AAC Logo and Banner Dec 2011 
Introducing Albuquerque Apparel Center
A letter from AAC Founder and Director
Melissa Lea Beasley


December 15, 2011


Happy Holidays!  The Albuquerque Apparel Center is alive and well and will be officially off and running after the New Year!


The Albuquerque Apparel Center has been hard at work over the last six months developing a business strategy based on creative outreach, economic development, community and statewide participation, and progressive leadership.  I want to tell you about the exciting things we have been doing to build a center specifically for you, and ask for your help as we move forward.

I hope that you will be inspired by our story and become a supporting member of Albuquerque Apparel Center. 

  • Albuquerque Apparel Center will be a Networking hub providing support for Apparel and Accessory Industry related businesses throughout the state of New Mexico.  We will work for and represent Apparel and Accessories of all kinds.  All are part of a creative economy that will be a critical part of working our way out of recession.
  • Albuquerque Apparel Center will focus on the powerful role of the Apparel Industry in economic development, providing a critical additional argument for supporting this sector with funding and public policy. 
  • Albuquerque Apparel Center will provide an outlet for retail products direct to the public and an educational support system to learn and hone apparel skills.

Why is it important for you to support Albuquerque Apparel Center?

Over the past several years, there has been a growing and pervasive feeling that
Albuquerque needs a powerful and broadly supported "go-to" organization to harness and promote what the apparel industry contributes to our community. Albuquerque Apparel Center will be that "go-to" organization to better network a fantastically rich but desperately fragmented landscape of organizations, artists and supporters, and to ensure that we have a seat at the table when funding and policy decisions are being made which affect us.

The apparel industry has typically worked independently as many groups, businesses, and areas - uncoordinated at best and at cross-purposed at worst. Therefore, many of these groups, businesses, and areas did not reach the height of success they were capable of.  Also, funding and policies affecting the apparel sector has been lost without our input.  Together as a group, we can open more doors of opportunity resulting in economic growth statewide.

I will close by saying that you are welcome to call me at (505) 803-6966 with questions, concerns or ideas, or if you want to volunteer hands-on participation in this exciting new
venture. We have never been closer to having a powerhouse force for apparel & accessories, education and culture here in
Albuquerqueand this is your opportunity to be part of it.


Melissa Lea Beasley
Founder and Director


P.S. Membership contributions are a critically important part of the way that we pay for all the things that Albuquerque Apparel Center will accomplish. Please be as generous as your circumstances allow.

The Albuquerque Apparel Center relies on community and state wide involvement of people like you and organizations like yours.  If you'd like to becomea member and support our mission, please  contact us. 

To subscribe to our newsletter, email us with the word "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.  Please provide us with your first and last name.  [email protected]


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