Synod Servant E-News

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October 22, 2013
joysJoys and Cares

Do you have a submission for Joys, Cares and Celebrations? If so, please submit it via e-mail to Diane Ryan.  



You can subscribe to the ELCA's Prayer Ventures monthly calendars of prayers here.


We pray for...



The family of Dr. Bill D. Brittain who died on October 6 in Raleigh and who was the founding president of Lutheran Family Services.


Pastor Marion Starr (retired, Asheville) who is recuperating at the Care Partners Rehabilitation Center in Asheville following heart surgery and a stroke.


Pastor Susan Bame (St. Paul, Statesville and Holy Cross, Mocksville) who is recuperating from her October 14 knee surgery.


Pastor Steve Holcomb (Grace, Robbinsville) and family upon the October 11 death of his of mother, Amelia "Ida Mae" Holcomb.


Pastor Pierson Shaw who is being treated for chronic myeloid leukemia.


We give thanks for...


The mission and ministry of Lenoir-Rhyne University, the NC Synod's ministry emphasis for October.


FORWARD TOGETHER: In Christ. In Community.

This month, as we pray in thanksgiving for the Holy Spirit's transforming power through church renewers like Martin Luther and Teresa of �vila, let us ask for continual renewal and steadfast faithfulness to the Gospel in congregations throughout this synod and in God's world.


bishopFrom Bishop Bolick's office

Bolick's Reflections on Eaton Installation


Bishop Eaton installation The installation of Pastor Elizabeth Eaton, our new Presiding Bishop, on October 5 was a time of joy and thanksgiving. "I found it beautiful and deeply moving that this new ministry was begun in worship; that as a church, we were 'lost in wonder, love and praise,'" Eaton said of the installation service.


The Rev. Jessica Crist, bishop of the ELCA Montana Synod and chair of the ELCA Conference of Bishops, preached the sermon. She invited and challenged us to sow the seeds of the Gospel.


Rockefeller Chapel, on the campus of the University of Chicago, was filled to capacity as people from across the church gathered to worship. Bishop Eaton thanked Bishop Hanson for his compassionate ministry over the last 12 years.


I am personally thrilled to have Bishop Eaton as our presiding Bishop. She will officially begin her service among us on November 1. Next year, she will preach at our Fall Convocation in September at Lutheridge and, of course, will be available for conversation.


So we look toward the future with excitement knowing that God's Holy Spirit is boldly leading us into it. As we move forward together, in Christ and in community, let us keep Bishop Eaton in our prayers.


In Christ,


Leonard Bolick signature  


Bishop Leonard H. Bolick


Videos of Presiding Bishop Eaton 

If you have not already seen the following videos of Bishop Eaton's installation and a PBS interview, check them out. View installation. View PBS interview.



Rostered Leader transitions


Anne A. Jones, an NC Synod candidate for ordination, has accepted a call to be pastor of Christ Lutheran in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She will be ordained and installed on Saturday, November 9, at 1 p.m. at Christ Lutheran in Fredericksburg with Bishop James Mauney presiding.


Forward Together

Fall cluster meetings begin


Bishop Bolick and Dr. Marcus Miller began a series of eight fall cluster meetings about the synod's FORWARD TOGETHER emphasis at First, Lexington, on October 14. The cluster meetings are for rostered leaders and leaders of congregations. If you have not registered for a cluster meeting, please register today!


Simmons attends Catholic Charities Gathering


Pastor George Simmons, (St. Andrew, Andrews), attended the Catholic Charities USA Annual Gathering in San Francisco upon the invitation of his friend Father George Kloster, (retired, living in Murphy), in September. Father George was recognized as volunteer of the year for his leadership of the local Office of Economic Opportunity of the Charlotte Diocese. Father George and Pastor Simmons have known one another since 1978 when they each served in Greensboro.


Missed Fall Convo?


If you're a rostered leader or professional church worker in the NC Synod and you missed attending Fall Convocation this year, the Fall Convo Planning Team would love to hear from you.  Please take this quick survey and only complete questions 1, 5 and 6. Thank you!  


Kestner receives ELCA Fund scholarship


As part of its commitment to supporting seminary students preparing for ministry, the ELCA through its Fund for Leaders has awarded scholarships to 21 students attending the eight ELCA seminaries for the 2013-2014 academic year. Joshua Kestner of the NC Synod is one of those students. See the awards banquet program.



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LR hosts population expert


John Seager, President and CEO of Population Connection, will be delivering a presentation titled "Seven Billion and Growing: World Population, the Environment, and Social Equity" on October 29, at 7 p.m., on the LR campus.


Rowan County partners build homes

"For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." -Hebrews 3:4


God may be the builder of all things, but Thrivent Financial, Habitat for Humanity and Rowan County Lutheran churches are doing their part to help out with earthly home construction. Since 2000, this partnership has led to the building of eleven houses, with local congregations raising more than $120,000.


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Celebrating ELCA 25th Anniversary

First, Greensboro

We celebrated with Serving on Saturdays in September. The first Saturday, Sept. 7, was the observance of the ELCA's 25th anniversary. Approximately 180 volunteers served over the Saturdays in September. In addition, we had a five-part sermon series on "Reclaiming the 'E" Word." The themes were "The Holiness of our Work: God's work. Our hands." "Getting Familiar with the' E' Word," "Getting Excited about the 'E' Word," "Getting Comfortable with the' E' Word" and "Getting Practical with the 'E' Word."  


Read the Celebrate Service! report.


Celebrating World Communion Sunday 


St. Mark's, Asheville

On Sunday, October 6, the congregations of St. Mark's Lutheran, St. Paul's United Methodist, and St. Mary's Episcopal, all located in Asheville, jointly celebrated World Communion Sunday together through Word, Eucharist, lunch, and service, participating in what turned out to be a wonderful day of ecumenism.


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eventsUpcoming Events
LR Bach Festival Days

October 27-30

Pastors and lay people are invited to Bach Festival Days at Lenoir-Rhyne University to discover how Lutheran believers approached the final hours of dying in the 1700s and how death was portrayed in the choral and organ music of Bach.


The Rev. Dr. Mark Bangert, Professor Emeritus of Worship and Church Music at LSTC, will be the major presenter at the conference. This event is sponsored by the Sacred Music Program of LR and is free and open to the public. See schedule here.


LR Reformation Day Symposium

October 31

Toward the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

Celebrate with worship, concerts, and a lecture/recital. See schedule here. 


Parish Nurse gathering

Saturday, November 9, Synod Office, 10:30 a.m.

Gather with parish nurses from congregations across the synod to network and celebrate the ministry you share. Lunch included. Please call or email Catherine Fink to register or with questions, 704-680-9574.


Wake Forest continuing education

The Wake Forest University School of Divinity is pleased to offer continuing education opportunities this Fall. Register here.

"Life Flows on in Endless Song"      Sally Morris, Chapel Musician

Friday, Nov. 1 (2:30 - 9:30pm) and Saturday, Nov. 2 (9:00 - 5:00pm) at Parkway Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem

"Spirituality and Ministry in the Visual Arts"      Thomas E. Frank, University Professor

Saturday, November 9 (9:30am - 4:00pm) at Reynolda House Museum of American Art, Winston-Salem



Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

January 18 - 25, 2014

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity under the Theme "Has Christ Been Divided" I Corinthians 1:13 will be observed January 18 - 25, 2014, between the Feasts of the Confession of St. Peter and the Conversion of St. Paul. Learn more about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and order materials.



Carolinas Lutheran Marriage Encounter 

Are you dieting, jogging, exercising, playing golf or tennis to stay in shape?  What are you doing to keep your marriage in shape?  Why not attend a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend?  It's the best proactive program to help married couples to keep from becoming a statistic. The next weekend will be held February 21-23, 2014, in Myrtle Beach, SC.  For more information or to apply for a weekend visit our website. You can contact Ed & Judy Raney, by phone, 843-707-7085, or by e-mail.



50 Forward: Inspired for Life


May 2-4, 2014

Novus Way offers this opportunity inspiring adults 50 years+ to embrace life's journey in mind, body and spirit. See brochure.


Artist initiates Red Door Project

Shannon Aldrich writes: I am an artist that specializes in drawing buildings. Recently, my home church Nazareth Lutheran in Rural Hall, celebrated its 235th homecoming. My donation to the celebration was to do a line drawing of the church which also was made into a watercolor painting. The work done on this was very fun but it also led me to do a little research into the concept of the Protestant tendency for red doors. I started a new project called the Red Door Project. I have done three churches so far and am interested in doing more. Please contact Shannon by phone, 609-605-9641, or email.


Next Issue
Next E-news will be published Nov. 05.
Submissions should be sent to editor, Bob Shoffner by Oct 30.


 From Bishop Bolick's Office  


Forward Together  






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knowDid you know...


Always New ELCA 25th Anniversary

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the ELCA, facts about Lutherans and Lutheranism will occasionally appear here. 

#14. Since 1520, regular Lutheran services have been held in Copenhagen.

Contact Information:NC Synod Logo resized
Bob Shoffner, Editor
Rick Godby, Technical Support