October 31, 2014

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Trinity on the Green 
Weekly Enews
Serving Christ through serving others since 1752.

Clock Fall Back! DST Ends THIS Sunday

Just a reminder that Daylight Saving Time ends THIS Sunday, November 2. Do not forget to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday, November 1.


This Sunday's Services
November 2, 2014

7:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite 1
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite 2
10:10 a.m. Christian Formation
10:10 a.m. Sunday Forum - Book
11:00 a.m. Holy Baptism & Choral Eucharist, Rite 1
11:00 a.m. Children's' Chapel
2:00 p.m. Youth Group
2:00 p.m. Chapel on the Green - Outdoor Service on the Upper 
5:00 p.m. Choral Eucharist for All Faithful Departed


In this issue
~Parish Book Discussion~
~First Annual Meeting of Trinity's History Ministry~
~CANCELLED-Knitting Ministry Field Trip~
~Anniversary Lunch for Chapel on the Green~
~A Note from Walden~
~Two Special Choral Eucharists THIS Sunday~
~Fundraiser Brunch~
~Christmas Season Meeting~
~Liturgical Drama on November 9~
~Holiday Bazaar Tag Sale Drop-off Sunday~
~Bells of Hope~
~Cupcakes for Columbus House~
~Church Building Schedule~
~Morning Prayer on Thanksgiving Day~
~Trinity's New Website Needs Your Help!~
~Holiday Bazaar News~
~Helping Homeless People~
~Bible Studies at Trinity~
~Parish Wish List~
~Annual ICM Thanksgiving Dinners~
~Donations, Volunteers, and Weekly Food Collection for Loaves & Fishes~
~Volunteers Needed At Columbus House~
~Conference Call~
~We pray for...~


Trinity's Calendar 


The Still Small Voice - Trinity Music   


The Daily Office 


Trinity Church on the Green   


Diocese of Connecticut 


News about the Episcopal Church  




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The Rev. Dr. Luk De Volder

Let's Vote! Election Day is coming up, but the current political climate may not directly generate a "O, when the saints go marching in" pull to the voting booths. Frustration over institutional inefficiency and of a representation vacuum keeps growing. One political science authority who recently joined the concerns on the functioning of our democracy os Francis Fukuyama. In his new book, "Political Order and Political Decay: From the French Revolution to the Present", he carefully analyzes how our model of democracy (separation of powers with a strong executive branch and president) has reached a point where it needs a visit to the mechanic. Fukuyama, who, at other times voices more gloomy perspectives, is somewhat optimistic that in our country reform is possible, if we take seriously its gridlock issues. Here are two he keenly observes: 

1) Our democracy risks to become a 'vetocracy' or a political version of a culture of 'adversarial legalism'. Using the law for interests and lobbying rather than for conflict management has caused a "sue happy" legal culture. (Red Bull was recently sued because the drink doesn't actually give you wings.) The judicialization of power has evolved towards a primarily adversarial legal mindset that now has been applied to congress. Legislation and congressional procedures are used more to block decisions than to pass bills.

2) In addition, we are facing a crisis of representation. America has preferred a liberal democracy with a market economy because together they stimulated the spirit of innovation and growth. Yet, the economy has shifted today, to a market with limited winners, who now, in turn, exert unequal political influence, which is undermining the classic dynamic of representation.

Fukuyama is pointing to needed repairs, but his book leaves the practical work to others, which is undoubtedly a daunting task list. Facing this current political gridlock makes many disengage from the political scene, but at such point of structural crisis, not less but more democratic involvement is needed. This point is exactly one of these moments for more vocal voters, more voters casting their ballots, more voters who decide to raise leaders for tomorrow. 

Maybe this is a time for saints, not in the sense of the statues that fit well on church pillars, but in the sense of people who are willing to bring hope and renewal in our community and our country, regardless reputation or gain, even in areas of murky and difficult issues such as the political scene. And maybe there is a reason why Election Day falls so close to All Saints Day. In any event, given Fukuyama's limited optimism about possible change in our country's politics, it is probably time to also pray for more democracy, more voters and more true leaders how are willing to serve. Let us go vote this Tuesday and continue to raise leaders for the future.


Attached is a Francis Fukuyama essay, published in the September/October 2014 issue of the Foreign Affairs Magazine, that adapted from his forthcoming book.

Parish Book Discussion: Becoming Human by Jean Vanier
As a lifelong learning community we are all invited to read a book together. Acclaimed as a man who inspires the world, Jean Vanier has made a difference in the lives of countless people. In this provocative book, Vanier shares his profoundly human vision for creating a common good that radically changes our communities, our relationships, and ourselves. All are invited to join the book discussion meeting on Saturday, November 1, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., in the undercroft. Also during our Sunday Forum at 10 a.m. in our church undercroft.
First Annual Meeting of Trinity's History Ministry
Come one, come all and catch up with 
Trinity's saintly history buffs  
Saturday, November 1, 2014 - 11:00am for our
Pizza lunch included! in Trinity's Undercroft (Parish Hall)
Hear of  HM Happenings Past, Present and Future from our Archives Team, Building Team and Events Team. Kindly RSVP (to Peg: pchambers03@snet.net)
CANCELLED - Knitting Ministry Field Trip
Given the weather forecast for this Saturday, the Field Trip to the Fiber Festival in Springfield, MA has been cancelled.
Your Help Needed: Anniversary Lunch for Chapel on the Green and HB Help on November 2
The sixth anniversary of CotG will be celebrated on Sunday, November 2. Trinity is hosting the lunch that day--the last BBQ of the season--and we need your help. Please let Leigh Cromey know if you can help with donations (water bottles, fruit [bananas, oranges], individual bags of chips/snacks, granola bars), cooking, food preparation, serving, set-up, clean-up. We will begin all of this after the 11:00 a.m. service. The CotG service begins at 2:00 p.m. and lunch is served at about 2:30 p.m. We need volunteers to help for any part of this day.
ALSO, the Holiday Bazaar needs help that day bringing stuff to church from the Christian Science basement. Please help with that too in between getting ready for the CotG lunch. There will be a job for everyone! Contact Leigh Cromey at leighcromey@gmail.com or (203) 214-6475.
A Note from Walden
Walden MooreMy sincere thanks to all who had a part in the wonderful surprise on Sunday the 26th when a new hymn was premiered in honor of the 30th anniversary of my time at Trinity. It was indeed a complete surprise - my thanks to Luk, Andy Kotylo, Ellen Tillotson, and all the singers and parents who took part in making it a memory for a lifetime, and sincere gratitude to the church, the Rt. Rev. Jeffery Rowthorn, and Bruce Neswick for the creation of a beautiful new hymn for future use in churches.
Two Special Choral Eucharists THIS Sunday, November 2
 Get Your Tickets THIS Sunday!

The Trinity Boys Choir and Trinity Girls Choir are throwing a brunch on Sunday, November 9 from Noon - 2:00 p.m. to help raise much-needed funds for their 2016 summer European training tour.


Kelly's gastro Pub--right down the street from Trinity Church on the corner of Temple and Crown Streets--is preparing a scrumptious multi-course buffet, and has offered us a very generous split on the ticket price.


There will be singing, pictures of past tours, and prizes. Please come and bring as many people as you can. Adults - $20; children 12 and under - $10. Infants and toddlers - free. This is a great way to support the musical education of the boys and girls who work so hard all year.


Get your tickets at Trinity after the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services on November 2. Tickets will be available at the door, but we do advise advance purchase, just in case. Thank you, and we hope to see you there!


For more information, call (203) 640-3443.

Christmas Season Meeting

Join us on Sunday, November 9 at 12:30 p.m. in the Undercroft, to start planning for our Annual Christmas Pageant and the Christmas Services. Many volunteers are needed to make these events possible.
 Liturgical Drama on November 9

The Trinity Players will present "The Boy with a Cart" at all morning services on November 9 as part of our yearlong celebration of the 200th anniversary of the building of our beautiful church. It is a delightful and moving short play adapted by Neil Olsen from Christopher Fry's longer piece. This is the story of St. Cuthman who built a Church in Steyning, England in the eighth or ninth century. The cast and crew will include: Zack Nyein, Anna Foster, Lois Read, Doris Manseau, John Hoda, Rich Lamere, Jeanne Kerr, Laura Patrie, and Ruth Risberg, and is directed by Minister of Drama, Bob Sandine. This will be a wonderful Sunday to invite family and friends to join you for worship and drama. Children are welcome.
Holiday Bazaar Tag Sale Drop-off

tage sail

The POD is available for TAG SALE donations through Friday, November 7 (after this bring donations directly to the undercroft) when the church building is open (click here for the building schedule), see a sexton during these hours only.


Remember: all items must be CLEAN, no sports equipment, TV's, encyclopedias, mattresses or clothing.


Please contact Leigh Cromey at leighcromey@gmail.com or (203) 214-6475 if you have any questions or need special assistance with your items. 

 Bells of Hope: 11/11 at 11:11 a.m. for 11 Minutes
"No More War" was the soldiers' sigh after World War One. In Flanders' Fields, near the trenches of this devastating war, those war-battered soldiers engraved these words on a tall tower shaped like a cross 276 feet above the burial ground. Today, this cross is still the tallest peace monument in Europe and a sign of hope that war may cease to be a means for resolving conflict among human beings.

This year, 2014, happens to gather a number of war and conflict remembrances: the centenary of World War One, the 75th anniversary of the beginning of World War Two, 40 years since the end of the Vietnam War, and the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (November 9, 1989). This year's Veterans Day will therefore be a special occasion to honor all people who have given their lives for freedom and peace but also the time to join the sighing prayer for an end to warfare.

With these remembrances in mind, the churches on the New Haven Green, located close to the World War One monument of the Lower Green, will gather at the war monument for prayers on Veterans Day, November 11, and ring their bells, exactly at 11:11AM for 11 minutes. And I would like to invite you to join us in this prayerful and symbolic gesture of church bells ringing as a sign of hope.
With our church bells we will join the hope once beautifully captured by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: "Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; The Wrong shall fail, The right prevail, With Peace on earth, good-will to men."
Cupcakes for Columbus House

On the third Tuesday of each month Trinity parishioners make dinner for homeless people at Columbus House, cupcakes are provided for dessert. If you would like to occasionally make cupcakes for this dinner, please contact Gloria Hoda at gloria.hoda@yale.edu.


ChurchBuildingScheduleChurch Building Schedule

trinityOur official "open to the public" church building hours this fall are as follows, with exceptions as needed, and by advance arrangement:  


Sunday7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Thursday11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Morning Prayer on Thanksgiving Day, November 27 

Thanksgiving The service is conducted at 10:30 a.m. by the laity of the church. The prayers are taken from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, traditional Thanksgiving hymns are sung, and lessons are read from the King James Bible. Take some time to give thanks to God, who has bestowed our lives with so many blessings.

Trinity's New Website Needs Your Help! 

Trinity's new website launched in mid-September.

The website team has done its best to make the website attractive, entertaining, interesting and informative. We need your help to make it better.
You can be part of continually improving the website. The website team depends on your input to make the website Trinity's best foot forward - for visitors and parishioners alike.
Your comments can help Trinity accomplish this. Send us your reactions: likes, dislikes, fixes needed, content suggestions.

You can let the website team know what you think by sending an email to the Trinity Webmaster. Or, you can send us your feedback directly from whatever page you are viewing. Simply scroll to the bottom of any page and click on Send Feedback:
Complete the form that appears, then click send. Regardless of which way you choose to reach us, the website team will do its best to respond to and incorporate your suggestions and requests.
Holiday Bazaar News


Take a good look at Trinity's front steps and think safety, our steps need replacement. Brownstone is a soft rock, does not weather well, and it cracks easily and breaks off in chunks. The Holiday Bazaar is raising funds to help replace Trinity's front steps and to continue building the Stained Glass Window Reserve. 

The Holiday Bazaar belongs to the people of Trinity. We welcome everyone, especially new folks, to find some piece that they can own, contribute to, or offer help.  

The Holiday Bazaar Needs Your Help:
  • We are understaffed and really need the gift of your time. 
  • Donate to the Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Food Court, Tag Sale, Knits and Crafts
  • Can you distribute flyers, put a lawn sign in your yard or a magnet on your car? 
  • Calling for Surprise gifts valued at $1 to $5 and good handled shopping bags.
  • We need help on Sunday, November 2 to bring over all the displays and Tag Sale items from the Christian Science basement (not everyone has to do the stairs); Sunday, November 16, from 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. for the major set up and crafts display; Sunday, November 23, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for clean up (pack it all away and enjoy some pizza). 

Contact MaryAnn Stroup, trinitybazaar1@gmail.com.

Wednesday crafting sessions:
Every Wednesday morning from 9:00 a.m. noon in the undercroft. Come join us.
Helping Homeless People

Several homeless people attend our church on a regular basis, and our Trinity clergy has developed a relationship with them. Reaching out to their needs is one of the daily activities. To help us respond to their needs, you can help us in our outreach by contributing one or more of the following items. Some of these items listed are gift cards, we never distribute gift cards to people who we don't know or who struggle with addiction. Only after careful screening, do we reach out in ways that are really serving.

  • Shoes (we need 4 pair, contact us for sizes or give us a shoe store gift card)
  • Winter Coats (3)
  • Large back packs (2)
  • Rain Ponchos
  • Walmart/Dollar Tree $15 Gift Cards (underwear, vitamins, sanitary supplies)
  • Subway or McDonald's Gift Cards.
Bible Studies at Trinity
Taking our daily life as the starting point for a Bible study can help us discover how the books of the Bible are bringing answers for us today. Questions from family life, politics, or business, they all have a place in our faith life.

Women's Bible Study - DAY/LOCATION CHANGE
Please take note that starting on Monday, November 3 through November 24, the Women's Bible Studies will take place on Mondays at 12:15 p.m. in the Parish Office. The Rev. Ellen Tillotson will lead our Women's Bible Study.

Men's Bible Study 
Every Friday in the Upper Room from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Clergy guided Bible study, led by the Rev. Luk De Volder will take place September 25 - December 12. The church is open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. for silent prayer and meditation. Any problems, please call (203) 464-2015 for admittance. A cordial invitation is extended to all men of Trinity Church.

Parish Wish List


The Sunday School Thanks You for All Your Help! We Still Need for Our Godly Play Program:


People with woodworking skills who can cut wooden shapes. 


Crafters willing to cut felt pieces and paint wood figures.

Donation of the cost of a Godly Play lesson. The lessons we need for expanding the program are:  


  • Ark and Tent / Tabernacle (1 @ $196.95)
  • Parable of Parables (3 @ $39.95)
  • Jesus and the Twelve (2 @ $78.95)
  • Paul's Discovery (2 @ $124.95)
  • The Sower (1 @ $64)
  • Parable of the Mustard Seed (2 @ $68)
  • Parable of The Leaven (2 @ 52) 
  • Parable of the Great Pearl (2 @ $77)
  • Circle of the Holy Eucharist (2 @ $83.95) 

Please contact Linda Sheehan with questions.

Annual ICM Thanksgiving Dinners - SIGN UP NOW!


It is time to start thinking about those turkey dinners with fresh baked fruit pies-the ones that Interfaith Cooperative Ministries (ICM) delivers to shut-ins and lonely elderly people in Greater New Haven. Through the cooperation with the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen, Interfaith Volunteer Care Givers, FISH, and others they delivered over 800 meals last year and expect the number to increase again this year.


Look for the bright yellow sign up forms in the vestibule and on the bulletin boards in the church. Please sign up by Sunday, November 16. They need donations of frozen turkeys, fruit pies, and financial contributions.

  • Frozen turkeys must be dropped off on November 23 between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at Center Church Parish House--311 Temple Street, New Haven.
  • All fruit pies must be dropped off at the same address on Wednesday, November 26 between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
  • You can drop checks made payable to ICM (memo line: ICM Thanksgiving meals) in Trinity's collection plate from now through November 16 or mail them to: ICM, 311 Temple St. New Haven, CT 06511.
  • Volunteers are also needed to deliver meals - drivers should arrive at Center Church Parish House--311 Temple Street--by 9:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving Morning, November 27; bring children and/or friends to help (please bring a large cardboard box to carry the meals in) each driver will get approximately 5 dinners to deliver.
Donations, Volunteers, and Weekly Food Collection for Loaves & Fishes


Trinity parishioner, David Rivera is collecting donations for Loaves & Fishes, a ministry of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul and St. James, if you would like to donate, please leave it in the tin located on the table in the back of the church.


Consider volunteering at Loaves & Fishes, volunteers arrive by 8:00 a.m. at St. PJs kitchen door and are usually done by 11:00 a.m. Parking is available in the lot behind the church or in the Comcast lot just before the church on Chapel Street.


They also need of non-perishable food items and clothes (especially men's items) to distribute to their guests on a weekly basis. Loaves & Fishes currently serves between 200 and 300 people each week and the need keeps growing. You can drop off donations at Trinity during regular church hours. If there are any questions please see or contact David Rivera at riverad1203@gmail.com or (203) 540-8161. Thanks for your help in this important ministry.

Volunteers Needed At Columbus House
November 3 (and the third Tuesday of every month) Trinity cooks and serves the meal at Columbus House. Volunteers are needed from about 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. each month. Please contact Warner Marshall (nh.rehap.inst@snet.net) if you are able to help or for more information.
Support Interfaith Volunteer Care Givers
On Sunday, November 16, 10 % of the profits from all sales at Ten Thousand Villages--1056 Chapel Street, New Haven-will be donated to Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers.

Support IVC while supporting artisans from many countries.
Conference Call   

The 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services are available as a conference call to all of you who are unable to attend church.   
To access the conference call, dial 1-877-594-8353 and follow the prompts. When asked the CODE NUMBER type in 58775537 on your phone number pad.   
Of course, we especially welcome those of you who are unable to attend church due to medical concerns. However, if you are out of town on vacation you,  too,  can stay in touch with Trinity with the conference call!

We pray for... 


Those who are on our parish prayer list...

Want to add someone to our prayer list? 


Would you like to add yourself or a member of your family to the our prayer list? Want to let us know about an anniversary or special occasion? Contact the parish office at office@trinitynewhaven.org  


NOTE: Prayer requests will remain on the prayer list for TWO weeks, please contact the Parish Office if you wish to add names that have been removed. 

Trinity Church on the Green

On the corner of Temple and Chapel Streets


Trinity Church Parish Office:

950 Chapel Street, Fl. 2 

New Haven, CT 06510-2515


Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Phone: (203) 624-3101

Fax: (203) 624-2412

E-mail: office@trinitynewhaven.org