The Websters in Qu�bec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission www.thewebsters.ca
December 14, 2010
Dear Friends,
We are glad to share more prayer news from Qu�bec City.
Christmas Program
Given this year's tight schedule, we decided to go ahead with our Christmas program in spite of the worst snow storm so far this year. We expected a lower crowd composed mostly of folks who live near the church. Imagine our surprise when at least 75 people showed up! It was fun to greet them as they came in all snow-covered and red-faced along with a smile that communicated a certain sense of accomplishment. The parking was chaotic and a few vehicles got stuck but our young men were there to help with shovels. By the end of the service, the snow had stopped and the main roads had been properly plowed.
The Gospel was clearly presented. Several of the many visitors were folks for whom we have prayed for a long time, like family friends or spouses. Pray that the Word of God will take root in the hearts of those who are without Christ and that we may continue to have contact with them.
Catherine did a great job with the play. Even though she had several seizures through last week, she was able to keep going right through Sunday evening. Do continue to pray for her as she adjusts to her health challenges. |
St�phanie and J�r�mie
This week is the big week! We'd ask you to pray for the many who will be traveling either by car, bus or plane. Pray that God will be glorified through all that takes place. You may tune in to a live broadcast of the wedding beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 18th. Here's the link:
Mariage Savard-Webster Wedding
In Christ,
Mike (for all of us)
The Webster Family 5612, rue des Campanules Qu�bec (Qu�bec) CANADA G1G 5K7 418-634-1397