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Mike & Melanie Webster
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The Websters in Québec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission 

December 15, 2011


Dear Friends,


Here is recent prayer news from Quebec City!   

November Deputation     

Thank you for praying for Mike's short deputation trip in November. Altogether, he reported to three different churches, participated in a mission's conference, spoke at a Christian School chapel service, and attended a great conference at BJU Seminary. In the midst of all of that, he managed to take the grandchildren to McDonald's Playland three times, and spent a quick Thanksgiving "down home" in North Carolina with family and dear friends for the first time in many, many years.


Upon Mike's return on November 25, we were immediately faced with a situation that led to the resignation of one of our deacons. Though this was not a total surprise to many of our folks, it is still difficult and sad for all of them. Please pray that this may be used of God to solidify His people in genuine love for one another and for His word. We are thankful for the unity of the remaining deacons and excited about the door that this has opened for the possible implication of another of our men who seems now ready for the task.


After several months of relative stability, Catherine has developed intolerance to her current medication. We expect more trips to Montreal and probably another extended stay at the Montreal Neurological Institute sometime after Christmas. She just finished three distance learning classes with flying colors and looks forward to more in January. On Friday evening, we will have a mini concert for her piano students. Though they are both from our church, at least one unbeliever will be present.

Christmas Program
Sunday evening we will have a church meal, followed by a Christmas program that will include music and a play by our young people. The service will end with a short presentation of the Gospel. Will you please pray for the unbelievers who will be in attendance?
Ever thankful for your prayerful support,
The Websters

The Webster Family

5612, rue des Campanules

Québec (Québec)



"Faithful [is] he that calleth you, who also will do [it]. Brethren, pray for us." (1Th 5:24-25 AV)