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The University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID Center) leads in research, development, and advocacy for innovative health benefit designs.

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This month's headlines:

NJV-BID Center Brief on High Deductible Health Plans

In the first of a new series of V-BID Center Briefs, we explain the valuable role of V-BID and high deductible health plans.  A V-BID component can help ensure that participants are not deterred from high-value screenings and chronic disease management.  Click here to view the V-BID and High Deductible Health Plan Brief.    
RegistryIncreased cost sharing for asthma medication reduces adherence

 A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that increased cost sharing for asthma medication for children resulted in a slight decrease in adherence and increase in hospitalization. A further editorial highlights V-BID and tiered formularies as possible solutions for lowering barriers to medication for children. 



IOMV-BID Center comments on HHS Actuarial Value Bulletin
 The V-BID Center issued comments on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Actuarial Value and Cost-Sharing Reductions Bulletin.  The comments emphasize the Center's support for a flexible actuarial value calculator to encourage the use of V-BID approaches.  
avSuccess in simulated V-BID for statin use

A new study in Value In Health simulated V-BID for statin use among Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes.  The study showed modestly increased statin use and decreased medical spending.  The program met financial feasibility criteria, but only for higher-risk patients.

EmploybenrefV-BID and cost sharing article
 Last month, we included an article by Kathleen Fairman and Frederic Curtiss, and we inadvertently posted an older article, rather than the new one.  With our apologies, we now provide the correct article:  VBID, the PPACA, and FREEE medications: did politics trump the evidence about cost sharing?




Contact V-BID Center
734-615-9635 | vbidcenter@umich.edu

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