Karen Elizabeth Sandquist
Mike & Melanie Webster
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The Websters in Québec
Serving with Independent Faith Mission
February 5, 2010

Dear Praying Friends,

Here are a few items that we would like to share with you for prayer and praise.
Danielleange and daugter Kassindy The response to our last e-mail concerning Danielange was amazing!  Thank you to all who sent suggestions for a possible short-term ministry for her among her people in Haiti.  One of our ladies will drive her to Burlington, Vermont next Friday, where she will take a flight straight to Santiago, Dominican Republic.  She will then join up with a medical team through a church there and be driven into Haiti.  Her plane ticket and some supplies have already been covered through offerings from our own people!  We are also supplying her with evangelistic materials.  Do pray for hassle-free border crossings and for safety as she travels.  Also for grandparents and others who will help take care of her two young children while she is away.  The trip will last ten days.
Catherine's Health
She has had a sleep deprivation EEG and seen the neurologist about the results. There was only a slight abnormality. It was not enough to point to a cause. In spite of medication, she did have several seizures as a result of her sleep deprivation. The doctor continues to monitor her situation.  On our end, Melanie is working on getting her into a neurology institute located in Montreal to which the neurologist in South Carolina referred us.  We are waiting on papers from our doctor here. Pray that these will come soon and that the institute would agree to see her.
A Beloved Grandson
Danyel Turgeon Two years ago, it was a fifteen year old son from one of our families.  Last Saturday, it was a 13 year old grandson of a dear couple in our church who took his own life.  It is the spiritual darkness and resulting hopelessness in Québec society that has caused this plague of suicide among young people.  Mike will be speaking at the short service at the funeral home.  Please pray that the Word of God will have free course, that the light of the blessed hope in Christ will shine forth through the darkness!
We are ever thankful for your prayerful support for the work here in French-speaking, Québec, Canada!
In Christ,

The Webster Family
5612, rue des Campanules
Québec (Québec)
"Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ ... That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak." (Colossians 4:3-4 AV)