November 14, 2012 
Enjoying the Big Band Sounds 

                                                                                                                                                                         Photo - BCaron
More than 80 people enjoyed a great meal and Big Band sounds from the Swing Machine last Friday
In This Issue
Presentation Night (Racing Awards)
Upcoming ABYC Events
We have a few jobs
Children's Christmas Party
In-water winter storage
Family Room needs equipmentl
Tree Trimming
Member Contribution Committee
LYRA is coming to ABYC
Swing Night
Presentation Menu

Please contact the ABYC Club Office to reserve and pay for your tickets

Upcoming ABYC Events

Wednesday - Wing & Games Night  

Thursday - Pasta Night 

Friday - Fine Dining 



17  Saturday - Awards Night (Racing Awards)

28  Wednesday - Tree Raising

30  Christmas Dinner 

Wednesday - Wing & Games Night  

Thursday - Pasta Night 

Friday - Fine Dining 



02  Sunday - Children's Christmas Party   

Sue Hamilton
We have a few jobs
- from Sue Hamilton, Work Party Co-ordinator

There are a few jobs going on for this Saturday - some for which we have fully staffed crew, and some for which we need some bodies (see below).


Stephen Trevitt - needs a few hardy people to assist with wall repair by the mast crane.
Joe Simpson - needs a person to help with chain replacement, and a couple of people to help with work raft assembly.

Children's Christmas Party
Sunday, December 2 -11:30 a.m.
Sign up sheet on club's bulletin board
In-water winter boat storage
- from Al Workman

To All Members


As many of you know, I have been advocating in-water winter boat storage at ABYC for several years, and there appears to be a reasonable level of interest within the club.  My belief that this offers ABYC a viable alternative to on-land storage is based on the practices of many other clubs in the area.

In the interests of gauging ABYC member support for this idea, Vice-Commodore Bob Hedley and I have discussed the way forward, and he has asked me to assemble a list of members who are interested or could be interested in leaving their boats in the harbour over the winter.  There are several clear alternatives to be explored for protecting boats from ice damage. 

Member comments; pro or con, are valuable, especially if you have some direct knowledge or specific concerns regarding in-water storage. 

Please address them to me at

DVD player & VCR needed
- from Alan Coulter

The Family room DVD player & VCR are kaput!

If you have one or both of these that are not being used please consider making a donation to the Family Room. 

We can also use any donation of kids DVD's.

Please contact me at

tree trimming

Member Contribution Committee
- from Jamie Donaldson

Hi everyone!  I hope Haulout was uneventful for all; I discovered a lakeload of zebra mussels that had attached themselves to fleur du lac's bottom ... one of the benefits of being close to the treatment plant, I guess.


I have some reports to give from our committee:


1) "Blue card" work reporting.     

We have compiled the hours reported on blue cards through Nov 5.  I have posted the list in the signal room, listed this time by member name.  The contributions from Associate Members do not appear this time; they will reappear at the end of the year.  Another change is that the total is only given up to the required 20 hours; if you want to know what your total recorded hours are, ask me.


Please remember that unless you report your contribution hours, they will not get recorded.  May I also ask again for those who have completed their 20 hour commitment, and those that do not have this requirement, to keep reporting their contributions as well - it is important to have a good record of the real amount of work we do in the Club!


To new Senior members - your expected number of hours is prorated to the amount of the calendar year you have been a member.  The expectation of hours can be met by you, your spouse, your children, or a combination of these.


2) "Yellow card" Haulout survey.

Thank you all for completing this second survey!  We are compiling the results and will report on them soon.


3) Moving forward.

We are happy to report that we have found an on-line work management solution, and will be testing it out over the next couple of months, hoping to have this implemented for 2013.  If all works as planned, this will: (1) allow you as a member to find out what jobs (physical and otherwise) are available, with the required skills noted; (2) allow you as a member to sign up for jobs you find attractive; (3) allow you as a member to record your contribution hours; (4) allow you as a work party leader to advertise for help, and to approve members' requests to contribute; (5) allow you as a committee chair to do the same; (6) allow the Board (and whatever the member contribution committee evolves into) to monitor member contributions over the year. Stay tuned ....  

LYRA Annual General Meeting


The 2012 LYRA (Lake Yacht Racing Association) AGM was held at National Yacht Club on Saturday, November 10.  At this gathering, ABYC was awarded the 2014 LYRA Regatta.  Also, congratulations to ABYC Senior Member Dave Steenbergen on being elected President of LYRA.


 Members & guests enjoying Swing Night 

                                                                                                                                                                 Photos - Celia Lum

   ABYC Website            |            Twitter - @ABYCToronto            |          ABYC Facebook Page
Winter Hours Of Operation




Gas Dock




Closed for the Season   




"             " 


     4:00pm - 11:00pm

    4:00pm  - 10:00pm

"             " 


     4:00pm -   9:00pm

    4:00pm  -   8:00pm

"             " 


       NOON  - 11:00pm

      NOON  - 10:00pm

"             " 


   11:00am  -  9:00pm

    8:00am   -  8:00pm

"             " 

Sunday & Holidays

   11:00am  -  7:00pm

  11:00am  -   6:00pm

"             " 

 ABYC Office Hours:  8:30am - 5:00pm (Monday - Friday) 
For Dining Room Reservations call 416-698-4498 Ext 222 or email  
  Ashbridge's Bay Yacht Club
30 Ashbridge's Bay Park Road, Toronto, Ontario M4L 3W6 
Tel. 416-698-4498    Fax 416-698-5760    Email
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Submitting Articles for Ship To Shore   
- Ship To Shore is scheduled to go out at Noon (1200 hr.) on Wednesday of each week.  

- The deadline for submitting articles or Ads is Noon (1200 hr.) on Tuesday(Ads run for a maximum of 2 weeks)

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