The Websters in Qu�bec
January 20, 2010
Dear Praying Friends,
The Province of Qu�bec has been deeply touched by the disaster in Haiti. There are many Haitians living here. Most churches have at least some Haitian believers including our own. We are so thankful that family and friends for whom we have prayed have been accounted for and are safe. It was only Sunday afternoon that one of our dear ladies was able to get news that her son and granddaughter were alive. She had been calling their home hourly in the Port-au-Prince area but no one would answer. Finally she learned that though their house was relatively safe, they were afraid to go inside, even to answer the phone because of all the aftershocks.
Special Prayer Request
One of our Haitian believers, Danielange Charles, is a registered nurse. Her current job situation makes it possible for her to volunteer to go and help her own people at this time. She of course is fluent in Haitian Creole, and French. And her English is passable as well. Would you pray that God would open such a door, should it be His will? Her desire is to work with a Christian organization.
Thank for praying for Danielange. If you know of a team that could use her, please communicate with us!
Sincerely in Christ,