MLI Newsletter
Vol. I, No. 4

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In this Edition...
People-smuggling, the 'Sun Sea' and MLI
Crowley Responds to 'Sun Sea" questions
Citoyen de l'une, citoyen de toutes
Windsor Star editorial champions Citizen of One
Why Aiding Pakistan Matters
MLI in the News
People-smuggling, the 'Sun Sea' and MLI
On August 13th a cargo vessel, the MV 'Sun Sea', with more than 490 Sri Lankan refugee claimants aboard arrived in British Columbia. In less than a week, MLI published a Commentary, The 'Sun Sea' Tamil Mass Refugee Claim: An Opportunity For Needed Reform by Scott Newark. In this very timely effort Newark spelled out the problem and offered concrete suggestions as to what must be done to tackle people-smuggling.
Read the Commentary here...
Crowley Responds to 'Sun Sea' Questions
Responding to questions received from readers of our 'Sun Sea' Commentary, Managing Editor Brian Lee Crowley wrote a two part blog posting, Sun Sea Saga.
Part I looked at What is the Real Problem? and commenced by noting, "A number of friends, mostly on the libertarian left, have taxed me with inconsistency for MLI's publication of Scott Newark's excellent piece on the Sun Sea...".
In Part II, Crowley summed up by answering the questions of What can we do and why? The main message being don't confuse "people-smuggling" with "immigration". The issues are sovereignty, fairness and the safety of Canadians. Read Part I here and Part II here...
Citoyen de l'une, citoyen de toutes
Citoyen de l'une, citoyen de toutes, la plus r�cente �tude de l'Institut Macdonald-Laurier, a aussi fait les manchettes au Qu�bec. a publi� un texte d'opinion par Brian Lee Crowley, Robert Knox et John Robson bas� sur l'�tude de IML sous le titre, Ottawa doit abattre les barri�res interprovinciales. En m�me temps, l'agence QMI publiait un article sur l'�tude :  "...l'Institut Macdonald-Laurier publie un document qui dit qu'il est temps pour le gouvernement f�d�ral pour mettre un terme � ce que l'un des auteurs qualifie de r�gles stupides." Ces manchettes qu�b�coises sont semblables � ce qui a �t� publi� dans les m�dias du reste du Canada. Lisez plus ici...
Windsor Star Editorial Champions Citizen of One
MLI authors Brian Lee Crowley, Robert Knox and John Robson continue to make waves with their call for an Economic Charter of Rights for Canadians. In July, the Windsor Star added its voice in agreement with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute's call for federal action on domestic trade barriers. Read the article here...
Why Aiding Pakistan Matters
In another quick response and just as the scope of destruction was just beginning to be understood, MLI published an August Commentary on the tragedy of this monsoon season's flooding in Pakistan. As millions scramble for safety, security and help, MLI contributor Dr. Robert Murray posed the question that is hovering over relief efforts to date: Why is Pakistan not receiving the same response as other countries which have suffered recent disasters? You can read Dr. Murray's conclusions here...
MLI in the case you missed it
Alex Wilner goes coastal
MLI Fellow Alex Wilner's recent Op-Ed, Turning al-Qaida into heretical thugs was picked up coast-to-coast. From the Halifax Chronicle-Herald in the east, to the heartland's Winnipeg Free Press, to the Vancouver Sun in the west.

Purdy Crawford honoured
The Financial Post reported that MLI Advisory Council Member Purdy Crawford has been named one of Canada's "25 most influential lawyers" by Canadian Lawyer Magazine. Read more here...

Did we mention Alex Wilner has gone coastal!?
In addition to all the print media, Alex has also been on Gormley Live on NewsTalk 980 in Saskatchewan. A busy summer indeed! Listen to the Gormley interview here...

Canadian Century in Wall Street Journal
Jason Clemens, MLI Fellow and co-author of MLI's best-selling The Canadian Century, appeared recently in the prestigious Wall Street Journal. In the piece titled Canada, Land of Smaller Government, he eloquently echoes the arguments put forth in Canadian Century. Read the WSJ here...
The Macdonald-Laurier Institute for Public Policy exists to make poor quality public policy in Ottawa unacceptable to Canadians and their political and opinion leaders by proposing thoughtful alternatives through non-partisan and independent research and commentary. Visit us online at