Weekly News
June 17, 2016


"God's love calls us to proclaim with joy the Good News of Jesus Christ,
to welcome all people into the community of faith, and to serve Christ through serving others."



This Sunday's Services
June 19, 2016

7:45am H. Eucharist, Rite 1
10:00am H. Eucharist, Rite 2
2:00pm Chapel on the Green


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Trinity Church on the Green 


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Giving Thanks for Dad
This Father's Day weekend, let us celebrate and give thanks for our fathers, whether biological, adopted or step fathers.  Let us thank God for their love, support, guidance and even discipline.  Let us pray and ask God to change the hearts and minds of those who have been unable to fulfill their fatherly duties for whatever reason so that they may be reconciled with their children and families.  Let us pray for the dads who in the past week have lost sons and daughters as a result of violence and will never have the opportunity to hug their children or tell them they love them.
Loving God, Heavenly Father, we thank you for fathers. We thank you for biological fathers, adopted fathers, and fathers in spirit. We thank you for fathers who love and nurture children who are not their own, who teach us to be upright and courageous in adversity and make us strong enough to go out into the world. 
We thank you for fathers who work hard every day to help fulfill the needs of their families, who fix broken things and teach us how to do it ourselves, who embrace us and guide us, who love us even when they don't understand us. We know they reflect and embody your love for us as our heavenly Father. 
Comfort those of us who miss our fathers this day, and strengthen and bless those fathers who work so hard to love, protect, and nurture their families this day and every day.  (1)
Happy Father's Day. 

TONIGHT 2016 Trinity Summer Art Exhibit

Special Prayers for the victims of the Orlando Shooting

Last Sunday we all learnt with deep sadness and shock of the horrifying shooting in Orlando, FL. It was the worst terrorist attack since September 11, 2001 and the 998th mass shooting since Sandy Hook: 49 people dead, 53 wounded.

This past week revealed more about the shooter, the sentiments in our country. Multiple calls for an end to gun violence and more gun protection have been launched.  Research and stats show the continued need to protect minorities. The extend of the violence and the number of victims is abominable and numbing; the trail of shootings seemingly unstoppable. 

This is a spiritual emergency. We need a radical change of mind and of heart. Whether people come from East or West, from one or the other religion, it is time for a collective confrontation these roots of violence and shooting, 

Strong emphasis is needed to highlight that hate is not our story, but Love is. And with God's love we will love hate to death. 

Let us unite in prayer and express deep sympathy for the victims, their families, and the LGBT community. May God's spirit of love find more room in the hearts of people. 

Entry Step Construction Update: Parking at Omni!

This Sunday the center doors will be our main access to the church! Our apologies for last week's difficult access. Last weeks experience was out of line with the agreement that a least one of the stair entrances would be accessible. 

Please know that parking is available at Omni. Sextons have parking tickets available for 2 hour parking. Don't hesitate to take a ticket on your way out.

More Information
The apron big dig started June 3. The Kronenberger construction company has taken over the apron to renovate our church's front steps. 

Entrance to the church will be clearly marked at all times. Some Sundays the main entrance will be available but the side entrance won't. Other Sundays the main entrance will be blocked, all depending on where the construction is going on. Our sexton team will make sure entrance points will be clear and safe. The Chapel Street side door will be accessible at all times.

Parking will of course be affected during this summer, but the burden will be limited on Sundays and evenings, when the construction company will pull their equipment onto the steps. During weekdays please use street parking. Our head-sexton, Sam Sigg, has marked 8 parking spots on the Chapel St side of the church for church staff. And staff conversations about parking have warned against using the Green as exit option. A trip around the church involved steep ramps and ditches that are dangerous for most cars.

Construction is by Kronenberger & Sons. They will be completely replacing our 3 sets of crumbling front entry steps over the summer, but first they will also install the new ornamental spandrel trim above and on either side of the trim above Trinity' center front doors. Painting of all the front door trim will be launched after installation. Actual demolition occurs in June, with either the center or flanking steps done first, leaving some existing steps available for use during the summer months. Patience is necessary as construction will limit the use of our apron for parking for the entire summer. The step replacement, trim fabrication, and painting is being financed by a 50 /50 matching grant from the State Office of Historic Preservation, and the New Haven Preservation Trust. The Holiday Bazaar and the people of Trinity are working to replace remaining funds taken from the endowment to fund this project. 

We are very grateful to our properties team and our church staff. Their hands-on coordination is making sure things are running very smoothly. Gratitude also to our amazing Holiday Bazaar team who already raised $50,000 and is committed to raise more to cover Trinity's part of the construction cost.
Thanks so much!

Book Club- Upcoming Meetings

Trinity Book Browse is on Wednesday, June 22 at 7pm at the home of Jenny and Derek Briggs,  jenniferobriggs@gmail.com; 203-624-2488 or 203-804-6532. Please contact Jenny if you plan to attend.
This is when we select our books for the following year. Remember the basic rules of the book browse! Suggest a maximum of 2 books, fiction or non-fiction. Please have read some if not all of the book you are suggesting, do not bring it on the strength of a review.
Please suggest books which will be available in paperback. Please attend even if you have no books to suggest! Voting will occur on the evening and online. We look forward to seeing you. 

Many thanks for all the replies. Best wishes,

King Fund Applications
Francis L King

The Francis L. King Fund supplies grants for assistance with tuition and medical expenses to members of Trinity Church who are in need. Educational grants are given for college level tuition only, and not for advanced study and degrees or lower level school tuition. Notification of awards will take place in July, and awards granted will be paid in August and December.
Fill out this application (please print) and return it by Thursday, June 30th 2016 to the Parish Office, to the attention of Sherrill Farkas. 

Vacation Bible School
Greetings Cave Questers! Vacation Bible School at Trinity is officially August 22-26th! Check out Trinity's website for online registration and any questions you may have. We hope you will join us to explore how to Follow Jesus, the Light of the World. See you then!

Second Annual "Let It Shine!" Parish Art Exhibition
August 12 to September 15

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF INTENT IS Friday July 29, 5 pm. Deadline for delivery of work to the church is Tuesday, August 9, 5 pm. PLEASE SPECIFY ALL THE INFORMATION LISTED BELOW BY EMAIL for the work you plan to submit.
The exhibition will consist principally of 2 dimensional work with a limited space for sculpture or 3D work, and is limited to church members, active parishioners, and staff.
This is not a thematic exhibition, but more of an opportunity to showcase our own in-house parish talent. Please email Sam for more detailed submission guidelines. THANKS! Get ready to let your light shine!

History Ministry to Sponsor Tours of Trinity in July
and one special tour on June 25
Trinity historians will conduct tours of Trinity each Sunday in July at 11:30 am.  Each tour will last about 45 minutes and will begin in the Narthex (entry vestibule). 
Each tour guide will have his/her own focus, but generally these tours of Trinity Church on the New Haven Green will focus on a general history of the building whose cornerstone was set in 1814 with the building completed by the end of 1815 and consecrated in early 1816.  The contrast of Trinity's building style as compared to that of Center Church, both designed by the architect Ithiel Town, will be the springboard to the tour.  We will then go inside to see the variety of interior nave (sanctuary) elements from its Tiffany windows to its three distinctive altars. 
Sunday, July 3rd                 Guide: Ray Chappell  
Sunday, July 10th               Guide: Ray Chappell 
Sunday, July 17th                Guide: Joe Dzeda
Sunday, July 24th                Guide: Neil Olsen
Sunday, July 31st                 Guide: Peg Chambers

Saturday, June 25, 11:00 am: An Additional Option 
for a New Haven Festival of Arts & Ideas tour of Trinity Church

This year's New Haven Festival of Arts & Ideas tour of Trinity Church on the New Haven Green will be lead by parishioner Peg Chambers, AIA, and will focus on a general history of the building whose cornerstone was set in 1814 with the building completed by the end of 1815 and consecrated for use in early 1816. The contrast of Trinity's building style as compared to that of Center Church, both designed by the architect Ithiel Town, will be the springboard to the tour. We will then go inside to see the variety of interior nave (sanctuary) elements from its Tiffany windows to its three distinctive altars. The tour will end with a brief introduction to our historic organ by John Abdenour, Director of Music at St. Paul's, Fairfield, CT. Tour running time: 60 minutes.

Up to 25 people. Children to be accompanied by an adult. Please sign-up on the Festival website: http://www.artidea.org/event/2016/1630

Wednesday Club 
Due to work on the front steps, Wednesday Club will meet for hand sewing and crafting this summer at 9 am until noon at the homes of our members. We have a wide range of ongoing activities and projects so we will be busy. No sewing machines are necessary. This is a dynamic group working together, enjoying fellowship and coffee each week. We invite you to join us. If you would like to be notified of the locations for this summer's Wednesday Club, contact Pat Chappell.  

New Clay Chalices Coming
Worship is a very active event. The chalices and patens included. And sometimes one of them falls in the line of duty. Last year we lost two of our ceramic chalices, between Chapel on the Green and our renewed 9am service.

Trevor Youngberg, a Woodbridge based potter, will gladly provide new ones. If you would like to take a look how these chalices will be made, please know you are welcome to join his anagama kiln on July 1 and 2.

As Trevor describes his work: "I'm a wood for potter, specializing in the anagama kiln. Anagama kilns are a medieval technology that allows wood ash to accumulate upon the pieces in the chamber. The design gasifies the wood allowing for temperatures exceeding 2300F..... Causing the ash to melt into a gaze. All pots are thrown on a Potter's wheel.  Good night's to visit are July 1-2. Thank you again for your interest!"
More information at www.trevoryoungberg.com

Holiday Bazaar
Surprise Gifts, new items valued between $1 and $5 to be sold for $1.50 each, are a huge seller at the bazaar. Presently we have very few. Our goal is 300 items. We are looking for all those little items you receive and don't know what to do with and those items you see while shopping, please send them our way.  Give them to Sam or drop them off in the Holiday Bazaar closet. Contact: Jeri Geffken

Genesis Garden 
Trinity is creating a community garden called the "Genesis Garden" for church congregants, staff and visitors. This garden is designed to physically represent the seven days of creation found in Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-4. The two main goals for this garden are to (i) educate visitors on the creation accounts and humanity's responsibility toward the earth, as well as to (ii) create a sense of community not only with fellow humans, but between all of nonhuman creation. The garden will model an interdependent relationship between all of creation, and will encourage a reciprocal and biocentric ideology embedded in Scripture. To encourage a Christian ideology, located in the center of the garden, there will be a stone cross statue as the universal symbol to keep God in the center of creation.
 We are looking for members to join our Garden Committee. If you have a passion for gardening or are interested in the intersection between Christianity and the environment, email Julia Johnson at jjohnson@trinitynewhaven.org
Rachel Segger: Music Program Manager

Rachel Segger will assume the post of Music Program Manager at Trinity Church on the Green as of June 1, occupying a new position that replaces the one of Associate Director of Music when Andy Kotylo departs to become Director of Music at St. Peter's Church in Columbia, South Carolina in mid-June. 
Rachel has been an attorney, an elementary school music teacher, and a full-time church organist/director of music. She holds an MM in organ (Yale School of Music) and an MAR in liturgical studies (Yale Divinity School) through the Institute of Sacred Music, as well as an AB from Harvard and a JD from the University of Connecticut School of Law. Rachel and her husband, Glen, have three sons, Augie, Elyot, and Frankie. Augie and Elyot are alumni of the Boys Choir and Frankie currently attends the church school and serves as an acolyte. 
As Music Program Manager, Rachel will assist the Director of Music, Walden Moore, in the management of the Trinity music program, coordinating fundraising, planning for choir events and tours, recruiting choristers, managing choir calendars and rehearsal logistics, connecting with community music organizations, and serving as the point person for choir parents and members of the three parish choirs. She joins a music staff which will include Walden and two Organ Scholars - Janet Yieh will return for another year, and we'll have an additional Organ Scholar from the first-year students. 
We welcome Rachel to the Trinity staff family!
There's Always DRAMA at Trinity 
In a Dinner Theater Performance
on Saturday, July 9, 2016
*** Note the new date ***
The performance had to be rescheduled due to parking issues
The Trinity Players will offer a special theater event, raising funds for Trinity ministries.  Food and Theater will be served in The Undercroft beginning at 6PM.
The Play: "Nicene Noir," An Allegory on the Creed will be directed by Rev. Robert Sandine. Nicene Noir is our beloved playwright Neil Olsen's noir-inspired story of Private Eye John Venture, a man searching for a lost soul in the mean streets of the city. He comes face to face with a colorful cast of characters in his quest to find redemption. The play provides a riff on contemporary morality as one man looks to find his way in a world turned upside down.
The Food:  Conceived by thespian and noted cook, Anna Foster, the evening will feature a 1940s-1950s era vintage buffet - the food your parents loved and served - as researched from period menus and our parishioners' memories. What a unique treat!
The Cost:  Ticketed reservations are $20 per person, or $100 if you would like to be a sponsor (includes admission for two), or donate more if you can! Reservations will be available online starting on May 15, 2016. Reservations also will be taken before and after Sunday services in June, and during office hours. There's limited seating in "The Undercroft" of Trinity Church, so get your tickets soon, for another fun night at TRINITY. 

New Haven Reads Needs You!

In New Haven, 70% of third graders read below grade level. Can you donate an hour a week to help our students become skilled and confident readers? 
The opportunity: One hour per week
Tutors must be at least 15 years old
Tutoring hours at 3pm, 4pm and 5pm weekdays
Saturdays at 10am, 11am, 12pm and 1pm

We provide volunteers with all the materials and training needed! Contact Keri Humphries at keri@newhavenreads.org for more information or to join us as a volunteer!

Camp Winni - A place where individuals and families can experience a weeklong-magic of Camp, Community, and Spiritual Renewal

Registration is now open for you to come to Camp Winni for a week beginning July 30 to August 1, 2016. There are a few Trinity members who have attended Camp Winni, including John and Gloria Hoda for the past 10 years. This is a special year as we celebrate 100 years.  Details are available on the website.  Please contact gloria.hoda@yale.edu
if you have any questions.

PRAY FIRST launches new website

PRAY FIRST, together with the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, announces the launch of its new website: www.prayfirstct.org
PRAY FIRST describes the site as an invitation to experience God's presence in each moment of your life; a reminder that we can change our lives, our relationships, and our meetings by the simple act of inviting God to be present in them; and a reminder that in each moment there is an opportunity to begin our prayer and our life anew. 

PRAY FIRST is an emerging ministry network in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut and beyond and the site reflects the network's commitment for greater availability of communication tools and resources among all of our many members and community constituents. 

For more information and a list of founding team members, see the blog post here

Days for Girls

Because every girl in the world deserves education, safety, and dignity the CT Chapter of DFG and Kenyan Health Care Initiatives are working to keep girls in school by providing them with sustainable Feminine Hygiene Kits and health educational programs. Join us weekly in the undercroft at the Wednesday Club between 9 and noon to sew, and serge. Donations of 100% cotton, or flannel are welcomed. Always needed are sewers, sergers, and folks to wash and iron fabric.
Our Chumvi Kenya DFG Enterprise has been selected to be a major DFG hub for all of Kenya. This year over 1800 kits and components are being delivered to Kenya.. 
Contact Mary Ann Stroup at Ctchapter@daysforgirls.org

Habitat Volunteers Needed

Habitat Logo
Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven has gratefully acknowledged receipt of the 14 mini Alberta Spruce trees that graced the front steps and side doors of Trinity all winter. Habitat is getting ready to build a new house and would love to have some Trinity volunteers!  Upcoming dates include June 11 & 25, July 9 & 16.  Volunteers need to register ahead of time - register on-line now at www.habitatgnh.org. In the list of organization volunteers, check-off Trinity Church as your affiliation.  Or, call 203-785-0794.  

Volunteers Needed At DESK and Columbus House
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK): Next trinity date: April 12th (and the second Tuesday of every month) volunteers are needed from 5:00 - 7:00 pm to serve the meal and help with clean-up. DESK serves from the Center Church Parish House, 311 Temple St., New Haven. Please contact Chuck Kaywood to let him know if you are available to help.

Columbus House:
Next Trinity date: April 19th (and the third Tuesday of every month). Trinity cooks and serves the meal at Columbus House. Volunteers are needed from about 4:00 - 6:00 pm each month. Please contact Warner Marshall  or George Gillin if you are available to help or for more information.
Trinity Book Corner
The Trinity Book Corner is now ready and waiting for your enjoyment.  The collection to date numbers over one hundred books selected by members of the Spirituality Committee, the Rector and others. The topics covered are Spirituality, Mindfulness, Faith, the Church, Christianity, Death and Dying and Prayer. The book collection is available for browsing and contemplation. As more books are added attention will be paid to expanding the resources available for spiritual growth and spiritual living. For more information about our books and resources, please contact Carol Davidson at cdavidson41@comcast.net
Bob needs furniture

Bob Ricone came by asking if people would be willing to donate furniture to him. He needs basics  table, chairs, pots and pans, lamp, etc.
His address is 158 Columbus Ave. Apt. #1, New Haven and his phone is 203-235-4611. Thanks

We pray for... 
Those who are on our parish prayer list...

Darnella Grant, Michele Eichler, Clara Winnepenninckx-De Volder, Emily Tredwell and family, Charles Lemert, Bill Morris, Judi Knifing-Chattuck, Polly Fiddler, Kimberly Palmer.

In thanksgiving we pray for: 
Thanksgiving for the birth of our great-grandson, Anders Edward Eastman, today, Friday June 17, 2016 at 8:19. Minot&Alycyn.
Trinity's House Churches celebrating 25 years of continuous weekly meetings this year.  So far, we haven't exhausted reading the Gospel each week, or sharing our food and fellowship.

And for our dearly departed: 
Sabrije Gashi Sabreea; the mother of Mike Reynolds, Francis Smythe, Jack Maher. 

Want to add someone to our prayer list? 
Would you like to add yourself or a member of your family to the our prayer list? Let us know about an anniversary or special occasion? Via email or telephone, contact the parish administrative assistant. 

Memorial flowers are also available to honor the departed.

NOTE: Prayer requests will remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks, please contact the Parish Office if you wish to add names that have been removed. 
Commemorative Flowers
It has been a long tradition at Trinity for individuals or groups to request flowers on the altars that commemorate, honor, or celebrate a special person or event. And our Trinity Altar Guild orders, arranges, and coordinates flowers for all altars. The contribution for commemorative flowers is $35. Color preference will be honored if available through our vendor. There may be more than one request on a Sunday. When this occurs, the first person scheduled, is the one whose choice is followed. For requests and payments please email our office assistant or call her at 203 624-3101.
Church Event Calendar: Contact Sam Sigg

Sam Sigg, our head sexton, is now managing our church event calendar. From now on, to schedule meetings or events, please contact Sam Sigg. Before announcing your meeting or event to the community, make sure your date and venue are confirmed by Sam, given our limited space for meetings.

Conference Call   

The 9am & 11am  services are available as conference calls to all of you who are unable to attend church.   
To access the conference call, dial 1-877-594-8353 and follow the prompts. When asked the CODE NUMBER type in 58775537 on your phone number pad.   
Of course, we especially welcome those of you who are unable to attend church due to medical concerns, however, if you are out of town on vacation you,  too,  can stay in touch with Trinity with the conference call!
Office Information
To contact our administrative assistant, please use this email address:
Telephone: 203 624 3101
Our current Office Hours are the following: 
Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Trinity Church on the Green

On the corner of Temple and Chapel Streets


Trinity Church Parish Office:

950 Chapel Street, Fl. 2 

New Haven, CT 06510-2515


Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Monday -Friday

Phone: (203) 624-3101

Fax: (203) 624-2412

E-mail: adminassistant@trinitynewhaven.org