Weekly eNews
February 14, 2015


"God's love calls us to proclaim with joy the Good News of Jesus Christ,
to welcome all people into the community of faith, and to serve Christ through serving others."



This Sunday's Services
February 15, 2015

7:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite 1
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite 2
11:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist, Rite 1
2:00 p.m  Chapel on the Green


Trinity's Calendar 


The Still Small Voice - Trinity Outreach   


The Daily Office 


Trinity Church on the Green   


Diocese of Connecticut 


News about the Episcopal Church  




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Being Mortal
This past Tuesday night, Frontline's program, entitled Being Mortal was an interview with NY Times best-selling author and surgeon, Dr. Atul Gawande on his book by the same name.  The program focused on patients in their final days with their families and physicians as they wrestled with the patients' expectations and their end of life situations and choices.  Of particular note was how much as a physician, Dr. Gawande and other physicians struggled with problems they couldn't fix, namely aging and death.  The program allowed us to journey along with Dr. Gawande as he examined his own personal experiences with his father's terminal illness and the decisions he and his family made as well as those of his colleagues and their terminally-ill patients as they pondered end of life situations.  It was an informative program and one I would recommend to the entire parish to watch as an introduction to the book of the same name.


            This spring Trinity's members of the Home Board will be reading this book to better equip ourselves in discerning how we can share our own desires and end of life priorities and those of our loved ones.  I recommend this book to the entire congregation since it offers many humane suggestions on how to think about our fear of dying and prioritize our quality of life, treatment options and expectations when confronted with difficult end of life decisions.  And perhaps at this time when as a Christian community we are invited into a Holy Lent, we too may more deeply confront the reality of death with the truth of God's promise of eternal life.



Poetry Sunday, Weather, and Church Services this Sunday
Happy Valentine's Day today to all of you. We hope the love message helps all of us to be warm and safe as well. 
Once a year, on the Sunday we read the Transfiguration of Jesus story, we spice our liturgies with the richness of religious poetry, to honor the power of words that may help us proclaim and savor God's Word.
This weekend, however, the blizzard warning for tonight and tomorrow morning may be a risk for our trip to church. Let us all prioritize safety. Whoever can make it to church will help us celebrate beautiful Sunday worship. Prayers, music, and poetry will be taken care of one way or another.
We certainly pray for all members and friends of our community, for safety and comfort during these harsh winter days. And please let us know when someone is in need. 


Final Stewardship Update
We are pleased to report that the 2015 Trinity Stewardship Campaign is now complete, and once again the campaign exceeded its budgeted goal.  A total of 177 parishioners made pledge or partnership contributions of $441,591 to support Trinity, an amount that is $6,591 over our budget goal of $435,000 in pledges and partnerships.  Of this total, $3,970 contributions were partnerships and $437,621 were pledges, for an average annual contribution of $2,495, the highest in Trinity's history. Also, this year Trinity received 18 new pledges or partnerships.  The Stewardship Committee is very grateful to the generosity of so many at Trinity that made this campaign a success.  Jack Tebes (Chair), Don Knapp (Co-Chair), Dave Jenkins, Chuck Kaywood, Kim Morris,  Mary Ellen Savage, and the Rev. Luk DeVolder


Ash Wednesday & Lent: Jesus and the Future


What is the future of Christiniaty in the age of "the spiritual but not religious"? How do we envision our own faith serving our children? To guide our Lenten faith renewal season also this year Trinity will run a Lenten series with speakers such as Mark Oppenheimer (New York Times), David Zahl (Mockingbird Ministries), Zack Nyein (Perichoresis), Gregory Stark (New Haven Youth Group), and Celeste Mergens (Days for Girls).  

Lent 2015 starts with the services of Ash Wednesday, February 18: 12:10pm Eucharist Service with Ashes-to-Go afterwards and 7:30pm Ash Wednesday Evening Service.


Lemert on Niebuhr: Sunday Forum February 15, 10AM
Reinhold Niebuhr was the single most important political and religious thinker in America in the 20th century. If anything, Niebuhr's ideas are more important to our time than to his. Charles Lemert will present two Sunday forums on Niebuhr's thinking at 10 AM in the Undercroft. 

The second of two discussions, led by Charles Lemert, of Reinhold Niebuhr's ideas will take place this coming Sunday at the 10 AM Forum in the Undercroft. The subject will be Niebuhr's biblical understanding of Sin, Self, and Society


Some have read Charles's book Why Niebuhr Matters (Yale University Press). Others who would like to have a copy in exchange for a contribution to Trinity's Homeless Project may request one at lemertcharles@gmail.com.


Cultivating Communities of Care

Friday February 20 & Saturday February 21

Yale Divinity School

40 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT, featuring

Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Ph.D. Professor of Pastoral Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary Theresa F. Latini, Ph.D. Professor of Practical Theology and Pastoral Care at Western Theological Seminary

Sponsored by the Yale Divinity School Office of Supervised Ministries,

Community Life Committee and Diversity Committee

More Information




A follow-up to the December 7th ECW meeting

A meeting for all trinity women  Sunday, March 1st 12: 30 p.m.

Location: choir room

Focus:  review of the activities suggested

At the December 7th meeting, in order to create a program of events

contact person: Eleanor Q. Tignor




African American Read-In



We gathered for 1 hour and 30 minutes to celebrate the 25th year of the African American Read-In, sponsored by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English and the NCTE, in observance of Black History Month, which began as Negro History Week in 1926-its founder being Dr. Carter G. Woodson, historian. We read, listened, learned, and were inspired by voices from the African American past and present and by the many ways in which we presented those voices.


We opened with a blend of poetic prayers and poetry of slavery, returning later to a slave narrative by a slave connected with Trinity.  Because President Lincoln's birthday influenced Dr. Woodson's choice of February for Negro History Week and Sojourner Truth was an early Negro female activist, the reading of an  account of an 1864 meeting of the two was most appropriate.  Three well known poets were read: Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, and Nikki Giovanni.  Two famous novelists were included: James Baldwin and Toni Morrison. There were excerpts from essays: one by Giovanni on her interaction with Morrison; an essay "Enhancing Critical Consciousness in Young African American Men," by Roderick J. Watts, and an interview by civil rights leader Dr. Vincent Harding.  Excerpts were also read from the biography The Young Thurgood Marshall, by Larry S. Gibson.


Drama was very strong.  Three lady Trinity Players did a dynamic reading performance of two poems by Maya Angelou blended with a 1964 speech by Fannie Lou Hamer.  Sam Sigg brought something new to the Read-In: an archival radio transcription focusing on Richard Wright's Native Son, including Wright, an excerpt from a performance by Canada Lee, and the music of Paul Robeson and W. C. Handy.


Many thanks to the 21 readers, including our rector and assistant rector and a wide range of Trinity parishioners, with special recognition to the two children-- James and Sydney Kropf; to the very warm and receptive audience, to our indispensable sign-in team: Landa Freeman, Ellen Freiler, Lisa Omark, and  Fred Tyrrell; to Sam Sigg for his invaluable and indispensable assistance, to the church office staff, and to those who have offered words of thanks and congratulations on the nature and success of the Read-In.


Eleanor Q. Tignor

 Music Fundraising: Put Your Money Where Your Music Is


Trinity's long term financial stability urgently requires that the parish find new ways to raise money and control costs - without raising new funding the Music program will face budget cuts to reduce its cost. Our goal is to raise at least $50,000 each year for the next three years. The money raised will support the music portion of our budget and create an endowment that will ensure the continuation of our music program for many years to come. The first phase of this effort is an appeal to parishioners to give one-time gifts, or pledges to be paid throughout 2015, dedicated to music. In the very near future, the music committee will be sponsoring fundraising events, such as concerts, and launching an appeal to alumni, former choir families and others in the greater New Haven area who love Trinity's music. While the challenges we face may be difficult, they are not insurmountable. Together we can work to ensure a bright future for Trinity's music program.

Thanks to the generosity of members of the parish, we have already raised almost $20,000 in pledges and donations toward our $50,000 goal for 2015. Please join our efforts by considering a pledge or one-time donation. Checks may be mailed to the parish office or placed in the collection plate; please put "Music" in the notation. If you have questions, comments, suggestions or want to help with future fundraising efforts, please contact Barb Hedberg at bhedberg@snet.net. We thank you for your ongoing support.


 Holiday Bazaar Craft, Knit, Sew and More on Wednesdays


The Holiday Bazaar Craft, Knit, Sew and More continues each Wednesday morning from 9 until noon in the undercroft. Stop by and offer a hand. Share in the community and help support the Holiday Bazaar. What do we do? Hand stitching, simple machine sewing, ironing, scissor cutting, gift wrapping, sorting, knitting, putting on price tags and more. We need your help in order to sustain the craft/knit/sew. Contact Mary Ann Stroup for more information at Trinitybazaar1@gmail.com 

We follow the Hamden Public School System for snow cancellation. If Hamden is closed so are we. If Hamden is delayed we still meet. Always safety first. 

Attached: flyer for the DFG Kit Assembly


Confirmation Class - Rediscover Jesus
Our annual confirmation class will start in January. All who are ready to rediscover the richness of Jesus' message, feel welcome to join. Ages 12+.
Classes will take place at Trinity, in the Upper Room, Sunday at 12:30pm-1:30pm, on dates listed below.
The confirmation date will be May 2, 2015. Here are the dates of the classes through April.
  • Sunday January 18
  • Sunday February 1
  • Sunday February 8
  • Sunday February 15
  • Sunday February 22
  • Sunday March 1
  • Sunday March 8
  • Sunday March 22
  • Sunday April 19: 12:30-3pm (extended meeting)
  • Saturday May 2: Confirmation
Why Confirmation
Many of us have been baptized as infant or have lost touch with the meaning of our faith over the course of the years. Confirmation is the moment when we confirm ourselves as Christians, reclaim the Christian faith as our own and commit ourselves to the mission of the Christian life. When we celebrate confirmation we specifically ask the Holy Spirit to mark God's seal on us, so that we can live in the spirit and mindset of God's Good News for us.
As baptized persons we will make a mature, more informed, and public affirmation of the promises made at our baptism. After making these affirmations the bishop will lay hands on each candidate, mark them with the ointment of God's Holy Spirit, and pray the prayer of confirmation.
Volunteers Needed At DESK and Columbus House

Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK):

Next trinity date: February 10, 2015 (and the second Tuesday of every month) volunteers are needed from 5:00 - 7:00 pm to serve the meal and help with clean-up. DESK serves from the Center Church Parish House, 311 Temple St., New Haven. Please contact Chuck Kaywood at Charles.kaywood@ms.com to let him know if you are available to help.

Columbus House:

Next Trinity date: February 17, 2015 (and the third Tuesday of every month) Trinity cooks and serves the meal at Columbus House. Volunteers are needed from about 4:00 - 6:00 pm each month. Please contact Warner Marshall (nh.rehap.inst@snet.net) or George Gillin (ggillin@sbcglobal.net) if you are available to help or for more information.

Perichoresis Monday February 23

We meet every other Monday night at 6:11 p.m. in the undercroft for a "dinner church" gathering, complete with food, communion, music from a wide variety of traditions, and an interactive liturgy of the word. 

For more information visit our website, www.perichor.org, and facebook page, www.facebook.com/perichor; there is a link on the website for anyone who would like to sign up for regular updates. 

There are plenty of ways to be involved! Please contact Seminarian Zack Nyein for more information at zachary.nyein@yale.edu.

Parish Book Discussion: Becoming Human by Jean Vanier

As a lifelong learning community we are all invited to read a book together. Acclaimed as a man who inspires the world, Jean Vanier has made a difference in the lives of countless people. In this provocative book, Vanier shares his profoundly human vision for creating a common good that radically changes our communities, our relationships, and ourselves. All are invited to join the book discussion meeting on Saturday, February 28, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., in the undercroft.

Mission Workshop March 7
Companions in Mission - Saturday, March 7; All Day

Theme: Finding Jesus in the least, the last, and in ourselves
Trinity Episcopal Church, Tariffville, CT, Hosted by the Companions in Mission Committee The Episcopal Church in Connecticut


Abraham's Tent at Trinity


Trinity will host 12 homeless men from March 2 - 8, 2015 as part of the Abraham's Tent program. They have been specially selected by Columbus House to participate in this program and will spend the nights in our undercroft during this week. Trinity is one of more than 20 faith-based organizations participating in the AT program this year. It takes many hands to make this week go smoothly so please consider signing-up to:

  • stay overnight - 2 people per night (one must be male)

  • make dinner - 2-4 people to prepare and serve the meal

  • provide breakfast (hot or cold) - can drop off the night before

  • provide bag lunches - can drop off the night before

    I can match you with someone else who also wants to help. Contact leighcromey@gmail.com for more information and details.


Office Transition

Thank you for your understanding during the transition of our parish secretary. Please check our updated contact information and office hours.

To contact our parish secretary please use this email address:
Telephone remains the same: 203 624 3101

Our current Office Hours are the following: 
Tuesday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Parish Directory Updated

A December 2014 edition of Trinity's parish directory is now available. The directory lists names and contact information for all parishioners, save for those who prefer not to be included in the listing. To obtain an updated copy, send your request via email to: directory@trinitynewhaven.org. For those who are not email users, you may obtain a printed copy by calling the church office: (203) 624-3101.
Weekly Food Collection, Donations, and Volunteers for Loaves & Fishes


Please, don't forget to bring in non-perishable food items for the hungry that live among us. Donations have been declining and the need is still great! The donated food items are delivered to Loaves & Fishes, a ministry of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul and St. James. They also are in need of clothes (especially men's items) to distribute to their guests on a weekly basis. Loaves & Fishes currently serves between 200 and 300 people each week and the need keeps growing. You can drop off donations at Trinity on Sundays or during regular church hours, baskets are located at the rear of the church.


Trinity parishioner, David Rivera is collecting donations for Loaves & Fishes, if you would like to donate, please leave it in the tin located on the table in the back of the church.


Consider volunteering at Loaves & Fishes, volunteers arrive by 8:00 a.m. at St. PJs kitchen door and are usually done by 11:00 a.m. Parking is available in the lot behind the church or in the Comcast lot just before the church on Chapel Street.


If you have any questions please see or contact David Rivera at riverad1203@gmail.com or (203) 540-8161. Thanks for your help in this important ministry.

We pray for... 


Those who are on our parish prayer list...

Want to add someone to our prayer list? 


Would you like to add yourself or a member of your family to the our prayer list? Want to let us know about an anniversary or special occasion? Contact the parish office at office@trinitynewhaven.org  


NOTE: Prayer requests will remain on the prayer list for TWO weeks, please contact the Parish Office if you wish to add names that have been removed. 

Conference Call   

The 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services are available as a conference call to all of you who are unable to attend church.   
To access the conference call, dial 1-877-594-8353 and follow the prompts. When asked the CODE NUMBER type in 58775537 on your phone number pad.   
Of course, we especially welcome those of you who are unable to attend church due to medical concerns. However, if you are out of town on vacation you,  too,  can stay in touch with Trinity with the conference call!
Trinity Church on the Green

On the corner of Temple and Chapel Streets


Trinity Church Parish Office:

950 Chapel Street, Fl. 2 

New Haven, CT 06510-2515


Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Phone: (203) 624-3101

Fax: (203) 624-2412

E-mail: office@trinitynewhaven.org