Weekly News
May 7, 2016


"God's love calls us to proclaim with joy the Good News of Jesus Christ,
to welcome all people into the community of faith, and to serve Christ through serving others."



This Sunday's Services
May 8, 2016

7:45am H. Eucharist, Rite 1
9:00am H. Eucharist, Rite 2
11:00am Morning Prayer, Rite 1
2:00pm Chapel on the Green


Trinity's Calendar 


Trinity Church on the Green 


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Upcoming Events
Community Celebration Event
7:00 PM August 20 2008
More Details Link

Non-denominational Prayer Breakfast
8:30 PM August 25 2008
Directions and Map

Study and Meditation Session
8:00 PM August 28 2008
More Details Link
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers!

Right before this year's Mother's Day Weekend I was blessed to visit my own mother and grandmother, back in Brussels, Belgium. It all came together because my grandmother's health is rapidly declining. She is 96 and I wanted to see her while she is still with us to express how much she means to me. 

After we greeted each other this passed week at her nursing home apartment, my grandmother asked right away, Are you still in America? And right after I confirmed she lovingly replied, That is so far away, isn't that far away, - and teasingly - you couldn't go farther, could you? In her smile I could see just how much she misses me and how much I am still close to her heart.

What a blessing to experience my grandmother's love, as I also experienced so beautifully from my own mom these past 3 days. Being with them renewed my awareness of just how many blessings I have received in life, from my mother and grandmother, blessings that have built me up into who I am. I am so grateful I was able to see them and that I was able to see and pray with my grandmother as she prepares herself for the big journey.

I pray that everyone can be blessed in life with loving mothers, mother figures, or motherly presence. Happy Mother's Day to all moms!

Mother's Day Weekend May 6th - 8th
Trinity Annual Mother's Day Plant Sale:  This year there are both plants and herbs available. As always, delicious baked goods and small gift items will be for sale. All proceeds go to support Trinity's general fund. 
           May 6: Friday 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
           May 7: Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
           May 8: Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Save the Date: Friday June 3 
Picnic Celebration & Parish Recognition of Andy Kotylo

Andy K
Please save the date for our special bicentennial evening picnic celebration at the Light House Carousel (with special children activities starting in the afternoon). 
During the special picnic celebration we will honor our Associate Director of Music, Andy Kotylo, for his amazing legacy of work and ministry at Trinity. 
Genesis Garden 
Trinity is creating a community garden called the "Genesis Garden" for church congregants, staff and visitors. This garden is designed to physically represent the seven days of creation found in Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-4. The two main goals for this garden are to (i) educate visitors on the creation accounts and humanity's responsibility toward the earth, as well as to (ii) create a sense of community not only with fellow humans, but between all of nonhuman creation. The garden will model an interdependent relationship between all of creation, and will encourage a reciprocal and biocentric ideology embedded in Scripture. To encourage a Christian ideology, located in the center of the garden, there will be a stone cross statue as the universal symbol to keep God in the center of creation.
 We are looking for members to join our Garden Committee. If you have a passion for gardening or are interested in the intersection between Christianity and the environment, email Julia Johnson at jjohnson@trinitynewhaven.org
Book Club- Upcoming Meetings
The next book we will be discussing is Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert, suggested by Mary Ann Stroup. Below are the upcoming meetings. Please let the hosts know if you plan to attend.
Sunday June 5 at 5pm: at the home of Deborah and Gary Desire. Deborah's email:
Also please be reminded to start thinking about books that you wish to suggest for next year to bring to the Book Browse at my house on Wednesday, June 22nd at 7pm., at the house of Jenny Briggs: Jenny Briggs jenniferobriggs@gmail.com.
Trinity Home Board Annual Senior Spring Luncheon
Wednesday May 11, 2016, at the New Haven Country Club, 160 Hartford Turnpike, Hamden, CT, starting at 11:30 a.m. with a cash bar reception. Lunch will begin at 12:15 p.m. RSVP before April 27, 2016 to Mrs. Mary Outtrim
Knitting Ministry
We will meet on May 22nd from 12-2 p.m. in the Undercroft for fun, food and fellowship. In preparation for the Holiday Bazaar Gloria Hoda will give a lesson on making fingerle
ss gloves. We have plenty of yarn but you 
will need to bring double pointed needles size 7.
n addition,
please keep working on prayer shawls especially 
lap blankets in"male" colors as we wil
l have a blessing of the shawls in June. Please consider bringing a food item to share. All are welcome as lessons and supplies will be provided. If you have any questions please email Candy Carl-Stannard at pcstannard@att.net


Vacation Bible School
Greetings Cave Questers! Vacation Bible School at Trinity is officially August 22-26th! Check out Trinity's website for online registration and any questions you may have. We hope you will join us to explore how to Follow Jesus, the Light of the World. See you then!

Sunday Forum Series: Spring 2016
Each Forum will take place at 10am, between services

May 8Genesis Garden Project: Urban Environment Care
May 15
Trinity Planning By Rev. Luk De Volder
May 22
Trinity Planning by Rev. Luk De Volder

Camp Winni - A place where individuals and families can experience a weeklong-magic of Camp, Community, and Spiritual Renewal

Registration is now open for you to come to Camp Winni for a week beginning July 30 to August 1, 2016. There are a few Trinity members who have attended Camp Winni, including John and Gloria Hoda for the past 10 years. This is a special year as we celebrate 100 years.  Details are available on the website.  Please contact gloria.hoda@yale.edu if you have any questions.

Days for Girls

Because every girl in the world deserves education, safety, and dignity the CT Chapter of DFG and Kenyan Health Care Initiatives are working to keep girls in school by providing them with sustainable Feminine Hygiene Kits and health educational programs. Join us weekly in the undercroft at the Wednesday Club between 9 and noon to sew, and serge. Donations of 100% cotton, or flannel are welcomed. Always needed are sewers, sergers, and folks to wash and iron fabric.
Our Chumvi Kenya DFG Enterprise has been selected to be a major DFG hub for all of Kenya. This year over 1800 kits and components are being delivered to Kenya.. 
Contact Mary Ann Stroup at Ctchapter@daysforgirls.org

Habitat Volunteers Needed

Habitat Logo
Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven has gratefully acknowledged receipt of the 14 mini Alberta Spruce trees that graced the front steps and side doors of Trinity all winter. Habitat is getting ready to build a new house and would love to have some Trinity volunteers!  Upcoming dates include June 11 & 25, July 9 & 16.  Volunteers need to register ahead of time - register on-line now at www.habitatgnh.org. In the list of organization volunteers, check-off Trinity Church as your affiliation.  Or, call 203-785-0794.  

Wednesday Club 
Wednesday Club meets every Wednesday from 9 until noon in the undercroft. We have already begun preparations for Holiday Bazaar 2016 as well as supplies for Days for Girls. This is a dynamic group working together, enjoying fellowship and coffee each week. We have a wide range of activities so you do not need to be a crafter or sewer to be busy. We invite you to join us. Contact: Pat Chappell
Fourth Tuesday
Join us for an evening of making and preparing items for the Holiday Bazaar each 4th Tuesday of the month from 5:30 until 8 in the undercroft. Come and bring your sewing machines and tools, extension cords, and ideas. We very much need folks to iron, stitch, and assemble and to support our machine sewist. Come and learn how to knit and help create simple knitted items for the bazaar.  This is a great way to introduce your friends to Trinity.  Join us!
Date of next evening is May 24th.  Additional Saturday sewing on Saturday, May 14, 9am to noon.
Contact:     Catherine Williams J71782hot@aol.com or Sheila Owen sheilaowenmsw@gmail.com
Volunteers Needed At DESK and Columbus House
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK): Next trinity date: April 12th (and the second Tuesday of every month) volunteers are needed from 5:00 - 7:00 pm to serve the meal and help with clean-up. DESK serves from the Center Church Parish House, 311 Temple St., New Haven. Please contact Chuck Kaywood to let him know if you are available to help.

Columbus House:
Next Trinity date: April 19th (and the third Tuesday of every month). Trinity cooks and serves the meal at Columbus House. Volunteers are needed from about 4:00 - 6:00 pm each month. Please contact Warner Marshall  or George Gillin if you are available to help or for more information.
Trinity Book Corner
The Trinity Book Corner is now ready and waiting for your enjoyment.  The collection to date numbers over one hundred books selected by members of the Spirituality Committee, the Rector and others. The topics covered are Spirituality, Mindfulness, Faith, the Church, Christianity, Death and Dying and Prayer. The book collection is available for browsing and contemplation. As more books are added attention will be paid to expanding the resources available for spiritual growth and spiritual living. For more information about our books and resources, please contact Carol Davidson at cdavidson41@comcast.net
We pray for... 
Those who are on our parish prayer list...

Darnella Grant, Michele Eichler, Chris Janis, Eric & Deb Hall, Jennifer Webb, Daphne Cassan, Elizabeth Booth, Michael Packevicz, and Nilson Assis, Phyllis Q. Matthews, Lucy Puglia, Robin Little, Clara Winnepenninckx-De Volder
And for our dearly departed: 
Barbara Godlewski, Jessica Anako, Joanne Israel, Nancy Pugsley, Daphne Cassan

Want to add someone to our prayer list? 
Would you like to add yourself or a member of your family to the our prayer list? Let us know about an anniversary or special occasion? Via email or telephone, contact the parish administrative assistant. 

Memorial flowers are also available to honor the departed.

NOTE: Prayer requests will remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks, please contact the Parish Office if you wish to add names that have been removed. 
Commemorative Flowers
It has been a long tradition at Trinity for individuals or groups to request flowers on the altars that commemorate, honor, or celebrate a special person or event. And our Trinity Altar Guild orders, arranges, and coordinates flowers for all altars. The contribution for commemorative flowers is $35. Color preference will be honored if available through our vendor. There may be more than one request on a Sunday. When this occurs, the first person scheduled, is the one whose choice is followed. For requests and payments please email our office assistant or call her at 203 624-3101.
Church Event Calendar: Contact Sam Sigg

Sam Sigg, our head sexton, is now managing our church event calendar. From now on, to schedule meetings or events, please contact Sam Sigg. Before announcing your meeting or event to the community, make sure your date and venue are confirmed by Sam, given our limited space for meetings.

Conference Call   

The 9am & 11am  services are available as conference calls to all of you who are unable to attend church.   
To access the conference call, dial 1-877-594-8353 and follow the prompts. When asked the CODE NUMBER type in 58775537 on your phone number pad.   
Of course, we especially welcome those of you who are unable to attend church due to medical concerns, however, if you are out of town on vacation you,  too,  can stay in touch with Trinity with the conference call!
Office Information
To contact our administrative assistant, please use this email address:
Telephone: 203 624 3101
Our current Office Hours are the following: 
Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Trinity Church on the Green

On the corner of Temple and Chapel Streets


Trinity Church Parish Office:

950 Chapel Street, Fl. 2 

New Haven, CT 06510-2515


Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Monday -Friday

Phone: (203) 624-3101

Fax: (203) 624-2412

E-mail: adminassistant@trinitynewhaven.org