August 20, 2014 

                                                                                                                                    Photo - Christian Bonin
29er sailors Sam Bonin & Cloe Carr of ABYC's Sailing School
enjoy the wind & waves while competing at CORK last week.

In This Issue
Upcoming ABYC Events
Nominating Committee
Ronald Stephen Memorial
White Wall Repair Continued...
A Wet Cruise to RCYC
PAN AM Volunteers Needed
Blind Sailing Canada needs YOU
Haulout - Crane Storage
Tie off those Halyards!
ABYC Senior Race Team at CORK
LYRA Follow-up
Racing Report by Wendy Loat
Race Committee Coordinator

Upcoming ABYC Events


Friday - Fine Dining 





30  -  Saturday - Cruise to Oakville Yacht Squadron (Long Weekend) 



  Tuesday Evening - Series C (July 15 - August 26) 

  Wednesday Evening - Dinghy Series 2 (July 23 - September 3) 

  Thursday Evening - Series D (July 10 - August 28)    


 18 -  Monday - Protest Night #3    


Friday - Fine Dining 



22 - Monday - GENERAL MEETING 



21  -  Saturday - Cruise to Whitby Yacht Club


  Tuesday & Thursday Evenings - Series E (Sept. 2 - 18) 

  Wednesday Evening - Dinghy Series 2 (Last Race - September 3)  

  Saturday - 20 - Donald Summerville Memorial LORC Race
  Saturday - 27 - Doubletime/Black Pearl Challenge Race

15 -  Monday - Protest Night #4  

29 -  Monday - Protest Night #5     

Nominating Committee....
We are still looking for a few good people 

The CNE has started, the back-to-school sales are everywhere and sadly we are closer to our haul out date than we are to the 2014 Launch date.  Our next AGM is scheduled for September 22nd.  As we draw closer to the AGM and the election of 3 board positions, we would like to remind you that there is still time to consider running for the open positions of Rear Commodore, VC Finance and VC Marine.

We hope you had a chance to review the last few S2S articles where we outlined the position's role and offered some advice and comments from past position holders.  If you have any questions, or just want to chat about the roles...

Gus would like to talk to you about the role of Vice Commodore Marine

Cindy would like to talk to you about the role of Vice Commodore Finance

Petra would like to discuss with you about the role of Rear Commodore


Next article...We hope to publish the names and information about those running for election at the fall AGM.


Your nomination Committee

Petra Fischer (Chair), Cindy Sampson and Gus Gillespie (We are all in the book!) 

Ronald Stephen Memorial
ABYC Clubhouse  
Sunday, August 24, 2014  -  2:00pm - 5:00pm
White Wall Repair Continued...
- Roger Marsh, Chair - Wall Repair Committee


Following last weeks' preparation steps, we are now ready to drive wall steel.  If we do the whole of white wall that will be 285 sheets in less than 10 days.  We will have to have a minimum of 4 member helpers per day to assist the contractor to supply materials and guide the sheet as it goes into the harbour seabed.  Not a heavy task as the machine does the work but necessary to the flow of work.  All retirees and shift workers are free to apply.  For members who have not seen the video of the sheet driving test, click on the link:  


Once the sheets are in place the real work begins with several simultaneous jobs that will secure the new wall upright and secure to the shore and to the concrete cap.  Traditional Tie-Backs made of new materials like epoxy coated rebar will be placed in a 20 ft. excavated trench and secured to a concrete or galvanized sheet steel anchor buried in a second trench dug perpendicular to the first trench.  On the outside of the wall, new in-house constructed walers (20 ft long steel retainer beams) will be snugged up to the sheet and gradually tightened to bring the wall as straight as possible.


The top of the wall will be attached to the concrete cap just below the top surface by an epoxy set fastener drilled into the concrete and attached to the steel by nut and washer. The small space between the new and old wall can now be filled with packed pea gravel or small river rock making the new wall and the old wall and the earth and fill behind one solid mass.


None of the work described so far requires special knowledge or special skills except for the welding of the waler and the operation of the sheet driver, both which have been taken care of through hiring a contractor and the few skilled welders that are members of the club.  We will assist you to become familiar with basic tools, basic procedures and safe working procedures that you will be confident and able do your part to restore the club walls to their original state.


More details to follow in the coming weeks.

A wet cruise to RCYC
- Bruce Hannah & Claude Tremblay (Amarone II)


The cruise to RCYC started off with 27 boats signed up for this popular destination.   Two  weeks prior to the cruise we received a note from RCYC stating that they could only take 10 vessels due to their Royal Invitational Regatta.  Now the challenge was to whittle down the list to 10 and hope that more spaces open up.  The good news is that our policy of prioritizing boats by sign-up dates works and does not cause unfairness.  I also pleaded with our list to advise if they intended or not to attend.  To make a long story short, we managed to get 11 boats into the club and 2 went to QCYC and 1 boat was left out.


Now for the weather; as I was listening to the CBC, I heard the host refer to August as Augtober - It really spells out the type of summer we have been having.  No less for RCYC, strong winds and cold on Saturday and then rain for the better part of the afternoon.


Amarone II had prepared 16 lbs of brisket which was slow cooked for 12 hours in 10 lbs of onions, a gazpacho, tomato / basil / feta salad and melons for dessert.  I want to thank Nancy Ogden (Sail la Vie) for all her help in the galley to get all the food prepped on such a miserable day.  We checked the weather radar and we saw that the rain should end by 5:30 and sure enough it stopped at 5:30.  It was great to see 30 people in their foul weather gear huddled under 3 umbrellas having a great time.  At the end of the meal, there was nothing left, give us bad weather to open up the appetites.


Next cruise is to WYC and then to the Oakville Squadron on Labour Day.


Fair Winds / Bon Vent


Photos - Bruce Hannah/Claude Tremblay
Toronto 2015 Pan Am/ 
Parapan Am Games -  
The drive for 20,000+ Volunteers 

Thinking about how to fill the long summer days in 2015? Not yet? You should be!


The summer of 2015 will see the largest international multi-sport Games ever hosted by our great nation right here in Toronto and the Greater Golden Horseshoe region, rather than watch it on television or from the stands, YOU could be a part of the action! 


Why should you volunteer for the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games?  We can give you more than 20,000 reasons why...but how about having a sneak peek of the Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony created by Cirque du Soleil. There's also meals and refreshments during shifts, Games-time access to public transit, exclusive promotions, events, and discounts on tickets and merchandise.


Don't delay - volunteer interviews have begun and offer letters are sent in the fall of 2014.

Apply now and be one of the first to tell the world what you will be doing in the summer of 2015!

To help us recognize members of the sports community in the application system, please:

* Complete the sport experience section of the application

* Use the volunteer code VOLSPT




Blind Sailing Canada Needs You
- Fred Braches (Double Dutch)

Blind Sailing Canada is a group of wonderful individuals with a desire to sail, a variety of skills, 3 boats, and need for sighted skippers and volunteers to help them sail their boats.  They have an almost new Catalina Capri 22 and a Catalina 270 which are used for day sailing and cruising out of Marina Quay West.  They also have a J24 which was used by their racers who have competed internationally in Japan.  Take this opportunity to join some of your fellow ABYC members to help Brian and Jasmine, Chris, Sylvia, Craig, Grant, Myra, Tina, and many more.  Learn more about them at or sign up via email to or by calling (416) 489-2433
Haulout Crane Storage
- Anthony Mirvish, Crane Committee Chair
Although we are still quite some time away from haulout, the September 8 deadline for notifications regarding boat storage is approaching faster.  As the harbour is full, and yard storage this year will be constrained by the work on the seawalls, it is essential for the haul plan that we have an accurate count of those boats that are to be hauled by crane and stored on the club's property this year.  Therefore, anyone who falls into one of the following categories is asked to inform me (copies to the office) if they are planning to haul by crane and store at the club this winter:
  1. Owners of boats that did not haul/store with us last year (including those who regularly haul/store elsewhere).
  2. Owners of boats that were hauled/stored mast-up last year.
  3. Owners who stored with us last year but do not plan to do so this year.
  4. Members who have a different boat this year and wish it to be stored in the craneyard.
Owners who hauled/stored with us last year and plan to do so again this year, do not need to inform the office.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me.  (

- David Gilbert (Big Kanu)

My halyards aren't rapping, why are yours?  This problem is easily remedied and we should do it both for our own members who may occasionally sleep over and for our guest visitors who are sleeping over..

A B Y C   R A C I N G

ABYC Sr. Race Team at CORK
- D.J. Bott

The ABYC Senior Race team attended Cork IInternational, which was held in Kingston, from August 11-14.  The first day of racing went well for racers across all fleets- however the following days showed just how windy Kingston can get.  With heavy winds, and not much experience in the rough conditions, the racers put forth an excellent effort to sail through the weather.


Ainsley Doell placed 4th overall out of 34 boats in Laser radial- bronze fleet.  Quinten Beelik placed 33rd. out of 41 boats in Laser radial-silver fleet.  Former junior and senior team member Shawn Gershman, also in Laser radial-silver fleet, placed 22nd, despite having his boom break on the most extreme weather day.  Adam Gillies placed 15th and Tyrus Sherk was 22nd, in Laser full rig.  Sarah Christensen and Zoe Sherar placed 13th out of 33 boats in 420-silver fleet.  In the 29er fleet, which got in the fewest races due to the challenging conditions, Sam Bonin and Chloe Carr finished 17th and Rowland Goddard and Thomas Kidd finished 19th out of a fleet of 23 boats.


Congratulations to the entire team on their summer season!  


Photos Christian Bonin 




Photos - Alison Wardman
LYRA Follow-up

The recently held LYRA 2014 Regatta hosted by ABYC received a good write-up in the online publication "J/News" with several ABYC boats being mentioned - especially Nautical Symphony.  To view the article, click on the link:

J/News Article


Also, just out is a video and still highlights of LYRA 2014 by ABYC Member Donna Miller.  The video can be seen at the following link:

LYRA 2014 Hosted By ABYC
LYRA 2014 Hosted By ABYC

Racing Report
Wendy Loat
OCR at CORK wound up this week with two competitors and several volunteers from ABYC.

Congratulations to Sarah Douglas who finished 7th in the highly competitive Laser Radial Fleet of 55 boats. Matt Sherar placed 22 in the 52 boat Laser Full Rig Class.

Meanwhile, some ABYC sailors jumped aboard Five-Fifteen and headed over to RCYC for Royals Weekend where they finished first and were presented with the Queen's Cup.

Congratulations to  
Jim McGuinness and his crew, Allie Baxter, Neil Payne, Mark McGinnis, Chris Reil, Bob Wilson, Gord Burt, Richard Weld and Steve Barton.

Next up is the Etobicoke Yacht Club Open Regatta on Saturday and Sunday.

That's all for this week.


Molly Asseltine 
Race Committee Co-ordinator 
Race Committee
Family Race #2
The unofficial rule of thumb is that when we have more race committee than boats, we don't go out.  Such was the case on Saturday, with only 3 boats signed up for the Family Race, when we decided to cancel.  I'm sure the gloomy forecast played a big part in things, and sure enough, the rain arrived at 2:00 pm as predicted.  Though in the end, their services were not required, I'd like to thank Brian Chapman, Roy Little and Lyne Gingras for committing their time to this event.
QCYC Open Regatta. Sat. Sept. 6
I'm still looking for a full crew for this Regatta - Committee and Mark boat.  This is our last regatta commitment of the season and though it's a 2 day event, we  run a course on Saturday only.
Please let me know ASAP if you can help with this one.

Race Committee Co-ordinator
Current weather at ABYC  >>>>
Summer Hours Of Operation




Gas Dock


     4:00pm - 9:00pm  

     4:00pm - 8:00pm 

9:00am - 5:00pm  


     NOON  -  11:00pm 

     NOON  -  10:00pm 

9:00am - 7:00pm 


     NOON  -  11:00pm

     NOON  -  10:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm 


     NOON  -  11:00pm

     NOON -   10:00pm

 9:00am - 7:00pm  


     NOON  -  11:00pm

     NOON -   10:00pm

9:00am - 7:00pm 


    11:00am - 11:00pm

     8:00am - 10:00pm

9:00am - 7:00pm 

Sunday & Holidays

    11:00am - 8:00pm

     9:00am -  7:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm 

 ABYC Office Hours:  8:30am - 5:00pm (Monday - Friday) 
For Dining Room Reservations call 416-698-4498 Ext 222 or email  
Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club
30 Ashbridge's Bay Park Road, Toronto, Ontario M4L 3W6 
Tel. 416-698-4498   Fax 416-698-5760
_____________________________________________________________________________________            Email            Twitter @ABYCToronto
  ABYC Facebook Page           Jr. Race Team Facebook Page 
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- Ship2Shore is delivered Wednesday morning of each week.  

- The deadline for submitting articles or Ads is Noon (1200 hr.) on Tuesday(Ads run for a maximum of 2 weeks)

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