The MMAHM Report                   November 12th, 2012
Monday Morning AIM High Moment




Spread the Word: AIM High Awareness Breakfast

What: AIM High Awareness breakfast for Chicagoland business leaders.

Who's Invited: Any business partners, clients, colleagues that might be interested.  Spread the word!

Date: November 13th, 2012, 7:30am - 9:00am

Where: Towers Watson, 71 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 2600 Chicago, IL 60606

RSVP: 312.661.1010 or email [email protected]


Local College Visit to North Park University   

Date: Wednesday, November 14th, 2012, 9:30am - 1:30pm

Location: North Park University, 3225 W. Foster Ave. Chicago, IL 60625

Transportation: Each school will provide transportation for their students. Students at UCW and Urban Prep Englewood will depart from Urban Prep Bronzeville at 8:45am and return to Urban Prep Bronzeville at 2:00pm.

Who's Invited: All AIM High Students, Mentors, Parents, and School Liaisons.

Upon Arrival: Meet in the Lobby of Old Main.  Parking may be found in the Visitors Parking Lot on the corner of Foster and Kedzie Avenues.  Buses may park in the "loading zone" area on Kedzie Avenue.


Chaperones needed on UCW and Urban Prep- Englewood buses and at the event.  Contact Harrison Stamell for more details - 312-661-1010.    


Register Here

Mentor Training: Take Your Mentor to School Day

Remember, only one person from each mentoring team (not company) needs to be on the call, but as always ALL are welcome.

When: Friday, November 16th, 2012 12pm - 1pm

For Audio:

Conference Number(s): 6417153200

Participant Code: 225334#


To join the meeting:



DePaul University Research Study

Exciting news! We have the opportunity to partner with DePaul University to participate in an upcoming research study on mentors. AIM High mentors- we would love your participation!

The survey may be done in multiple sittings, as long as you access the survey link from the same computer you started the survey on. Please click the link below for more information or to begin the survey:


TERRIFIC TALES Story Time with The Storybook Mom-Nili Yelin

What:A fun and interactive family literacy time with The Storybook Mom-Nili Yelin

Dates: November 24th, December 15th and once a month throughout the school year

Time: 10am - 11am

Location: Kelly Public Library, 6151 South Normal Blvd. 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60621

Who's Invited: All AIM High students, parents, mentors, and friends with younger siblings or children between the ages of 3 and 10

You're Invited!

"They're Playing Our Song"

Who's Invited: Any person who has or cares about someone with an Invisible Difference.

What: A celebration of our children and young adults with Invisible Differences, including learning disabilities, depression, AD(H)D, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and other neurobehavioral and mental health disorders 

When: Sunday, December 2nd at 3:00pm

Why: To learn how the Invisible Differences program can help you and your family!  The Invisible Differences program supports young adults with neurobehavioral and learning disabilities to complete their education and prepare for doing work they love.

Click Here for Tickets!

CARE to Get Involved?

Volunteers are always needed at AIM High events, for more information please email [email protected]

Do you know of someone who would make a good mentor?  We are always looking for more mentors, so please fill out a mentor recommendation form!
We currently have a new position available at Companies That Care, check it out!