Oak Knoll PTO
Otter Weekly
October 12, 2014
To Do
In This Issue
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This Week 

October 13 - 24
  • New & Used Book Donation Drive

Tuesday, October 14

  • Hidden Villa Field Trip (Cotter, San Filippo), 8:15-11:30am
  • Public Hearing for Mandarin Immersion Charter School Petition, 6:30pm, Encinal Multi-Use Room

Wednesday, October 15

  • Hidden Villa Field Trip (Howard, Wood), 8:15-11:30am
  • Exploratorium Field Trip (Becker, Cline, Murphy), 8:15am-2:00pm
Thursday, October 16
  • SF Adventure (Clancy 3/4/5), depart 8:00am
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium (NBA), depart 3:00pm

Friday, October 17

  • SF Adventure (Clancy 3/4/5), return 2:00pm
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium (NBA), return 12:00pm. Students need to be picked up at 12:00pm when they return.
  • Ardenwood Field Trip (Guerra), 9:00am-2:30pm

Looking Ahead  

October 20 - 24
  • Oak Knoll Book Fair

Monday, October 20

  • Beach Day (Spirit Day)

Wednesday, October 22

  • PTO General Meeting, 8:15am, Gym
  • Ardenwood Field Trip (McColloch, Yob), 9:00am-2:30pm

Thursday, October 23

  • Book Fair Family Night, 6:00-8:00pm, Gym

Friday, October 24

See the Oak Knoll calendar for more important dates and events 

Office Reminders
Follow Oak Knoll on Instagram @OAKKNOLL2014

Check out an article about Oak Knoll in The Atlantic here.

Please check the lost and found! There are lots of shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts and lunch boxes.                

Staff Highlights
Kris McColloch, 3rd Grade Teacher

Favorite thing about Oak Knoll: My great relationships I make with the students and their parents! I love the teachers here as well. We have a very close and unique campus.

Share a passion of yours: I would like to go into underprivileged schools or hospitals and read to children. I love to read aloud. I would also like to work with service dogs used as therapy.

A fun fact about yourself: I love to go to the beach, dance, read, and teach math (not all at the same time). My favorite places are Hawaii and Tahoe. I am most happy when I'm with my children and grandchildren.

Helga Dinning, Reading Specialist

Favorite thing about Oak Knoll: Kids reading for themselves! Our students enjoy reading whenever they can. I love it when I see a group of kids or an individual student reading and discussing during recess. I'll walk around, and suddenly find a group of young readers leaning against a wall or under a tree sitting in the grass fully engrossed in their book. Awesome!

Share a passion of yours: I'm an active member of the International Reading Association, California Reading Association, and Reading Recovery Council of North America. I have the pleasure of working with colleagues with the goal of supporting struggling readers, and supporting classroom teachers.

A fun fact about yourself: I enjoy skiing, Sudoku, and solving mysteries before the mystery book or film ends - great fun! 
My Digital TAT2 - Message from Kristen Gracia

Oak Knoll Parents,

Join me for this important Parent Ed event. I would love to see ALL Oak Knoll parents at this event. Our kids are growing up "online" and we need to be informed, aware and proactive as we parent through a time much different than our childhood times. Thanks to the Oak Knoll PTO for providing this FREE event. Mark your calendar! October 27 @ 7:00pm in the Oak Knoll gym. Read below for more information.

Kristen Gracia

"Parenting in the Age of Social Media" presented by My Digital TAT2
Monday, October 27, 7:00-8:30pm, Oak Knoll gym
Our kids are "digital natives" - they are growing up in a world of online access and ever changing media devices. Do you wonder how to teach your child responsibility and ethics online, how to ensure they are aware of their actions, and how to best parent them in the digital age? 

The Oak Knoll PTO invites you to join My Digital TAT2 for a highly engaging, interactive, and informative presentation and discussion on Monday, October 27 from 7:00-8:30pm in the large multi-purpose room/gym. This PTO-sponsored presentation is recommended for all parents interested in an overview of the digital landscape and learning about thoughtful strategies to navigate media with their children.

Please note that this is a parents-only event. During the same week, 5th grade students will be participating in classroom workshops focused on "Safety and Compassion in the Digital Age", also conducted by My Digital TAT2.


You can learn more about My Digital TAT2 at  http://www.mydigitaltat2.com/ 
Girls Leadership Institute Workshops at Oak Knoll
Girls Leadership Institute Workshops at Oak Knoll - Grades K/1, 2/3, and 4/5
Oak Knoll is excited to partner again with the Girls Leadership Institute (GLI) to offer FOUR Parent & Daughter workshops on emotional intelligence. Parents and daughters will learn about identifying healthy relationships, finding their voices, and communicating more effectively. Girls will also develop resilient responses to conflict, challenges, and mistakes. The program is interactive, fun, and enlightening for parents and daughters! New this year is a program for girls in Kindergarten and 1st grade! Click here to learn more about the programs.
Who: Girls in Kindergarten or 1st grade with one parent, girls in 2nd or 3rd grade with one parent, or girls in 4th or 5th grade with one parent

When: Grade K/1 workshops are 60 minutes long, and grade 2/3 and 4/5 workshops are 90 minutes long. Each workshop meets once per week for four weeks. There is one session for K/1, two sessions for 2/3, and one session for 4/5. The two sessions for grades 2/3 are the same content, just two different time options. Sessions begin in either January or February, with a break during February Break. Click here for specific dates.

Cost: $180 for K/1, $210 for 2/3 and 4/5
Register here -  Priority registration for Oak Knoll expires on October 20!

If you have any questions, please email Stephanie Chen
Oak Knoll Basketball Registration is OPEN!
3rd, 4th & 5th grade Oak Knoll students can now register to play basketball! This is a recreational league offered by the city of Menlo Park and organized by the After School Sports Program. All practices are held at Oak Knoll facilities, and games are held against other schools in the Arrillaga Gymnasium in Menlo Park. Most games will take place on Saturday mornings and afternoons, with the exception of 5th grade girls' basketball games, occurring Monday afternoons and evenings. No prior experience is necessary.

To register your child, please visit TeamSnap. All teams are coached by parent volunteers. So, if you are interested in coaching, please email Stefano Baldassi.

For more information about the basketball program, visit the website.         
Noteworthy Art Ordering Reminder
Noteworthy Art Ordering Continues This Week - next Friday is the last day to order your child's Noteworthy Art cards. You should have received the order form in your child's backpack last week. This PTO Fundraiser features your child's original drawing, reproduced on high-quality note cards, packaged with envelopes in sets of 12, and make great holiday and thank you cards.
Please fill out the order form and deliver with payment ($15 /package) to the office or use PayPal on the Noteworthy Art webpage no later than Friday, October 24. The cards will be delivered before the Thanksgiving break.

Thank you for supporting this PTO Fundraiser! 
For questions about your order, contact Tiffany Wolf.
MPCSD Receives Menlo Mandarin Immersion Charter School Petition
**This is a topic which affects everyone in the District. Please stay informed and attend meetings. The public hearing is this Tuesday at 6:30pm (details below) - it is important for parents to be there to voice their opinions.**

On September 12 our District received its first Charter School petition from the parents of the Menlo Mandarin Immersion Charter School. Click here to see the entire Charter petition including petition signatures.

We encourage parents and community members to attend the following public School Board Meetings: 
  • Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 14 at 6:30pm (Encinal Elementary School, Multi-Use Room, 195 Encinal Ave., Atherton)
  • Study Session on Monday, October 27 at 6:00pm (MPCSD Office, TERC Building, 181 Encinal Ave., Atherton)
  • Final Decision on Wednesday, November 12 at 6:30pm (MPCSD Office, TERC Building, 181 Encinal Ave., Atherton)

A presentation on Charter School fundamentals was presented to the Board on September 3, and is accessible, click here.


Book Donation Drive This Week & Next
Oak Knoll's October Book Fair is right around the corner! Time to get ready! When making room for those new books, please donate your previously loved books to the Oak Knoll book drive. Then, please consider buying a new book or two for the donation drive. All purchases help our school and donated new books will help children in need. All new books will be set-aside and provided to needy children in San Mateo County as holiday gifts. Collection barrels will be placed outside the gym and school office for easy drop-off.

The book drive will culminate in a book sort on October 30 (1:30-3:30pm in the small multi) in which Oak Knoll kids can help prepare the books for distribution. Everybody interested please come!

All books will be donated to the Children's Fund, which was established to assist foster and low-income children in San Mateo County and provide them with goods and services that are not available through public funds. The Children's Fund benefits low-income and foster children/teens who reside in San Mateo County. 

Questions? Please contact Meg McGraw-Scherer.  
Beach Day - Spirit Day 
To kick off the Surf's Up Book Fair, we thought we would have a Beach Day on Monday, October 20! Students can bring a blanket and have lunch on the grass (we will have designated blankets that are NUT and Dairy Free). Students can bring fun beach games (frisbee, volleyball, beach ball, smash ball, etc). Students can dress for the beach but NO swimsuits (board shorts are fine). And don't worry, we will have Lifeguards on Duty. It will be a fun day on the Knoll!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We will be having a special lunch on October 20 and need parent volunteers to help with supervision from 11:45am-12:45pm. Please email if interested. 
Book Fair - High Tide Next Week 
Paddle over to the "sand"-sational book fair!

We'll all be having a splashing good time during book fair week October 20-24! MTWF 7:45am-3:30pm; Thursday 7:45am-2:00pm.

The beach is a busy place so lifeguards are needed to keep things afloat. We're looking for volunteers to help! Please contact Tamara Russel if you are interested in decorating, setting up, cashiering, working Family Night or helping in general.

Family Night, Thursday, October 23 from 6:00-8:00pm. Bring your whole family for an evening that's "shore" to be filled with beachy fun while you shop at the book fair.

Questions? Contact Shannon Atkinson or Jennie Lang
Growth Mindset
Oak Knoll's philosophy is rooted in the Mindset work of Dr. Carol Dweck. We teach our students the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset, as well as the parts and working of the brain. As a school, we write goals around this work because it applies to everything we teach and expect students to know and be able to do. My hope is that this year we can also help you to better understand the importance and application of this work! Here is a little more information and an opportunity that will get you started in learning more. 

Read the rest of Kristen Gracia's thoughts on Growth Mindset here.

Carol Dweck
Stanford  in Redwood City Speaker Series
October 16, 5:30-7:00pm (doors open at 5:00pm; general seating)
Carrington Hall, Sequoia High School, 1201 Brewster Avenue, Redwood City
Free and open to the community
More Information & RSVP: www.stanfordredwoodcity.com

Professor Dweck is a leading researcher on motivation and achievement, particularly known for her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, focusing on why people succeed and how to foster success. She'll explain how, with the right mindset, you can motivate students, employees, peers, & children to reach their personal and professional goals. She has been featured in The New Yorker, Time, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets. 
Bike & Traffic Safety Committees
Bike Inspections: In October, there will be FREE bike inspections provided in front of Oak Knoll. They will be on Monday October 13, Friday October 24, and Monday October 27 before school, 7:40-8:10am. Come by the bike rack area and let the professional mechanics from Menlo Velo look over your child's ride. They will check brakes, pump up tires, adjust helmets, and provide a general safety check. Due to popular demand, bike inspections for student bikes will be prioritized. This event brought to you by the PTO Bike Safety Committee.  
Shop MPAEF: Get Ready for Halloween! 

Find costumes, party supplies, candy and more at great Halloween merchants on Shop.MPAEF.org. Just click on a merchant link, shop and earn money for our school. Shop now! 
Friday's MPAEF Pledge Day was a solid success! Thanks to those who committed their support and joined "Coffee & Conversation" with Dr. Jim Taylor.

Just six short weeks remaining for our MPAEF Annual Parent Campaign (deadline is November 20) and your donations are still needed!

Our goal is to raise $1500 per student and to achieve 80% plus participation. Please Donate Today!

Make the most of your donation with employee matching!
Did you know that many of your employers offer employee matching programs? Thank you to Apple, Google, Salesforce, Intuit and LinkedIn who have contributed this year.

For a complete list of companies who have matched, visit MPAEF.org. Your company's Human Resources department should be able to provide you with information on how to submit your matching request. Please contact us if you need help or have questions about employer matching.

Please join us for the  
"You Are Our Foundation" 
Thank You Reception 
Wednesday, October 15, 6:00pm 
Menlo Grill Bistro & Bar at Stanford Park Hotel graciously offers their beautiful garden patio reception to MPAEF supporters to give thanks for your financial commitment to public school education. For more information on this and other MPAEF events, please check the MPAEF events page.    
Parent Ed
"Raising Doers" with Mike Lanza, Author
Wednesday, October 15, 10:00-11:30am (note that this is a morning event!)
Hillview Middle School, PAC

This talk is for parents who want their children to grow up to be passionate "doers" who make a positive difference in the world. Mike challenges the common assumption that children must stop playing to develop into productive adults. On the contrary, doers are highly self-motivated people for whom work is play. Drawing from his background as the author of the book Playborhood: Turn Your Neighborhood Into a Place for Play, Mike shows how children can connect the dots from a playful childhood to an active, meaningful adulthood.  

Click here for this year's line up of speakers. These events are open to all district parents and community members. Free childcare is provided during this special morning event for all potty trained children in Room B6 across from the Hillview PAC. For more information, contact Jennifer Allen.  
Community Sponsored News

St. Raymond Pumpkin Festival   

Friday, October 17, 3:30-7:00pm

Saturday, October 18, 10:00am-6:00pm

1100 Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Park 

Pony Rides, Climbing Wall, Pumpkins, Bungee, Trampoline, Face Painting, Games, Food & More!

Open to the Public with Free Admission 


Menlo Park Cub Scouts Pack 222 First Pack Meeting!  

Thursday, October 23, 6:30pm
Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, 950 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park.
If you have any questions, please visit our website or email Robert Freeman


2014 Halloween Hoopla! 

Saturday, October 25, 11:45am

The City of Menlo Park Community Services Department proudly presents the 2014 Halloween Hoopla! Come in costume and participate in the annual parade to Fremont Park starting at 11:45am. The parade will start in the Maloney Street parking lot off Santa Cruz Ave. After the parade, from 12:30-3:00pm, trick-or-treat in downtown Menlo Park stores that display trick-or-treat signs on their door. Entertainment and crafts will also be available at Fremont Park. Don't forget to pick-up your free trick-or-treat back at Fremont Park while you're there! For more information, please call 650-330-2220 or visit our website


Quick Links

Newsletter Submissions
Please submit announcements and flyers to newsletter@oakknollschool.com for Oak Knoll events. For the Community Corner, send submissions to communitynews@mpcsd.org.

The deadline for both email addresses is by noon on the Wednesday 
prior to publication dateGuidelines for submission are available online. 

Newsletter Archives
To read past Oak Knoll PTO newsletters, please visit our archives.