with some of our club's associate members, trust you'll join us and encourage your crew to attend on another boat. If you don't sail with any associate members, sign up and meet some interesting fellow members. 

Associate Members  Encourage your skippers to sign up their boats and mix up crews. Coops, book a boat with your first mate, join the day's flotilla, and meet some new people. When the four coop boats are booked, RSVP to get hooked up with a ride on another boat. Keelboat sailing school grads, we'd love to see you out too. 

Please let us know to expect you by sending an email to If you're a skipper, please include the number of crew you can take, your boat name and slip. If you're an associate member of the club, please include a sentence or two about your affiliation with the club - coop, sailing school, who you race with, whatever it might be. It will help to mix and match people and boats. 

Hope to see you at the Last Mast of Summer, Saturday, September 17 (rain date: on the Sunday). 

Tim Hill
Family Room in Need of Toys
Our Family Room is in Need of Toys/Games/DVDs/Art Supplies

Please place any donations in the box located in the front foyer (no stuffed toys please). 
Cash donations can be deposited in the box on the club bar. 

ABYC children thank you!

For any questions regarding suitability of donations, please email me at of call 647-224-8144.

Karen Kaiser
Winter Curling
Curling Open House - Tuesday, September 20 at 7 pm

I am a Curling Member at Scarboro Golf and Country Club and I want to invite any ABYC members who are interested in possibly becoming Curling Members to join me at the Curling Open House on Tuesday, September 20. If you are interested, please contact me at and I will be your host for the evening.

Tuesday, September 20 @ 7:00 pm
What are you going to do this winter?
Discover curling - the world's most social and fun sport!

Scarboro Golf and Country Club curlers are invited to bring their guests to our Curling Open House. Find out why country club curling is one of the best ways to be active this winter and make new friends. If you've never played before, we will teach you!

Signup deadline for curling is September 30. Regular league play begins Tuesday, October 11.

Scarboro Golf & Country Club
321 Scarborough Golf Club Road
Toronto, ON, Canada M1J 3H2
Yours in Curling and Sailing,

Rebecca Crumlish
Scarboro Curling Member and ABYC Member


Cruising Update
Bluffers Park Yacht Club - September 24, 25
Hosts: Alison Booz & David Studholme (Harmony)
           Rick & Paula Humphrey (Carellen)

Last cruise of the season. Registration remains open and while there is a wait list all those interested are encouraged to register. We are hopeful that all boats will be accommodated either at BPYC or HYC.
Chris Pappas / Nancy Ogden / Ron & Cindy Boudah
ABYC 2016 Cruising Captains
Cruise Report
Oakville Yacht Squadron Cruise 

At ABYC, Labour Day weekend traditions include a cruise to the Oakville Yacht Squadron.

Even though this has been one of the hottest summers on record, the sailing conditions have been unpredictable. This weekend was no different with light winds from the east and small swells pushing us toward Oakville. Most cruisers chose to motorsail but a couple of us decided to fly our spinnakers on a day that made it easier to handle.

The traditional Labour Day long weekend at the Oakville Yacht Squadron drew a total of 19 boats comprised of 43 adults and four kids.

Thanks to Doreen and Rick (La Belle Aurore) and Bruce and Claude (Amarrone II) for hosting and for preparing a home-made dinner of gazpacho with baguette, two types of manicotti and a green salad. The appetizers provided by everyone else disappeared and the same could be said of the home-made butter tarts by Pat Hedley (Perseverance) and Liz Heron's world-famous brownies!

A huge thanks from the families to Bruce for contacting the Oakville Club and coordinating the slips so that the kids could take advantage of their pool one last time before going back to school. The poolside restaurant was equally appreciated by the parents who 'supervised' their kids. It truly was a real treat for all of us. 

Sunday turned out to be another hot, sunny day and members took in the sights of Oakville and the waterfront. Paddle boarding, kayaking and dinghy trips up the river rounded out the traditional activities when in Oakville. For dinner, there was a group of 17 that opted not to BBQ for Sunday dinner and instead enjoyed dinner at the restaurant, 'Bru'.

I also heard that there was a spirited game of Scrabble which may just have to be added to the list of traditions!

Monday morning greeted us with a beautiful sunrise, calm waters and wind from the east which left us no choice but to motor all the way back. Many timed their departure to see the CNE's air show, which was visible for miles across the lake.

It's hard to believe that there is only one cruise left to Bluffer's Park Yacht Club. If the hot weather persists then it is sure to be a fantastic way to cap off the season. See you there!

Elise Felton
Mardi Gras


Race Committee Coordinator
Molly Asseltine

Race Committee

The season is winding down and I know you're all sick of hearing from me, but I'm on the job until the last race of the season is over, so here goes:

QCYC Open, Saturday, September 10
I could use one more person for the Committee boat.

ABYC Black Swan/Whiplash Challenge - Sunday, September 11
...could use one. more or this one as well

Albacore Canadians - Friday, September 16 - Sunday, September 18
I have my Committee boat crew but still need a mark layer/driver for Friday and helper(s)for all 3 days.

Donald D. Summerville Memorial, Saturday, September 24 (LORC)
I have nobody for this one yet, so a full Committee boat crew is needed

Archie Walker Race, Saturday, October 1
I'm looking for an RO and Committee boat crew

...and that is it for this season. Hard to believe it's almost over. As always, please let me know ASAP if you can help with any of these. You've come through for me all summer - don't let me down now, folks.


(416) 691-2791
Amendment to Sailing Instructions
Amendment to SIs for Black Swan/Whiplash Challenge Race

2 Eligibility.

2.1 Boats that have won a flag in their division in Series A, B, C, or D, as well as the winners of the previous year's race, are eligible to be scored.

DELETED inclusion of Series E.

Still lots of good racing with this fantastic weather. Hope to see everyone on the line for Series E, Summerville, Archie Walker, LORC QCYC, TELDS and/or Ahmen races. 

Calum Temple
The QCYC Open

Hey Racers!

Can this summer have been any better? NO! And it's NOT over! The season finale in the LORC Summer Regatta Series is happening this weekend (Saturday, September 10) at Queen City Yacht Club. I mentioned this two weeks ago in this space and asked for all ABYC racers to help create a big ABYC race team, and to participate as part of the new annual PHRF Challenge between our two clubs.

The PHRF Racers Association (Roger Van Vlack) has been working with QCYC Regatta Chair Dan Smith and myself to help get this PHRF Challenge off the ground this year. We had a great start in May with QCYC coming to the 2016 ABYC OPEN with approximately 13 boats. ABYC is bigger, and we can do better. In speaking to different racers these past weeks, we have heard commitments for at least 12 boats. It would be fantastic to hit 15 racers from ABYC competing this Saturday. As of this week, ABYC has nine registered. Where are those other six boats? Or more? Let's register now!

If you race weeknights at ABYC, this PHRF Challenge should get your (friendly) competitive blood going against QCYC. Like ABYC did in May, the QCYC OPEN features both FS (Flying Sail) and NFS (Non-Flying Sail) classes to race, so everyone can have fun and enjoy the racing. And maybe the prizes afterward! 

QCYC has some great stuff happening after the race, including a big travel prize for those hoping to get away this winter. You will need to be at the party afterwards for the prizes and awards ceremony.

To all ABYC racers  Not to put too fine a point on it, but ABYC club pride is on the line this weekend against a determined host club in QCYC. Let's pull out the jams, racers, and enjoy a great day of racing and party at QCYC this weekend. Get excited, get registered, and let's go ABYC club team racing! See you Saturday. 


Martin Gibb
Team Chair, 2017 OPEN 
The Cat (Indeed!) Came Back
Those who participate in Club Cruises or those who Club race regularly on Tuesday evening are very familiar with Julie and Graham Toms' J120 'The Cat Came Back' with its iconic spinnaker:

Recently, the boat participated in the J120 Nationals Championship Regatta, August 19-21, at the Bayview Yacht Club in Detroit. As there are no other J120s sailing on Lake Ontario, Graham and the team were anxious to see how they would fare in a one-design regatta of competitive J120s.

Getting the boat to Detroit and back involved transiting the Welland Canal, which was an adventure in itself. The 'Welland' is made up of eight locks, each of which can accommodate a freighter that is 740 feet long with a beam of 78 feet, and has an elevation delta of 392 feet between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. The Cat Came Back felt like a wood chip floating in each lock as it made its way to and from the event.

Getting to the event also involved checking in with U.S. Border Services, and for this the team stopped at Put-In-Bay. This town is on an island at the western end of Lake Erie and has a permanent population of less than 200 people, yet it is a tourist magnet. With over 86 bars to choose from, thousand of boaters and tourists flock to the island on summer weekends.

The regatta itself was an absolute blast with 15 J120s racing. Five boats travelled to the regatta (two from Buffalo, one from Cleveland, and one from Toledo as well as ourselves) while the remaining 10 were from the Detroit area. Eleven races were sailed over three days (August 19, 20 and 21) on Lake St Clair in winds that averaged over 15 knots. The courses were short with windward legs from 1 to 1.2 miles so the crew's boat handling and tight quarters tactical skills were thoroughly tested. Our crew learned quickly why the other boats had 10-14 crew compared to our eight of a relatively older average age. By the third day, we thought a defibrillator may be needed on board. Staying at the bar until 2 am the night before did not help either. Racing was very close with five different boats winning at least one race (including your team from ABYC!). Although we ended up mid fleet for the regatta, we found that we could match any boat upwind and downwind in speed. This is what we really wanted to confirm. 

Results are here: Yacht Scoring/Event Results

The parties after the racing, and the hospitality shown to the visiting crews by the host fleet and host club, were exceptional. Please visit The Cat Came Back's Facebook Page for all the details:

Mike Mcdonald, one of the crew and our own Vice Commodore of Member Services, presented an ABYC Burgee to the Commodore of the host Club. The burgee hung proudly in the Bayview Yacht Club bar throughout the event.

Special thanks to: 
  • Roger Renaud (formally of ABYC) now sailing out of the South Port Sailing Club for taking great pictures and cheering us on.  
  • Bob Wilson for moving the boat to RCYC to have the bottom cleaned the day before we left.
  • Brian Chapman from U.K. Sails for dealing with the ongoing request for our sail measurements heading into the regatta.
  • Delivery crew Gord and Stefan, return crew Emily, Mike, and Stefan. 
Final comment to anyone contemplating such an event: you should go. Nothing like one design racing, and the special memories such an event creates.

Thanks again to all that helped make this happen for The Cat!
Graham Toms


Friendly Reminders

Hours Of Operation - Summer Hours

4pm - 9pm4pm - 8pm
9am - 5pm
12pm - 11pm12pm - 10pm
9am - 6:30pm
12pm - 11pm
12pm - 10pm
9am - 5pm
12pm - 11pm
12pm - 10pm
9am - 6:30pm
12pm - 11pm
12pm - 10pm
9am - 7pm
11am - 10pm
8am - 9pm
9am - 6pm
Sunday & Holidays
11am - 10pm
9am - 9pm
9am - 5pm
 ABYC Office Hours:  8:30am - 5:00pm (Monday - Friday) 
For Dining Room Reservations call 416-698-4498 Ext 222 or email  
Like us on Facebook               Follow us on Twitter
Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club
30 Ashbridge's Bay Park Road, Toronto, Ontario M4L 3W6 
Tel. 416-698-4498   Fax 416-698-5760
Submitting Articles for Ship2Shore   
- Ship2Shore is delivered Wednesday morning of each week.  

- The deadline for submitting articles is Noon on Tuesday.

- With a few exceptions, Posts run for a maximum of 2 consecutive weeks and a maximum of 3 weeks per event.

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