Chamber JPEG

in this issue


Friends and family joined Michelle Kavanaugh and Terri Fish (center), owners of M&T Helping Hands, celebrate the opening of their new office at 241 Delaware Avenue in Delmar.  Also in attendance were representatives of the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce including Gerry Oestreich, ABC Leasing & Finance; Jennifer Messing, Farm Family;  Jennifer Kilcoyne, BCOC; Shoham Piorentino, First Niagara Bank and Jayne Maloney, School's Out Inc. 

Join Us Tomorrow! 
Pilates Studio 500

Pilates Studio 500
500 Kenwood Ave, Delmar  
Thursday, May 30, 5:30 pm 
Join us to welcome the new Pilates Studio 500 to town. Meet the staff and tour the space, while you enjoy refreshments and hors d'oeuvres.  



If you are interested in health insurance plans through the Chamber, June is open enrollment for CDPHP and MVP plans for coverage beginning July 1st. Visit the Chamber's Insurance page  for plan details or contact Monique Matuszek, Chamber Benefits Administrator at 439-0512.

  Buy Local Bethlehem  


The Chamber's Retail and Hospitality Committee will be promoting our Think and Buy Bethlehem Shop Local initiative at the Delmar Farmer's Market, beginning Saturday, June 1st
.  The Chamber will be promoting our members to the public to encourage the use and support of our local businesses.

                                     GET INVOLVED! 
Member businesses may provide marketing materials, coupons and special offers for distribution at the Market. Please drop materials off (200+ quantity) at the Chamber office by Thursday, May 30th at 3pm to be included on June 1st.

Member volunteers are also needed to staff the Chamber space throughout the summer and Fall. This is a great opportunity to highlight your business and meet new contacts.
Call the Chamber at 439-0512 or email  for information.    

View the online version of the Bethlehem Business map here.

For additional details on all of our upcoming events,

view our 
Chamber Events Calendar!

Business for Breakfast 
Health Care Reform Seminar 
Tuesday, June 11, 8 am 
Bethlehem Public Library Community Room
No Cost and open to all  

Find out how the Affordable Care Act will impact individuals and businesses. The Affordable Care Act has already resulted in some significant changes in health care, and the plan's major changes are scheduled to occur in 2014. From the health
insurance marketplace to employer tax credits and mandates, come find out what you need to know NOW to plan for the very near future!  This program is free, and part of the Small Business Assistance Program, a grant from the Community Service Society of NY, a project of the Bethlehem, Colonie and Guilderland Chambers of Commerce. 

Networking Mixer
Yanni's Too on the Waterfront
20 Marina Drive, Coeymans Landing 
Friday, June 14, 5-7 pm
$5 Members/$10 Non-Members 
Join us on the deck overlooking the Hudson to kick-off the summer!  Meet new contacts while enjoying Yanni's famous calamari and BBQ.

The next meeting of the Bethlehem Business Women will be Wednesday, June 5th, 6pm at Normanside Country Club in Delmar. Please RSVP to by Sunday, June 1st at 6pm to attend or call Andrea at 439-1474.  
It's time to switch your business to Berkshire Bank with these special offers  
for your business!  With over 165 years of experience under our belt, we have the strength and resources of a big bank, and the heart and attention of a community bank.  

Come find out what makes us America's Most Exciting Bank! We'll make your banking relationship easy.  

Don't miss these limited time specials! Stop in at 11 Vista Boulevard, or call or email Christine Turley at,



Glenmont Market located at 365 Feura Bush Rd, Glenmont (old Glenmont Beverage) is looking for Vendors for their weekly Saturday and Sunday market. All Local vendors are welcome. Looking for vendors who sell Crafts, Artwork, Jewelry, antiques, etc. No food vendors please. To reserve a space or for more information, please call Sejal at 518-369-2002 or email  


 SABIC volunteers participate in local community projects. On Wednesday, May 22 approximately 100 SABIC employees from the Selkikr site will volunteer their time and talents to give back to the community by performing carpentry and beautification work at local not-for-profit organizations as part of the compnay's 10th Annual Community Day. Some of this year's projects include the Capital City Rescue Mission, Hudson Valley Little League, Pieter B. Coeymans Elementary School, Sunnyside Child Development Center and Trinity Church. Dominick Perfetti, Selkirk site manager says "Community Day is a great way to put our appreciation and care toward our neighboring communities and organizations to work and create positive lasting results.  We're very fortunate at the Selkirk Plant to be in a position that allows us to give back, and grateful that we have been able to provide help for 10 consecutive years. We're happy to have the opportunity to reach out beyond our site and help those around us."


 Capital Region Living Magazine just announced "Best of the Capital Region 2013" Congratulations to Chamber members who were No. 1:
Mad Dog Bicycles, Phillips Hardware, Bethlehem Public Library, Five Rivers, Pioneer Bank, CAPCOM Federal Credit Union, Best Cleaners, Tiffany's Barber Shop, Realty USA, AAA Hudson Valley, Stewart's
 Other Chamber member finalists include:
First Niagara Bank, TACS Auto, Bethlehem YMCA, Balance Massage, Gregory's Barber Shop, Swifty's Restaurant and Pub, Shogun, Gold Coin Restaurant, Shalimar Restaurant and Make Me A Cake Next Door.

The Bethlehem Garden Club will host its Annual Garden Tour and Plant Sale on Wednesday June, 12 from 4-8 pm. The Plant Sale will be held at the Delmar Presbyterian Church, 585 Delaware Ave. Delmar  from 3 - 7 pm. Plant sale proceeds go to education grants awarded to local schools. Proceeds of the Garden Tour support gardens and other community enhancement projects. Advance tickets are $10 and available until June 2 by calling 439-5903. Tickets will be on sale the day of the event at the Plant sale and at the Slingerlands Price Chopper parking lot from 4-6:30 pm and are $15. A raffle will also be held and tickets will be available at the plant sale. The Grand prize: A minimum of 12 hours of fine gardening (weeding, transplanting, bringing out the best in your garden) performed by members of the Garden Club.

Capital Region Living Magazine
is offering a summer advertising special. Advertise in June, July and August and receive a free increase in size for one ad. For more information see the flyer. If you are interested in advertising contact or call 475-9250.

Pioneer Bank
is now offering a new High Five Checking account. The checking account offers many discounts for shopping, dining and much more. For more information see the flyer or call Karen in Delmar at 429-2500 or Alex in Glenmont at 463-1400.
   The Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy is looking for business vendors for their 2nd Annual Fairy Tales and Fireflies: Summer Solstice on the Hudson Mohawk Rail Trail, Thursday, June 20th from 6:30-9:30pm. The event is along the Rail Trail from Delmar to Slingerlands and will drawn 400 attendees and feature storytelling, kids crafts, food and music. For additional details and to participate see flyer. Deadline has been extended to June 3 and there is no cost to vendors.  

Main Square Shoppes
located at 316-318 Delaware Ave, Delmar has professional office space for lease. Office space ranges from 500 sq ft to 4500 sq ft, see flyer. For availability and additional information contact Dennis Corrigan at 518-669-8858. 



The Tuesday Farmers Market at the
First United Methodist Church is now underway. Stop in on Tuesdays from 3 - 6 pm and pick up Geurtze Bar-B-Q or fresh 
 vegetables and plants and other items that are available. Order your chicken ahead by calling 439-7760 by noon on Tuesday.

Delmar Farmers Market begins on Saturday, June 1. The Farmers Market takes place weekly on Saturdays (rain or shine) from 9 am - 1pm at the Bethlehem Middle School. Check out the selection of local homegrown products, crafts and local businesses.  

For all member and community events visit our Events Calendar.




1525 Western Avenue, Suite 1 

Albany, NY 12203

(518) 218-0707


Delmar Custom Tailor & Cleaners

Andrew Porter

365 Feura Bush Road

Glenmont, NY 12077

(518) 475-0883


Steiners Sports

Dave Endy  

329 Glenmont Road

Glenmont, NY 12077

(518) 427-2406


The Magic of Music

Margarita Khaitov

341 Delaware Ave

Delmar, NY 12054

(518)  475-0215 


Gusto's Pizza

Vlad Kletnev 

Artm Novikov  

180 Delaware Avenue

Delmar, NY  12054

(518) 439-1700


Cool River Pools, Inc. 

Wayne Foshee
222 Delaware Ave
Delmar, NY 12054
(518) 356-2303

Colonial Acres Golf Club
Dale Ezyk
15 Saybrook Drive
Glenmont, NY 12077
(518) 439-2089

Gold Coin Restaurant
1360 New Scotland Road
Slingerlands, NY 12159
(518) 439-6428
Oncology Systems Limited, Inc.
94 Fernbank Ave.
Delmar, NY 12054
(518) 475-1085
500 Kenwood Ave
Delmar, NY 12054
(518) 495-5091
302 Washington Avenue Ext.
Albany, NY 12203
Huff 'N Puff 
Eric Minkiewicz
110 Rotterdam Industrial Park
Schenectady, NY 12306
(518) 356-3026 
Capital Region Vein Centre

Frank G. Fort, MD
1537 Union St.
Schenectady, NY 12309
(518) 377-1154

      For additional new members visit our New Member page 



CEG will hold the 17th Annual Technology Innovations Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, June 26th, 11:30 am at the Albany Marriott. The Technology Awards, recognizes local technology companies for superior achievements.  For more information, visit


 Visit the Chamber's Website for all upcoming events and news! 

Don't FORGET you can now join or renew your dues online.

Important Links and Resources



Looking for work space?  Visit our Marketspace page frequently to see available office space.





Looking for work?  Visit our Job Postings page frequently to see current openings.



Farm Family Logo

Thanks to 
of Farm Family, Glenmont 
Save $$
Visit our
Member to Member Deals and Hot Deals
to save on valuable services from local Chamber members.

Businesses interested in offering Hot Deals to the Community,
 contact us for more information.