October 16, 2013 
Another Mast Down!
                                                                                                                                                         Photo - BCaron
With only a few days to go until haulout, activity at the mast crane has been brisk.  ABYC Members took advantage of the great Saturday weather to enjoy a last sail or get the boat ready for next weekend.  
In This Issue
Haulout Start Times
Upcoming ABYC Events
Crane Haulout Notes
Boats to be moved for Haulout
Rail Yard Haulout
Boat Riders needed for Haulout
Award Nominations
Restaurant and Regalia
Marathon Road Closures
Safety for All
Junior Race Team Still Out There!
ABYC Regalia
Bring back those Trophies
One Girl's Ocean Challenge
Haulout Start Times

Friday, October 18 - 9:00am
Saturday, October 19 - 8:00am
Sunday, October 20 -  8:00am

Please be on-site 30 minutes prior to start times and allow for extra travel time on Sunday due to Marathon road closures. 

Rail Yard haulout will be on Saturday and Sunday - everyone must attend both days.  Crane haulout is scheduled for Friday and Saturday with Sunday available if necessary. 

Upcoming ABYC Events

Friday - Fine Dining 

Wednesday - Wings Night 



18, 19 & 20 - HAULOUT 

26  Saturday - Halloween Party (Weathered Legs

Friday - Fine Dining 

Wednesday - Wings Night 



02  Saturday - Full Attendance Work Party  

02  Saturday - Dry Sail area closes until spring 

08  Friday - Fine Dining with DEMD Dance & Easy Listening Band 

10  Sunday - ABYC Arts & Crafts Show (1:00 - 4:00pm) 

14  Thursday - ABYC Lecture Series - Weather Seminar 

15  Friday - Jazz Evening with the Rod McBirnie Quartet 

23  Saturday - ABYC Racing Awards  

Crane Haulout notes
- Anthony Mirvish, Crane Committee Chair

The haulout this year will be very demanding in terms of time, so we are asking all Saturday crews - especially the crane crews - to limit their lunches to 30 minutes.  It is expected that both cranes will be working to 5 PM on Friday, the large crane to 5 PM on Saturday, and the small crane to 4 PM on Saturday.

Due to the mast-up haulout trial this year, there will be an additional move for the large crane around 11 AM Saturday morning.  We normally schedule lunch to coincide with the crane move, but this year the move will occur too early for that.  As the crane move takes about 40 minutes, we are using this time to schedule sequential breaks for both crane crews.  The large crane crew will go first, with an approximately 20 minute coffee break, after which it will relieve the small crane crew for the same time, allowing the small crane to continue in operation.  Please do not abuse the time limits.  Both crews will have a long day on Saturday.

A hard copy of the yard layout has been posted in the club lobby.  Please do not remove the diagram.  If there are any questions or concerns, or your boat does not appear, contact me immediately.  We are hoping to have an electronic copy of the plan on the club's website by the time you read this.
Boats currently in slips Blue 32-14 will be moved as necessary by this Thursday.  Harbourmaster Paul Lefneski is coordinating this and will contact any boats that are affected by it.
Boats along White Wall from W1 to W8 will be moved to allow the large crane to haul its boats.
Please have your cradle fully assembled by Wednesday night to allow for any last minute repositioning.  Please respect your fellow club members' cradles as we have had instances where parts and bolts have been removed from cradles.  This sort of action is extremely dangerous and can cause the collapse of a cradle.
There will be a meeting on Wednesday, October 16 at 8 PM in the clubhouse for the owners of all boats being hauled mast-up.  Invitations have been sent to all members affected by this.  Please attend.
E-mails have been sent to the first boats that will be hauled by crane on Friday.  The list is as follows:
1.  Mermaid II
2.  Gentle Dreams
3.  Vertigone
4.  Fantasy (replacing Minerve, which will be 5th)

1.  Gillygaloo
2.  Klark Ark
3.  Starwatch
4.  Tasty Waves
1.  Peace of Eight
2.  Drifters
3.  La Belle Aurore
4.  Thunderboat
1.  Shadowfax
2.  Big Kanu
3.  Wind Dance
4.  Zuleika
Boats to be moved for Haulout
- Paul Lefneski, Harbourmaster

As in other years, we need the boats that are located at the haul out points on the Blue and White walls moved before the end of the day on Thursday (but the earlier the better).  You can put your boat in the slip identified in the following table.

Current Slip
Boat Name
First Name
Last Name
Temp Slip for Haul Out
Quick Silver
RC12 (Red Visitor C)
GB18 (Green Visitor B)
Big Kanu
Plum Danish III
Sail La Vie
GC14 (Green Visitor C)

J. David

Sea Wolf
William A.
RB16 (Red Visitor B)
William G.
RA18 (Red Visitor A)
B28 (Sm Crane Haul Out Point)
Rail Yard  

- Bruce Morrison, VC-Marine



A few notes on haul out:

Start time:  Friday - 9:00am, Saturday - 8:00am and Sunday - 8:00am.  Everyone should be on-site 30 minutes prior to start times.
In the rail yard you should assume that all boats come out at  8:00am. We need all hands to pull on the ropes and help on the tallow and cradle crews.

Haulout in the rail yard is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.  Everyone must attend both days.

The Toronto Waterfront Marathon will be held on Sunday, Oct 20.  I would suggest that you come early and plan to approach the club by travelling south on Coxwell and avoid Lakeshore and Eastern.
2013 Haulout - Need Boat Riders  

 - Rebecca Crumlish, Coordinator 




- NOTE:  FRIDAY MORNING shift time 9:00 am until 1:00 pm (arrive 8:30 am)

- NOTE:  FRIDAY AFTERNOON shift time 12:30 pm until the end of day


Coordinator - Rebecca Crumlish rcassociates@sympatico.ca


Please sign up - remember your life jacket, safe shoes for getting  on and off the boats, warm clothes and have fun.  The boat riders provide assistance to the owner and their boat from their dock to the assigned crane area.  Thank you.

Award Nominations
- Rear Commodore Paul Brennan
We have a lot of very dedicated members at ABYC who go above and beyond the call of duty. As the season approaches a finish, please take time to consider if one of your fellow members (of any category!)  should be nominated for one of these very important awards:


Contribution Awards
Al Clinker Memorial - for the unsung hero, always cheerfully helping out for the benefit of ABYC and fellow members.
Alice Patterson Memorial - for services to boat racing.
Cradle Crew Award - for meritorious service by a member of the cradle crew.
Hartley Trophy - to the family that contributes the most to club activities.
Leo Cotey Trophy - for the woman who has contributed most to ABYC during the year.
Don Davis Trophy - for the Dinghy sailor who contributes most to ABYC, in cruising, racing, or club improvement.
Otto Van Dam Shorewall Trophy - for volunteer services rendered to the club.
Roly McKillop Award - for volunteer services rendered to the club.
Stacy Trophy - to the member who makes the greatest contribution to developing a lifelong love of sailing in young sailors.


Special Awards
Commodore's Award - for best representation of ABYC in any branch of yachting, inside or outside the Club.
Keen Crew Award - to the person who has demonstrated, as crew, outstanding dedication or performance.
Michael Stuart Trophy - for the most outstanding act of sportsmanship.


A short statement of the contribution and why you feel the award is deserved is all that is required.


Nominations for all awards close haulout weekend (2359h Sunday October 20).  It's a busy time as we enjoy the last of summer and ready ourselves for haulout, but please ensure you spend a few minutes to think about those that go above and beyond, and if someone comes to mind ...


Please send nominations to rearcom@abyc.on.ca and I'll ensure that they are forwarded to the appropriate parties for consideration.

Restaurant and Regalia 
- Mike Macdonald, VC Member Services 

Just a short note for haulout:

On Friday and Saturday we will be open for breakfast at 0700 hrs.  We will make a decision on Sunday breakfast mid-afternoon on Saturday, depending on the progress made on Saturday.

Friday evening we will not be having Fine Dining, but we will have a full regular menu with a couple of specials.

This past Thanksgiving weekend Paul and Staff put on an outstanding buffet for just $18.95.  I feel bad that it was not well advertised.  The food was fabulous.  Those that attended were treated to great Turkey, Ham and all the traditional trimmings.  Next time we put on a buffet like this we will give lots of advance notice.

During haulout, Linda and the Regalia Team will have a table set up selling regalia.  We will be selling off all of the old stock at a great discount to make way for new inventory.  There will be a sampling of the new styles on the table. We have limited supply of new styles and you will be able to place orders if we do not have your style or colour available.  As well, we have put in a display in Duffy's Lounge that will be available for sale from the bar shortly after haulout.

Coming up soon will be a new menu and wine list.  We will let you know via S2S when they are ready. 
Marathon Road Closures
Sunday, October 20, 2013

The annual Toronto Marathon will be held this coming Sunday and road closures will limit access to ABYC for part of the day.


The route of the marathon in the east end will be as follows:
Marathon route 28k to 36k: North on Leslie, east on Lakeshore, north on Woodbine, east on Queen, u-turn at Beech Ave, west on Queen, south on Woodbine, West on Lakeshore, north on Coxwell, east on Eastern, u-turn south of Queen, west on Eastern.

Closure times 07:00 -14:30

Safety for Everybody!

- Stan Gap, Safety Committee



The Safety Committee would like to remind every one to be safe.  To that end we are making a few suggestions.


Please remember to clear your side decks and cockpit and also remove any bimini and dodgers.  The sling crew needs to be able to move easily and safely around your deck.  If you need to leave your boom out please secure it, preferably on the cabin top.  I will be checking just before haulout and sending reminders.

Also make sure that the boat has bow and stern lines for the crews.  They should be 50 feet long, one piece and of suitable diameter.

Regarding attire during haulout; in the rail-yard please wear closed shoes and work gloves.  If you are on the crane crew wear a safety helmet and work gloves.  Anyone moving cradles in the crane area should be wearing safety shoes.  If you are on the water (boat riders, towboat crew, sling crew) wear a PFD, bringing your own is the best and most comfortable solution.  When you enter the crane area, even just to supervise the placement of your boat on the cradle, please put on a safety helmet - the safety officer will have a spare.

Please insure that you understand what your job is, its responsibilities and what safety precautions are involved.  If you have any concerns please talk to your crew chief, they are more then willing to explain to you.  You can also talk to the Safety Officer present, they will be wearing orange safety vest and blue safety helmets.

Also, lets look out for each other, if you notice a hazard, warn others and inform the Safety Officer. 

Be cautious when you move around the yard.  There will be forklifts, trailers and tractors moving around.  They have reduced visibility and restricted mobility so we need to watch out for them and not be in their way. 

Please leave young children and pets at home.  Haul-out is not a safe environment for them.

Let's have a safe Haul-out.


ABYC Junior Race Team makes most of long weekend! 
- Coach Mike Goldfarb

ABYC's Opti Race Team took advantage of the long weekend by having Fall Training sessions on Sunday and Monday.  Twelve athletes came out to sail on Sunday.  Rigging in the rain and having to get the boats (and coach boats) in to the water while dodging cradles, trailers and other haulout equipment.  We managed to get a full session on the water with Coaches Carolyn Tait, Connor Bott and Mike Goldfarb.  The weather was on our side and it didn't rain when we were out on the water.




Monday brought us sunshine and warm weather.  Fifteen Optis were out for what was a summer like session, with Coaches Connor Bott, Mike Goldfarb and Guest Coach Gordie Budning.  With the weather so nice, the athletes rushed to be on the water and had a full session working on a variety of skills.  Before returning to the club, the two groups came together to compete in a few practice races.  At the end of the third race, the athletes all asked for another race, wanting to remain on the water for a few extra minutes.  It was a wonderful way to end a long weekend.




Despite haulout at ABYC, the Opti Race Team will continue to train for a few more weeks.  To see some photos from the weekend check out our Facebook page, you don't need to have Facebook to view this page.  


                                                                                                                                                          Photos - Mike Goldfarb 


-  Joanne Wright



Reminder to last year's Racing and Contribution Trophy winners:


If you received a trophy last year, would you please return it to the club by haulout weekend  

(October 18-20th) as we will be doing an inventory of all trophies the following week.


If your trophy is in need of repair or you have any questions, please contact Joanne Wright at joannemwright@hotmail.com.   


Many thanks   

 Crane Yard cradles brought out last Thursday

                                                                                                                                                                   Photos - PCaron
One Girl's Ocean Challenge

Last week, we reminded everyone that Diane Reid's race was scheduled to start last Sunday.  Unfortunately some very heavy weather was moving in and the start was delayed for a few days.

The following is the latest entry in Diane's Blog:

October 15, 2010

Status Red, status Orange or status Green.  This is our new alert system to know when we are going to get a start.  The long range forecast is for a potential start in 5 to 7 days!!!  If they post a status red then we are "no start in the next 36 hours".  If it's status orange then it's a possibility of leaving in the next 36 hours.  If it's green then it's a possibility of going in the next 24 hours.  Today we're status red.....it is what it is!


OGOC Blog 

Current Weather at ABYC  >>>>
Fall Hours Of Operation




Gas Dock


     4:00pm - 9:00pm  

     4:00pm - 8:00pm  

 9:00am - 5:00pm    


     NOON - 10:00pm  

     NOON - 9:30pm  

9:00am - 5:00pm  


     NOON - 11:00pm

     NOON - 10:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm  


     NOON - 10:00pm

     NOON - 9:30pm

9:00am - 5:00pm  


     NOON - 11:00pm

     NOON - 10:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm  


    11:00am - 10:00pm

     8:00am  - 9:00pm

 9:00am - 6:00pm  

Sunday & Holidays

    11:00am - 8:00pm

     9:00am -  7:00pm

 9:00am - 5:00pm  

 ABYC Office Hours:  8:30am - 5:00pm (Monday - Friday) 
For Dining Room Reservations call 416-698-4498 Ext 222 or email foodandbeverage@abyc.on.ca  
Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club
30 Ashbridge's Bay Park Road, Toronto, Ontario M4L 3W6 
Tel. 416-698-4498   Fax 416-698-5760
www.abyc.on.ca            Email admin@abyc.on.ca            Twitter @ABYCToronto
  ABYC Facebook Page           Jr. Race Team Facebook Page 
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Submitting Articles for Ship2Shore   
- Ship2Shore is scheduled to go out at Noon (1200 hr.) on Wednesday of each week.  

- The deadline for submitting articles or Ads is Noon (1200 hr.) on Tuesday(Ads run for a maximum of 2 weeks)

- Send Articles to news@abyc.on.ca and mark "For Ship2Shore" OR "For S2S".
- Photographs or questions & comments regarding Ship2Shore should be sent to s2seditors@gmail.com

Ship2Shore Subscription Information
- To Subscribe to Ship2Shore, goto http://www.abyc.on.ca and sign up where indicated on the lower left side of the
   web page or contact the Ship2Shore Editors at s2seditors@gmail.com.
- To Unsubscribe, click on the "Safe Unsubscribe" link below this box.
- To Update your profile, including your e-mail address, click on "Update Profile/Email Address" link below this box.
ABYC Members please note:  If you have a new e-mail address, you will also need to call the ABYC office to update your profile there.  Updating your Ship2Shore profile does not update your profile in the Membership Directory in the Members Only area of the Club website (http://www.abyc.on.ca).  Thus, you will need to click on the "Change Password or Directory Info" box in the Members Only area as well.  If you have forgotten your password or never received one, contact the Club office.