Karen Elizabeth Sandquist
Mike & Melanie Webster
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The Websters in Québec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission
February 21, 2010

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers!
Update on Catherine
Catherine Webster Catherine, Stephanie and Melanie arrived home safely on Saturday night. This allowed Stephanie to be home for work on Monday. Catherine will also have two nights in her own bed before the appointment with the neurologist in Montréal on Monday. That we were able to get an appointment that soon is a direct answer to prayer. The neurologist, Dr. Frederick Andermann, is a world renowned epilepsy specialist working with the Montréal Neurological Institute and Hospital. His secretary called last Tuesday to say that he has taken a special interest in the case. Catherine is doing well, though still very, very tired. We would appreciate your continued prayers for the consultation and follow-up which involves three hours of travel one-way. We praise the Lord that several offers for lodging have been made should this be necessary.
Update on Danielange in Haiti
Thank you for praying for the ministry of our Haitian nurse. She is now back in the Dominican Republic awaiting her flight home tomorrow. We have not had much news as communication was impossible from Haiti.  This is what she said in her last e-mail to the church, "I am glad that God protected us during our trip. He will continue to do so until we reach home. The hand of God was on us and will remain so. The country is really devastated, but the grace of God is with the Haitian people, my people."  Please continue to pray for her safety in travel.
We are ever thankful for your prayerful support for the work here in French-speaking, Québec, Canada!
In Christ,

The Webster Family
5612, rue des Campanules
Québec (Québec)
"Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ ... That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak." (Colossians 4:3-4 AV)