Oak Knoll School News
May 3, 2015 
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This Week 

Monday, May 4

  • Last day to participate in Memory Keepsake for Principal Ackerman

Wednesday, May 6

  • Roaring Camp Field Trip (Becker/Emmert), 7:00am-4:00pm. NOTE EARLY DEPARTURE TIME!!
  • History San Jose Field Trip (McColloch), 8:45am-2:00pm

Thursday, May 7

  • Running Day - wear running gear
  • Shoreway Environmental Center (Kelley), 9:00am-1:15pm

Friday, May 8

  • Poetry Reading (Rooms 8/9/10), Gym
  • Last day to buy tickets for Spring Fair
  • Last day to sign up for MPAEF parties & events

Looking Ahead  

Sunday, May 10

  • Last Day for Are You In RUN Early Registration

Tuesday, May 12

  • Parent Coffee Talk with Kristen Gracia and Erik Burmeister, 8:15am, Gym
  • Huddart Park Field Trip (Rooms 8/9/10), 8:45am-1:45pm

Wednesday, May 13

  • PTO Board Meeting
  • History San Jose Field Trip (Guerra), 8:45am-2:00pm

Thursday, May 14

  • MPAEF Board Meeting

Friday, May 15

  • David Ackerman's Farewell Celebration & Spring Fair, 5:00-7:00pm, Oak Knoll Field

See the Oak Knoll calendar for more important dates and events 

Oak Knoll Receives Kent Award for Compassion Work
We are so proud to announce that Oak Knoll is receiving a 2015 Kent Award for our social-emotional learning curriculum. For the last three years Oak Knoll has connected academic and social-emotional learning through a school-wide theme that is focused on the whole child. Special thanks to Nicole Scott, our full-time counselor, for leading the development of this curriculum. Our Compassion curriculum includes an intentional scope and sequence. Throughout the year our students engaged in work that spanned three areas: Empathy, Listening and Optimism, and Generosity. This experience included a book of the month, classroom discussions, community service, assemblies, mindfulness lessons, and parent education. At Oak Knoll we believe that preventative social emotional learning is one of the most important things we do. Our planning now begins for next year!  
Superintendent's Office

May is Wellness Month!

Time is of the essence. Anxiety is high. Am I doing the right thing? I often feel so busy. Are these comments familiar to you? Despite the fact that technology and social media make it easier than ever to be "connected" to lots of people all the time, we are becoming less and less connected to one another. As parents and professionals, it's important to remember that little matters more to our well being than our relationships with other people.

This is especially true for children. Relationships prove to be among those things that have the most significant effect on kids' healthy growth and well-being. Nurturing our children and embedding them in a strong network of family, friends, school, relatives and community, teaches them emotional security, safety and greatly affects their childhood happiness.

What we do 
We are deeply committed to the emotional well being of our students as we continue to plan and implement our student wellness plan. Support for our students focuses on three critical areas: Social Emotional Learning, Social Emotional Health, and Academic Supports. Social emotional learning supports are uniquely tailored at each of our school sites. The Pivot program and the Thrive elective at Hillview, the Fly program at Encinal, the U-turn program at Oak Knoll and the Character Education program at Laurel all focus on the five competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. Additionally, all sites feature social-emotional curriculum and lessons around these competencies. Our school psychologists, counselors, inclusion specialists and interns collaborate on therapeutic services that foster social skills in children that teach compassion, gratitude, establish rapport, resolve conflict and teach skills that build strong relationships. Academic supports include collaborative classes, intervention programs, specially designed academic instruction, and individualized plans and programs for our students.

What can you do?   
It is important to reflect on what we model for children. What do we have time for? Do you model kindness to yourself? Kindness is contagious. Research suggests that parents who are kind to themselves and others, raise children who show kindness to themselves and others. Kindness works by redirecting our energy toward things that make us feel good, reducing the toll that negative feelings have on our health and happiness. Be gentle on yourself, it is good for your health and your family's  too! Renew your energy, reconnect with your loved ones and as a community we will positively influence our children's wellness.
Memory Keepsake for Principal Ackerman
To celebrate Principal Ackerman's retirement and commemorate the years he has dedicated to the Oak Knoll community, we are putting together a VERY SPECIAL surprise AwesomeBox for him! AwesomeBox is way to collect photos, messages and memories from a group that get printed into a beautiful keepsake of custom cards to tell a group story of why Mr. Ackerman is awesome. We would love as many families and teachers to participate as possible to make this a truly memorable gift that will be presented to Mr. Ackerman at the May 15th picnic. Don't miss out to include your tribute!

Please add your name and email address here by TOMORROW, May 4 if you would like to receive an invitation to participate in this special keepsake gift (there is no cost to you!). 

Principal David Ackerman's Farewell Celebration & 2015 Spring Fair
Join us on Friday, May 15 at Oak Knoll from 5:00-7:00pm to wish our beloved Principal Ackerman well on his retirement!  The event will include BBQ Food by BBQ Boy, Inflatable Slides, Bungee Runs, Field Games, Karaoke and lots more!  

To purchase tickets online please click here or print out this form and hand it into the office along with a check.  Orders are due by Friday, May 8.  Sorry, no late orders can be accepted.

We would like everyone to attend, so if you would like to request a scholarship, please email and let us know how many tickets you would like. If you have any questions, including about the school's gift, please email

VOLUNTEER: If you would like to volunteer your time for some of the event, please click here
MPAEF Auction Results and Parties to Join!

Thank you to everyone in the community who made bids, donated items and attended the event during our Spring Auction and Event. Together, we raised $250,000 for Encinal, Laurel, Oak Knoll and Hillview. This was a fantastic outcome and we offer heartfelt thanks to everyone.
If you are feeling like some more celebrating, there are several party hosts who would welcome you to events over the coming months. Click here by Friday, May 8 to see and join some fun parties, such as:
-Bollywood Moves
-Live From Menlo Park-It's SaturdayNight
-Ay Carumba!
-Witches' Brew & Warlocks Too
And we want to thank the generous gift of our auction organizers' time and effort to make this event happen. Big thanks to co-chairs Flavia Herrod and Cyndy Hogan; to our auction solicitors, raffle coordinators, marketing mavens, party planners and event night volunteers. We hope everyone enjoyed the experience and the results. 
Are You IN Run for Education - Early Registration Until May 10
Early online registration for the Are You In RUN for Education is OPEN! Register prior to May 10, 2015 to secure the discounted entry fee of $25.00. After May 10, the entry fee will rise to $40.00.

The run will take place at Oak Knoll School on Sunday, May 31, 2015. You can enter either the 2.5K (1.5 mile) family walk/ run, or the competitive, chip-timed 5K. Both runs will start at 9:00am and the course will wind through the streets of Menlo Park. A Wellness Fair will occur after the run at Oak Knoll School. There will be a stretching station, food, family fun and awards.

Family Sponsor:
Consider becoming a Family Sponsor.  With a donation of $500 you will receive:
  • five race entries,
  • your family's name will appear on the RUN t-shirt and
  • an invitation to our casual, family-style pasta dinner, held on the eve of the race. The RUN's presenting sponsor, Nelson Roberts Investment Advisors, is generously providing the dinner.
Volunteer: Interested in being part of the fun but don't feel like walking or running?  Why not volunteer to help on the day? To learn more about volunteer opportunities please contact David Korn.

The Are You In RUN for Education is being organized by the MPAEF, as well as the PTO's of the Menlo Park City School District: Encinal, Laurel, Oak Knoll and Hillview schools. Funds raised will support our children's education.

To register and learn more about the RUN, visit our website,

Thank you to all of our generous sponsors!  The 2015 run, presented by Nelson Roberts, is sponsored also by:  DeLeon Realty, Greenheart Land Company, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Scott Kaloust DDS, Fleet Feet Sports, Magnussen Toyota, Magnussen Lexus, Mary Gilles Real Estate, Vivre, AMR, 24 Lost Soles, Alkalign, Axis Personal Trainers, Bulldog Sports, Cameron Aboudara DDS MS, Gold Arrow Camp,, Pacific Peninsula Custom Group, Penelope Jones Interior Design, Principia, Stanford University Real Estate, Studio Rincon, and Z-Ultimate Karate.

Parent Coffee Talk
The next Parent Coffee Talk is the last in the 2014-15 series and will be held on Tuesday, May 12 at 8:15am in the Gym. Erik Burmeister will join Kristen Gracia in a discussion on Hillview Middle School.

Hillview Summer Reading Book Fair
Attention 5th Grade Families: It's that time of year! The Hillview PTO will be hosting the annual Summer Reading Book Fair from May 11-14, in conjunction with Hillview's Open House. Once again, they will be working with Books, Inc., to offer lots of great books from Hillview's Summer Reading Lists. This is a wonderful opportunity for your 5th grader to get a sneak peek at Hillview's fabulous Library and fabulous librarians - Ms. Piombo and Ms. Mathenia!

 Monday, May 11: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Tuesday, May 12: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Wednesday, May 13: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday, May 14: 8:00am - 3:00pm
OPEN HOUSE HOURS: Thursday, May 14: 5:30pm - 9pm

The Hillview Book Fair will be held in the library - upstairs above the office.

Porfolio Night Schedule
Please make a note of the Portfolio Night schedule:
  • K-2 Multi: May 26, 7:00pm
  • Kindergarten: May 28, 7:00pm
  • 1st Grade: May 20, 7:00pm
  • 2nd Grade: May 21, 7:00pm
  • 3rd Grade: May 27, 7:00pm 
  • 4th, 5th, and 3-5 Multi, June 4, 7:00pm 
Staff Highlights

Celeste Ziff, Kindergarten Teacher

Your favorite thing about Oak Knoll: I love working at a place where teachers and students can be themselves and have fun learning together.
Share a passion of yours: I hope to start offering Spanish classes to kids who wish to learn a new language.
A fun fact about yourself: I love to cook!
A favorite quote: "I think I can...I think I can." - Book: The Little Engine That Could

Jayd Almquist, K-5 Art Teacher

Your favorite thing about Oak Knoll: My favorite thing about Oak Knoll is the sense of community and family. Everyone is very polite and friendly.
Share a passion of yours: A passion of mine is helping others.
A fun fact about yourself: I am also a photographer and artist.
A favorite quote: "Be the change you want to see in the world." 

Counselor's Corner
Compassion Book of the Month: The final book in our Year of Compassion which we will be reading is Under the Lemon Moon by Edith Hope Fine. One night, Rosalinda is awakened by a noise in the garden. When she and her pet hen, Blanca, investigate, they see a man leaving with a large sack-full of fruit from Rosalinda's beloved lemon tree. After consulting with family and neighbors about how to save her sick tree, Rosalinda sets out in search of La Anciana, the Old One, the only person who might have a solution to Rosalinda's predicament. When she finally meets La Anciana, the old woman offers an inventive way for Rosalinda to help her tree-and the Night Man who was driven to steal her lemons. Set in the Mexican countryside, Under the Lemon Moon shines with the light of generosity and forgiveness. The gentle story and glowing illustrations make this tale perfect for sharing with young readers who are discovering how it feels to receive and give gifts.

Counselor Class Lessons: Counselor class lessons for May will continue on the topic of Forgiveness. Forgiveness is not that you are saying that what the other person did was okay but rather that you are not going to hold on to that hurt. It is a choice that one makes. When we forgive others the person who benefits the most is ourselves.  We will also discuss forgiving ourselves for mistakes we make - self compassion.
Room Parent Sign-Ups Open For Next Year
Can you believe that it's already time to sign up to be a room parent for next year?!  Don't miss out! Sign up now for one of the most rewarding volunteer roles at Oak Knoll.  It's a great way to know firsthand what's going on in your child's class, and to get to know other parents and your child's teacher. Room parents play a critical role at Oak Knoll, coordinating parent volunteers for parties, field trips, and in-class volunteering for the teachers. Being a room parent is fun and rewarding, typically having 4 room parents per classroom (or 3 in each multi-age homeroom), and doesn't require much on-campus time - so, even if you have little ones at home or you work full-time, this is a great way to get involved!  Please remember that all current room parents must also sign up again for next year, including the looping 4th/5th grade classes.  
Come Lead the Oak Knoll Composting Efforts
Are you passionate about composting and interested in leading the composting efforts at Oak Knoll? If so, the PTO would love to have you on our team! If you are interested, please email Stephanie Chen.

Calling All 5th Grade Parents
If your child is going to Hillview next year and you're wondering whether you'll be able to stay connected as a volunteer, rest assured that your contributions will be just as valued at Hillview as they always have been at Oak Knoll! The Hillview PTO sponsors community building and staff appreciation events throughout the school year, thanks to a small army of enthusiastic volunteers, and there are currently openings on the Back to School Luau, Camp Hillview (perfect for incoming 6th grade parents!), Staff Appreciation, Campus Activities, Student Enrichment, and Parent Education teams. Any of these opportunities would be a great way for you to get to know the Hillview community and feel more closely connected with your child's Hillview experience. If you're interested, please contact Michelle Box or Kate Kennedy, 2015-2016 Hillview PTO Co-Presidents. Thank you!
Newton Registration Now Open
Registration for Newton 2015-2016 is now open!  This year's registration process will be completely online.

In order to register your child, please visit and follow the Menlo Park Enrollment link.  The Newton system will allow you to select your program, complete medical forms and waivers, make payments, and even print receipts.  

Please contact Newton with any questions at: or at: (650) 345-4043
Community Sponsored News


May 15th, 9pm-Midnight, following the 6th & 7th grade dance, at the Hillview Track.   
Relay For Life events comprise the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Communities across the globe come together to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that has already taken too much.  Our 'Hillview Edition' is tailored to the age and awareness level of our students and their families, and is accessible for everyone!  We already have FOURTEEN teams of students signed up to participate!!  Encourage your student, and/or your family and friends, to put a team together to support the cause. There will be music, fun, and Block H points for participation!!  Please go to for more information, or email Robin Buckley.  We also need chaperones/helpers for the event!!  Please email Robin to sign up!!  


Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research (CIBSR) at Stanford University

Looking for 8-12year old mother-son pairs to participate in the Social Brain Investigation.

Dates and times can be scheduled depending on participant availability.                                                        

Locations: Stanford University Main Campus and Medical Campus

You are invited to participate in a research study exploring brain function during social interaction involving brain imaging with fNIRS and fMIR, scans are safe, non-invasive and do not use X-rays or radiation. For your participation, we offer a payment of $50, access to ongoing updates about the study, and upon request, information from behavioral assessment results.

Please contact Sharon Bade Shrestha for more information!


Women's Basketball 

Join a fun group of Menlo Park women for pickup basketball on Sunday mornings at Oak Knoll School. All skill levels are welcome. Email Jenni Djafari if interested.


Children's Champions

May 16, 2015 from 10:00-1:00 PM

Stanford Stadium

The event website is and people can learn more about the event and buy tix. Children's Champions is a fun, family-friendly event benefiting at-risk children in the Bay Area. The Wender Weis Foundation for Children (WWFC) and Fit Kids are coming together to help make fitness fun. Held at Stanford Stadium, Children's Champions will feature sports drills, clinics, and demonstrations with Stanford athletes, including members of the Stanford football team, Fit Kids activities, such as an obstacle course, relay races, capture the flag games, arts and crafts, the opportunity to take photos with professional team athletes and mascots, pop-up fitness activities for adults, and more.

Newsletter Details
Please submit announcements and flyers to for Oak Knoll events. For the Community Corner, send submissions to

The deadline for both email addresses is by noon on the Wednesday 
prior to publication dateGuidelines for submission are available online. 

To read past Oak Knoll PTO newsletters, please visit our archives.