Dear Friends of  

Women & Children First,




Thirty-five years ago, we were two enthusiastic and earnest young feminists, ready to change the world by adding a feminist bookstore to the literary landscape in Chicago. Two moves and one expansion later secured our place in a community of independent businesses in Andersonville. In this space we have enjoyed tremendous success, serving all of you as a general bookstore, a feminist bookstore, and a neighborhood anchor.


In the months following the news that we were selling Women & Children First, many of you said lovely things about what the store has meant to you and also expressed concern that it might close or might not remain, well, Women & Children First. We did our best to assure you that, no, we weren't closing, that in fact quite a few people had expressed interest in buying it, and that we were only going to sell it to people who were invested in the same mission and vision we have followed for almost thirty-five years. We are thrilled to say that we have found those people in two of our co-workers, Lynn Mooney and Sarah Hollenbeck. This enthusiastic feminist and literary pair are every bit as committed as we have been. With their complementary skills and interests, their love of books, their feminist purpose, and their combined experience in bookselling and publishing, Lynn and Sarah are our ideal successors.


But the future won't be easy. These are challenging times for brick-and-mortar stores as well as for print books. Please continue to support the store: buy books, come to programs, and be sure to bring your kids, parents, and friends!


Linda plans to be semi-retired, working a couple of days a week at the store. She is so happy to turn over the responsibility of ownership! She wants more time to read, write, perform (and play golf). She will still be hosting the Wednesday morning children's story time and the monthly Women's Book Group. Ann will be retiring in August, but continue to stay connected to the store through special projects and consulting.


One longtime customer recently came into the store and said something to Ann that she will always hold in her heart: "I haven't had a lot of money to spend here over the years and I know I haven't been one of your best customers. But you always treated me as if I were." While Lynn and Sarah are excited to make some needed changes and improvements, they'll continue to treat all of you as their best customer. Because you are.


Together we have created-and will continue to create-this welcoming village that is so important to all of us who have decided to belong and help make it our own.


This has been an extraordinary, satisfying journey. Thank you all for your support, confidence and love.





Ann & Linda 

Hours: M-T 11-7, W-TH-F 11-9, Sat 10-7, Sun 11-6
5233 N. Clark St
Chicago, IL 60640