The Websters in Qu�bec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission www.thewebsters.ca
December 3, 2010
Dear Friends,
We are glad to share recent prayer news from Qu�bec City.
Using the Renovated Auditorium
A few weeks ago we were well over 100 for a Sunday morning service! O.K., at least 20 of those were visiting from a Christian School in Massachusetts. But we really have seen a net increase in attendance since reopening the auditorium in September. Do pray for us for wisdom in discipleship and organization as the church continues to grow. |
"That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak"
Within two weeks of posting our sermons online last January, a visitor showed up. Later he brought his wife, and since then they have become a very special addition to our church family. Sermonaudio.com is a wonderful ministry that allows local churches to broadcast sermons on the internet through an easy-to-use interface. We have been amazed at the response from French-speakers worldwide, especially since the interface is English-based. We have received e-mails and telephone calls from Africa to France and even one phone call from a French-Canadian living in Texas. A missionary in Cameroun used the series on Colossians for a class at a Bible Institute. We also know that several are listening on a regular basis from the Qu�bec City area. Some are hungry for the Word of God but are in churches where they are not being fed. Others are simply curious. And we believe that others may be listening just to find fault. But "the Word of God is not bound" and the Gospel "is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes". Opposition from the enemy is no surprise. In the spring, the computer that the church had purchased for recording was stolen; however, God provided a workaround! What a wonderful joy and privilege it is to preach the Word of God in the French language!
"Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ...: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak." (Colossians 4:3-4 AV)
Christmas and a Wedding
December is always a big month in the ministry here but this year is exceptional. There is of course, the Christmas program which includes a meal. We are thankful that Catherine's health has allowed her to help Melanie this year by heading up the annual children's play. We expect many visitors and ask you to pray for receptive hearts.
Then there is Stephanie's wedding which will be on the December 18. There are several elements that make this a big wedding. First of all, few couples in Qu�bec actually opt for marriage today, so friends will come just to see a Christian wedding. Secondly, J�r�mie's family is local, and is very large. He has about 25 aunts and uncles in the Qu�bec City area alone! Thirdly, both the Webster and Savard families have been a part of the Lord's work here in Qu�bec for 25 years. St�phanie and J�r�mie desire that God be glorified through all that takes place. We ask your prayers for God's provision in every way. There is always a sermon at Qu�bec weddings, so pray that the Gospel will be clear through the preaching and that hearts will be opened. There will be many present who have never set foot in a church other than Roman Catholic. Many of these will be from J�r�mie's family . Do pray!
In Christ,
Mike (for all of us)
The Webster Family 5612, rue des Campanules Qu�bec (Qu�bec) CANADA G1G 5K7 418-634-1397