The Websters in Qu�bec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission www.thewebsters.ca
September 28, 2010
Dear Friends,
We are glad to share recent prayer news from Qu�bec City.
Dedication Service
about 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 4th, Renovation Project 2010 was
finally done! This was just in time for the official reopening of our
auditorium on Sunday, the 5th. It was a wonderful time with around 75
in attendance including several who do not know the Lord. Please pray
in particular for one young woman with whom we have had contact since
May. Pray that the contact will continue to develop. Check our ministry website for pictures and video!
Update on Catherine
Monday, the neurologist called to let us know that a room might be
available for another week at the Montreal Neurological Institute for
further observation. So far, during the
different times that Catherine has spent there, she hasn't had a seizure that was sufficiently recorded for adequate analysis.
We had to be ready to leave at a
moment's notice until finally getting a call on Thursday evening that we
were to be there early the next afternoon. Once in Montreal, Melanie
has no problem driving to and from the hospital to be with Catherine.
However, due to her own epilepsy she is unable to make the three-hour
trip down without help, so either Stephanie or I have to make some sort
of arrangement for making the trip also. This time I took the bus back
and will be taking the train back down this Friday in order to drive
them both home. The neurologist decided to take Catherine totally off
her current medicine hoping that this would contribute to her having a
seizure. This was done immediately upon her admittance last Friday but
so far she has had no seizures.
I am adding some detail in order for
you to know how better to pray for us through this situation. First of
all, we find ourselves in the unusual position of asking you to pray
that Catherine will have seizures this week! The doctor has already
indicated that if she doesn't have any this week, it will be arranged
for her to return as many times as necessary. This leads me to a second
request which has to do with our own need for wisdom, grace, and
patience in handling our schedules. This week in Montreal is at least allowing
Melanie the opportunity to spend some secluded time in university
libraries in order to finish a paper for her Masters Degree in Translation that was due
last Spring. That's just a sampling of what our lives have been like!
How thankful we are for an understanding professor, but especially for our gracious Lord!
you have written to us over the last months but have not yet received a
personal response, please do not think that we are ungrateful. Your
words of encouragement have meant much to us and by God's grace, we will
eventually get caught up in all areas that have been neglected since
February, including correspondence. We are indeed thankful for your prayerful support!
In Christ, Mike (for all of us)
The Webster Family 5612, rue des Campanules Qu�bec (Qu�bec) CANADA G1G 5K7 418-634-1397