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Mike & Melanie Webster
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The Websters in Qu�bec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission
March 3 2011

Dear Friends,
It has been far too long since we have sent prayer news from Qu�bec City!
Family Matters 

Please continue to pray for the impact of Stephanie and

Jeremie's wedding. The live broadcast seems to have been greatly used as it opened doors for discussions about the Lord. These discussions continue particularly with coworkers and extended family and friends.

Webster Family plus Jeremie 

Some of you may not yet know that our son, Jonathan is officially engaged to marry Heather Lynn Shaffer.  They are both in their senior year at Bob Jones University and have set a date for June 18th, 2011.  Heather is from Markleton, Pennsylvania and is the daughter of Stewart and Gail Shaffer.  We ask prayer both for the wedding and for Jonathan and Heather as they begin their new life together in the Lord.


In spite of uncertainties, Catherine is going forward as best she can. She is currently tutoring Myndii Clancy in French three days a week and taking a correspondence cCatherine Websterlass. Her goal is to be able to go to the local community college in the fall. Right now her seizure pattern is relatively stable, and her current medication is helping. She continues to have seizures, but we are able to predict times when she is at risk. There are some possible solutions, but, these would necessitate more research, which is not in the works just yet. So we wait on God's timing. It appears that she will probably not be able to go back to school in the USA, at least not in the short term.  She also recently lost her drivers license because of the seizures.  Finding a compatible job remains a challenge.

"Brethren, pray for us." (1 Thess 5:25)


Please unite with us in prayer for the following:
  • Profitable meetings and "down time" as we begin a three-week furlough/deputation trip next week.
  • Wisdom as we attempt to lead the work forward with a healthy but challenging mix of older and younger folks.
  •  For one young man, that he would make a clear public profession of his faith in Christ through baptism. 
  • For a middle-aged man, that he will embrace biblical purity. For others who struggle in this area in a Province where marriage is now considered by many to be "old fashioned" or even taboo.
  • For a young woman, that the message of salvation that she has heard consistently now for many years might bring forth fruit.  For several others like her.
  • For one young woman who is open but whose profession is still not clear and for several others in a similar spiritual state.
In Christ,
Mike (for all of us)

The Webster Family
5612, rue des Campanules
Qu�bec (Qu�bec)
"Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us."
(1Th 5:24-25 AV)