Serious accident at Summer Camp
Last Wednesday, August 3rd, was a date that will long be remembered by many churches in the Province of Qu�bec. It was the week of Junior Camp at Camp H�bron for kids aged 8 to 11. Every Wednesday of camp is outing day. Last week, the activity, a treasure hunt, took place on a farm just outside of town. The owner of the farm met the group at the bottom of a hill with a tractor and trailer to provide fun transportation to the top. All went very well, until the trip back down the hill later that afternoon. The driver decided to add to the fun by taking the kids on a longer hayride around the farm. This led to a differ ent route down the hill. The 58 campers and counselors were having a great time, singing Christian songs, and convinced that a sudden increase in speed was all a part of the fun. But it wasn't. The driver had already lost control, and in just a matter of seconds, the tractor and trailer jackknifed. The trailer then tumbled over the tractor, ejecting all 58 and injuring the driver. Qualified personnel began an immediately triage. The city sent innumerable emergency vehicles including ambulances for the injured, and even commandeered a city bus to transport the less injured to the hospital for treatment along with the uninjured for observation. Though a few were admitted to intensive care, it turned out that no one's injuries were life-threatening. The whole thing was understandably quite traumatizing for all involved.
The accident became an immediate media sensation. The headlines flashed all across Qu�bec and Canada and in both official languages. The camp and host church were thrust into a spotlight like no one could have imagined. But God was glorified. The calm collectedness, on the part of those inter viewed, coupled with a collective thankfulness for God's protecting hand spoke clearly across the airwaves and in print. These are notes rarely played in a land where rejection of God and all religion is the norm. Many hearts were touched. Doors have opened for the Gospel. For example, parents near Montreal went with their little girl to church for the first time. She and others from the church, including the pastor, had been in the accident. Their comment to the pastor last Sunday was something like this, "You Christians have something that we do not have, and we are now interested in finding out what that is."
Thankfully, none of the four young people from our church were injured. In
 | Our Campers, Kelly, Lydia, and Kassendy |
fact, our campers seemed as concerned about having to leave camp early as they were about the accident! Please pray specifically for the following:
- Continued testimony with those without Christ who have been touched
- Clear direction for Pastor Mario Roy and �glise Baptiste �vang�lique de Lennoxville as they plan for the future of the camp
- Emotional but especially spiritual healing for the driver of the tractor. So far, the police have indicated that they do not intend to press any charges, but he is seriously affected emotionally and is not a believer. He is in regular contact with believers. Our children are sending homemade cards. Others are doing the same.