The MMAHM Report                   November 26th, 2012
Monday Morning AIM High Moment





DePaul University Research Study

AIM High Mentors, we need your help! We have agreed to partner with DePaul University in an upcoming research study on mentors. We can't do it without you!  Please take the time to fill out a survey that will help us improve the program for you.

The survey may be done in multiple sittings, as long as you access the survey link from the same computer you started the survey on. Please click the link below for more information or to begin the survey:


Mentor Training: Take Your Mentor to School Day

If for some reason you were unable to attend the most recent Mentor Training, have no fear!  The full PowerPoint presentation is available online at:



Touchpoint: Take Your Mentor to School Day

We are very excited for this year's Take Your Mentor to School Day! Mentors, this event will give you the unique opportunity of seeing your mentee in his/her own environment. The day will include some, if not all of the following: tour of the school, presentation from the school administration, and the chance to sit in on one or two of your student's classes.  We will be ending the day at our weekly Leadership Institute and a mini March to College Kick-off giving you the chance to not only debrief with your student, but also conduct a face-to-face grade check, and start brainstorming those fundraising ideas.

Date: Week of December 10th

-         George Westinghouse College Prep: December 11th (Afternoon)

-         Chicago Talent Development: December 12th (Afternoon)

-         North Lawndale College Prep: December 13th (Morning)

-         Urban Prep - Bronzeville campus: December 14th (Morning)

Unfortunately, Urban Prep-Englewood and University of Chicago, Woodlawn (UCW) will not be participating in this event. We will be providing an alternative event; more information to come.

Time of Event: Different for each school. Specific itineraries will be sent to registered mentors on December 5th


-         George Westinghouse College Prep - 3223 West Franklin Blvd.

-         Chicago Talent Development - 2245 West Jackson Blvd.

-         North Lawndale College Prep, Collins Campus -1313 South Sacramento Blvd.

-         Urban Prep, Bronzeville - 2710 South Dearborn St.


Who's Invited: All AIM High Mentors.

Transportation: Mentors are responsible for getting to and from the event on their own.

Register Here 



Terrific Tales Story Time with The Storybook Mom- Nili Yelin; Goldilocks and the Three Bears presented by The StoryBus

Who's Invited: All AIM High students, parents, mentors, and friends with younger siblings or children between the ages of 3 and 10.

What: A fun and interactive family literacy time with The Storybook Mom- Nili Yelin and special guest, The StoryBus.

Why: The goal of these story time sessions is to use engaging story telling techniques to promote family literacy.  This is an opportunity for the whole family to fall in love with reading!

Theme: Holiday Hats

Where: Kelly Public Library, 6151 South Normal Blvd. Chicago, IL 60621.

When: December 15th and one Saturday a month throughout the school year. 

Invisible Differences Logo   

"They're Playing Our Song"

Who's Invited: Any person who has or cares about someone with an Invisible Difference.

What: A celebration of our children and young adults with Invisible Differences, including learning disabilities, depression, AD(H)D, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and other neurobehavioral and mental health disorders. 

When: Sunday, December 2nd at 3:00pm

Why: Invisible Differences, a program of Center for Companies That Care, supports young adults with neurobehavioral and learning disabilities to help them complete their education and prepare for productive careers doing work they love.  Employers and caregivers of children with Invisible Differences also receive support from the program.

Click Here for Tickets!

CARE to Get Involved?

Volunteers are always needed at AIM High events, for more information please email [email protected]

Do you know of someone who would make a good mentor?  We are always looking for more mentors, so please fill out a mentor recommendation form!
We currently have a new position available at Companies That Care, check it out!