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Mike & Melanie Webster
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The Websters in Qu�bec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission 

May 4, 2011


Dear Friends,

Greetings once again from Qu�bec City!
Answer to Prayer!  
We sent an update only last week, but we wanted to thank you so much for praying about a job for Catherine.  God answered that prayer yesterday when she was hired by a new retail store that will be opening next week.  This will be a part-time day job. This is an important step forward in the whole process of stabilization of and adaptation to her epilepsy.  Sometimes after a few steps forward, we've had to take one or two backward, so we would ask you to continue to pray for grace and wisdom for all concerned.

The weeks ahead


On Saturday, we will have the privilege of hosting a group of students from Calvary Christian School in Greer, SC.  They are all students in the French class taught by our daughter, Valerie Sandquist.  They will also be accompanied by the pastor and his family. Do pray for these folks that God will use them in the work here, and that He will use the work in their lives as well.  It will be a team like no other, since Valerie will also be bringing two of our grandchildren along for the trip.

On Sunday, May 15th the church will be making an important decision that is directly related to our vision for a ministry team.  Mike needs much prayer for wisdom and patience as he attempts to lead the church forward in this direction.  In seven years our church has grown considerably in number. Administration of this growth and adaptation to a challenging mix of younger and older folks is proving to be difficult for us at the moment.  Praise God for growing pains!  Please pray!

In Christ,
Mike (for all of us)


The Webster Family

5612, rue des Campanules

Qu�bec (Qu�bec)



"Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us."
(1Th 5:24-25 AV)