The MMAHM Report              February 24th,2013   Monday Morning AIM High Moment 

Touchpoint: Job Shadowing on March 14th

Job Shadowing gives students an opportunity to see where their mentors work and what their job entails. Students will get to work with their mentors, eat lunch, and gain a better undertanding on work readiness.


Date: Thursday, March 14th

Time: -Arrival: 9am-10:30am 
         -Pick Up:1pm-2:30pm

Location: The mentors workplace

Cost: No charge


Students will begin between 9:00am-10:30am depending on location. Job Shadowing will last about 4 hours from drop off time (and should include lunch). Exact times provided to each site by Thursday, March 7th.





Terrific Tales Story Time with The Storybook Mom- Nili Yelin



Who's Invited: All AIM High students, parents, mentors, and friends with younger siblings or children between the ages of 3 and 10.

What: A FREE, fun and interactive family literacy time with The Storybook Mom- Nili Yelin

Theme: Take Heed When You Read! The Importance of Words

Why: This is an opportunity for the whole family to fall in love with reading!

Where: West Englewood Library 1745 W. 63rd Street

When: February and one Saturday a month throughout the school year. 


Register Here


Welcome New AIM High Mentors!

Thank you for signing up as a Mentor in the AIM High program. There are a few steps that we would still need from you. First, please click here to submit your contact information so that we may enter you in our system. Then, please look below and select a date for New Mentor Orientation from below.


New Mentor Orientation Dates!

If you have not gone through new mentor orientation yet, or would like a refresher course on it, register here for one of the following dates. All trainings will be from 12PM- 1PM.

- Wednesday, February 27th

- Tuesday, March 7th

- Tuesday, March 19th


Touchpoint: Career Fair

We would like to thank all who attended the Career Fair this past Wednesday. Mentees were able to learn about different careers and interact with their mentors. The event was a big success and we look forward to hosting it next year.