The Websters in Qu�bec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission www.thewebsters.ca |
May 18, 2012
Dear Friends,
We're Back in Qu�bec City!
After reporting and/or preaching in 4 churches and visiting 2 others in NC, TN, SC, and GA, a High School Reunion, Jonathan and Heather's graduation, and a wonderful time with family and friends! Thank you for praying!
 | The Whole Clan together for Jon and Heather's Graduation
Our Summer Intern has Arrived!
Brandon Miller arrived on Sunday evening. He has already begun cataloging Mike's library with really cool software and a bar code reader. On Sunday morning, he will share his testimony in French, then give a challenge through translation. What a blessing to have him here!
Another Wedding Tomorrow
One of our joys since ministering in Qu�bec City is seeing God bring several second-generation believers together to serve Him. Their weddings are a public testimony to the Grace of God in a land where fewer and fewer marry today. Tomorow we expect around 200 people for Guillaume and Sara's wedding, many of whom will be inside a Bible-preaching church for the first time in their lives. Please pray for the message that will be preached by Pastor Claude Jutras, and that in all things God might be glorified.
Yours for French-speaking Canadians,
The Webster Family
5612, rue des Campanules
Qu�bec (Qu�bec)