
Carolina Creations 

October 2012 News and Upcoming Events 

About Us  
317 Pollock St
Downtown New Bern, NC 28560
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and our blog 
Open 7 Days a Week     

- Hours Mon-Sat 10-6, Fri 10-8,  Sun 11-4

We ship!
Always free gift wrapping.
We have layaway!
Carolina Creations at Christmas
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our bags travel the world carolina creations
Our Bags Travel the World!
We got a note from a visitor that talked about how much they liked New Bern and Carolina Creations and the note said "attached is a photo of my wife, Jacky with Mont Orgeuil (Gorey) Castle in the background. This is on the island of Jersey, Channel Islands where we have lived for 27 years."
As always we're thrilled to have a whole string of special events in our Downtown this month -

from the MumFest and SeaFair, to our new ArtZone (just a new name for our collective art businesses Downtown), GhostWalk, Dan Nelson workshop, lots of music and more.

In addition we are getting new work in from all our artists, even though it is way off it's like Christmas for us opening all the packages!
Brenda Behr
Cotton Field AM
brenda behr my back yard 2
Cotton Field AM and My Backyard 2
North Carolina Meets French Impressionism continues through October

Click here to see more of Brenda' Paintings.

Brenda's show at Carolina Creations consists of oil paintings Brenda created over the past year, en plein air. These paintings were all done with a palette knife.

Read more about Brenda's show by clicking here!

You won't want to miss this show.
Bernie Award Raku by Jim Bisbee
Bernie Award
Jan was honored to be chosen as Outstanding Artist at the Craven County Arts Council's Art Festival Sept 29th, during the inaugural Bernie Awards from the Arts Council.

She was cited for her contributions to the building of our arts community in our Downtown.

Other recipients were Jim Congleton, Outstanding Community Supporter of the Arts, Dawn Pollock, Outstanding Arts Educator, and Mimi and Charlie Sforza, Outstanding Volunteer. Congrats Jan! To read the article click here.
Workshop with Dan Nelson 
Register Now - Space is Limited
October 25, 26, 27, Thurs, Fri, Sat
- A note from Jan - "I took the spring workshop with Dan and learned SO MUCH - I can't wait to study with him again. Not only is he a great artist he's a great teacher too." All skill levels welcome. Dan Nelson Painting Workshop at Carolina Creaitons
- Paint in Oils or Acrylics

- Location Jan and Michael Francoeur's Studio   $295   Space is limited to 12 students  

- Each day 9-4:30 with 1 hour for lunch. Bring your lunch or there are restaurants in the area. 

- Start promptly at 9:00 - come at 8:30 am for a cup of coffee


What we'll cover - Don't be left wondering how to construct a captivating landscape.

These secrets are not only key, so is their order. the Center of New Bern
Students will learn the step-by-step thought process that results in landscapes that turn heads:
1. Focused Light
2. Intentional Composition
3. Rich Texture
4. Inviting Perspective
5. Balanced Color

6. Believable Objects


The class will run from 9-4:30 with an hour lunch break. This is not a medium-specific class, but Dan is going to paint with ACRYLICS for his under painting, and OILS on top.  

For more information or to register click here. 

Pumpkin Patch at Carolina Creations
Blown glass and velvet pumpkins galore -- while Christ Church across the street will be selling real pumpkins on the 6th of October, we have our own pumpkin patch!

The glass pumpkins are off hand blown glass - which means they are totally shaped by hand (not blown into a mold) using paddles, pincers and other tools. Here are a few photos showing how it's done along with photos of some we have just gotten in.
glass blowing
Molten glass is gathered on pipe, air is blown into pipe to inflate glass while helper shapes it, stem is added!

Paul Lockwood pumpkins
Pumpkins and gourds by Paul Lockwood
velvet pumpkins with real stems
Velvet pumpkins with real stems

pumpkins by Lisa Oakley and Glass Forge
Blown glass pumpkins by Lisa Oakley and Glass Forge

New Bern Christmas Card and Ornament On The Way!
2012 new bern chirstmas card by janet francoeur
Each year for the past 18 years Jan Francoeur has created a new Christmas card and Ornament.

This is the image on the 2012 card, inside it says "Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."
 bank of the arts orn
They will be 10 for $9.50 and will arrive on October 4th.

You can purchase online and we'll ship them to you the moment they arrive. Click here!

Our ornament for this year depicts the Bank of the Arts. We are not sure exactly when they will arrive but they will surely be here by the 1st of November.

A donation will be made to the Bank of the Arts toward the building fund for each ornament sold. They will be $13 and you can order online, we'll ship them the moment they come. Click here!

Our Picks
We get excited when we get new work, either from artists we've carried for years or from those we have just met.

Red Rover clothing
Jan's favorite this month - jackets hand crafted in Massachusetts from Polartec�

stan harmon stingrays
Michael's pick - stingrays from Stan Harmon

Anne Marie Chagnon
Lou's pick - new pieces by

Hot Skwash pumpkins
Donna's pick -

Caron Miller
Irene's pick - Wrap by Caron Miller

Bird on seed can mullanium
David's pick
New bird sculptures by Tori and Jim Mullan

Growth Charts
Lori's pick - These sweet growth charts - love the bold graphics, printed on canvas.

Downtown News 
- There is a new antique and gift shop opening on Craven Street, The Antiquiry Boutiquiry, that's all we know about it but they are going to open during MumFest.

- And another gift shop of some sort - no details on it - will open across from Mitchell Hardware. Welcome to both!

- A new Indian Restaurant will open soon where the Boston Deli was.

- Be sure to drive by the office of Chesnutt, Clemmons & Peacock on Broad Street after dark - outrageously decorated for Halloween!

Carolina Creations Calendar 
Through October 31 -North Carolina Meets French Impressionism - Oil paintings by Brenda Behr
October 5-14, 2012 - Celebrate American Craft Week! Demos by Brenda Behr and Dan Nelson during Mum Fest. 
November 9 - 5-8 pm - ArtWalk featuring our Holiday Show with work from gallery artists 

Sunday Hours

We've been open 7 days a week for about 15 years and yet we still hear "we didn't know you were open on Sundays!" Our Sunday hours are 11-4 pm.    


Downtown Calendar
To keep up with what's going on downtown "Like" the Downtown New Bern Facebook Page or bookmark our

There is probably more going on in our Downtown but this is what is on our radar!

Oct. 5 at 8pm seated show & 10:15pm general admission. $10, sets sold separately. The Barefoot Movement
(Jonesborough, TN) - americana / bluegrass Broad St. Social Club
October 5-7 Frankenstein - An all puppet adaption of the classic Mary Shelley Story, New Bern Civic Theatre
Oct 6  10 a.m. Christ Church Courtyard - Blessing of the Animals
Oct 6 Christ Church's Pumpkin Patch opens in the afternoon. Pumpkins are available for purchase in the church's courtyard. The pumpkin patch will be open daily from 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. until all the pumpkins are sold. 
Oct 6 Bear City Opry, 516 Hancock Street, 7 pm
Oct. 6. Improv hosted by John Van Dyke  Broad St. Social Club
Oct 7 New Bern Crop Walk, 2 pm check in, 3 pm walk, Union Point Park
Oct 7 Distinctly Bronze East 4 pm, English handbell concert at Riverfront Convention Center with 125 musicians, $5 sponsored by the Handbell Musicians of America
Oct. 8. FREE SHOW! ATO Record's Danny Barnes (Port Hadlock, WA) - banjo / folk Broad St. Social Club 8pm. Box Office opens 1 hour prior.
Oct 11-14 Seafair Mega Art Yacht, Double Tree by Hilton Marina
Oct 11 Inauguration of ArtZone in Downtown New Bern
Oct 11-14 Craven Chocolate ExplosionNew Bern Riverfront Convention Center
Oct. 12. $5 My Three Kilts (Elroy, NC) - Celtic pub punk 8pm. Broad St. Social Club
Oct 13 YPG River Jam featuring the Band of Oz, BridgePointe Hotel & Marina, 4-11 pm
Oct 13-14 Mumfest 2012 Downtown New Bern   Oct. 13. All day Carolina Comic Book Show Broad St. Social Club  

Oct 14 and 15. $5 Fox Street All Stars (Denver, Co) - funk Broad St. Social Club  
Oct 17 Free Wine Tasting, every third Wednesday, Galley Stores Front St, 6-8 pm, call for reservations
Oct. 19Improv hosted by John Van Dyke Broad St. Social Club
Oct 28th Annual Neuse River Bridge Run, Riverfront Convention Center  
Oct. 20. ReDo Fashion Show w/ guest performances Broad St. Social Club  
Oct 25-27 Ghostwalk 2012, New Bern Historical Society
Oct 25-27 Dan Nelson Painting Workshop, sponsored by Carolina Creations

Oct 26 Annual Preschool Parade, 9:30 am, parade forms at corner of Middle and Broad Streets
Oct 26-27 "Bee By the River Biennial Quilt Show" Riverfront Convention Center, 9-5 pm
Oct. 27 Halloween show, $15 in advance UNKNOWN TONGUES - Cajun Zydeco Broad St. Social Club  

Oct 27 "First Annual Colonial Sup", Stand Up Paddleboard Race, Galley Stores, Organizer - Stand Up Outfitters, 8 am
Oct 27 Party in Pink Zumbathon Charity Event, Benefit for Susan Komen Foundation, Rivertown Ballroom 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Oct 27 Gardeners Bulb Sale, New Bern Farmer's Market
Oct. 28. Turbine (NYC) - jam band Broad St. Social Club  

Oct. 30. FREE SHOW! Kiernan McMullan (Dublin, Ireland) - acoustic soul 8pm. Broad St. Social Club  
Oct. 31. Zombie Apocalypse Dance Party 8pm. Box Office opens 1 hour prior. Broad St. Social Club

Bridal Registry   
Did you know we have a
Bridal Registry? You can choose pieces you would like to receive for your new home. We'll even create a page on our website so people can shop online.

Our special couple -

Email us or stop in and we'll help you put together YOUR gift registry!
Janet & Michael Francoeur
The summer zoomed by and so did September. Hard to believe that a year ago I (Jan) was in a wheel chair. The ankle is better but now I can predict the weather!

This is our anniversary month being in business in Downtown New Bern for almost a quarter of a century! Our Downtown has really been transformed in that time.

It was 10 years ago that we purchased the building we are currently in and started the renovations. We still think of it as our "new" location. With each move (this was the 3rd - to 317 Pollock St) we tried to reinvent ourselves.

While we don't plan on doing any more moving we continue to, as they say, "change things up".

Recently we have been adding more wearables like scarves, fingerless gloves, jackets and throws.

We hope you will stop in and check them out!! Look forward to seeing you, Jan & Michael, Lou, Donna, Irene, Lori, David, Shirley  

Quick Links

Dust wall clock October Drawing!
Enter to win this funky clock wall clock by our furniture maker Dust! (Measures 10" x 31") by emailing us by clicking here - put in the message line - go Carolina Creations!

We always love your notes too!

Congrats to Judy Lloyd for winning the little clock from October!


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