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Addressing the Housing Crisis
Over the last several months the County Planning Department has been preparing the latest version of the Housing Element component of our General Plan. The County is required to regularly update this document in order to access housing funds and to be in compliance with state law. The document lays out strategies the County will undertake to address housing in the community, especially for the low income members of our community. While in past years the state has assigned unrealistic numbers of new housing necessary for growth, this year the regional housing numbers are reasonable and show that the county has the space to accommodate the numbers.
Some of the pieces of the Housing Element address strategies for preserving existing affordable housing stock in our community. Over 160 units of affordable housing have affordability restrictions expiring in the next two years. These were units built with federal housing dollars and were required to be affordable for 30 years. With that expiration nearing, I have asked our staff to draw up a clear strategy so we don't lose these critical pieces of our affordable housing needs.
The proposed Housing Elements looks at additional strategies such as ensuring that all parcels zoned for multi-unit housing are developed to their fullest; policy suggestions for addressing the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and tiny homes; changes in the ways we allocate how much retail and housing go into mixed use buildings and; the development of a study to evaluate countywide transportation impact fees for new development which will ensure that we have the infrastructure to support new construction. You can read the latest proposal from the Planning Department here. Additionally, the Housing Element can be found here.
The Housing Advisory Commission held numerous meetings leading to the development of the Housing Element, the Planning Commission also held a hearing, and the Board has held two hearings about this key document. The Board will conduct a final hearing on this document at our February 9th meeting. I encourage you to read up on the Housing Element and contact me if you have questions.
Supporting Our Libraries 
Our libraries are a critical community resource. Every day, young children, teens, seniors, veterans and community members of all ages rely on our libraries for our extensive collection of books, electronic media and online databases, and regularly participate in a variety of community classes, programs and activities.

However, the fact remains that our libraries are outdated and in serious need of upgrade and modernization. In Capitola and Live Oak, our neighborhood libraries do not have adequate facilities or electrical wiring to support growing use by children, teens and seniors and meet the needs of the modern day library user.

In order to address these needs at our local libraries, the Library is considering placing a $67 million bond measure on the June 2016 ballot. This measure would provide critical local funding that can only be used to strengthen our local libraries.

In our area, the measure would provide a safe place for after-school tutoring and a homework center in Live Oak, and would also allow the Capitola branch to replace its inadequate, cramped, temporary facilities with a modern, permanent library able to support library usage in the 21st century.
Our Libraries Our Future is the independent committee spearheading the campaign to strengthen our local libraries. Passing this critical measure will be a community effort, and I hope you will join me in supporting our local libraries. Stay tuned for more updates about how you can become involved.
Fundraising Event for O'Neill
Sea Odyssey
The O'Neill Sea Odyssey is a local non-profit organization which has served more than 85,000 elementary school children from the region with an ocean-going science and environmental education program. This Friday from 5:00 to 10 PM there will be a event benefiting their important work teaching Santa ruz County youth about environmental stewardship in the Monterey Bay and beyond. "Faces of the Sea Odyssey" will highlight local photographer David Dennis's portraits of students learning on the O'Neill Sea Odyssey, and will also include a vibrant evening of Artisans, Food, Drinks and Music. Admission is free. For more information click here.
What: Faces of the Sea Odyssey
When: 5:00-10 PM, Friday February 5th
Where: Food Lounge Santa Cruz, 1001 Center Street
Photo of the Month  
In front of the
Casalegno Mural near the Heart of Soquel Park
Don't Forget!
 Email me a favorite First District photo
 or video and it may appear here next month
Constituent Meetings
Wednesday, February 3
5:30-6:30 p.m. 
Michael's on Main 
2591 Main Street - Soquel
Wednesday, February 10
5:30-6:30 p.m.  
People's Coffee
1200 17th Ave - Live Oak

Wednesday, February 17
5:30-6:30 p.m. 
Loma Prieta School Forum
23800 Summit Road
Wednesday, March 2
5:30-6:30 p.m. 
Michael's on Main
2591 Main Street - Soquel 
Other Important
Santa Cruz City Schools Facilities Master Plan
Community Input Sessions:
Harbor High
Fri, Feb 5 at 6:30PM
Harbor High School Library

Soquel High
Wed, Feb 17 at 6:30PM
Soquel High School Library
Click here for more information and the schedule for all schools  

Rail Transit for Santa Cruz County: The Benefits and Challenges of Modern Transit
on the County's Rail Corridor
Monday, Feb 15th at 6:30pm
Vets Hall, 846 Front St.
Santa Cruz

SOQUEL AREA Transportation Meeting
Hosted by Supervisor Leopold
Wed, Feb 24
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Main Street Elementary School
3400 N Main Street, 
First District Office
Contact Info

 Phone: 454-2200

701 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Supervisor John Leopold | 701 Ocean Street | Santa Cruz, CA 95060 | 831-454-2200