Merry Christmas!

The Christmas
Season marks an end to our two-month deputation/furlough. God has been so good to allow meetings in
supporting churches, new churches, and quality time with individual supporters. Financially, this is not the best time for
churches across the country, so new support may be minimal. However, the trip has been immensely
profitable for us spiritually and physically and new prayer supporters have
been recruited. Each time we have seen
our own DVD Presentation, we have felt called to Qu�bec all over
again! We are anxious now to get back to
the work!
Christmas Program
Just after
classes ended at BJU, Jonathan and Stephanie drove to Qu�bec City to help with
the Christmas Program. From all
accounts, J�r�mie Savard did a great job putting together this year's
program. There were over 80 in
attendance, including some first-time visitors.
Please pray for those who were there without Christ, that we may
continue to have good contact. Pray
especially for the husband of one of our ladies who was there for the first
time. We have prayed for him for a very
long time and are thrilled with this development! How wonderful to see the work go forward
under the good leadership of John Garris during our absence!
Catherine's Health
on the Monday of our arrival in Greenville, South Carolina, Catherine was taken
to the emergency room as a result of epileptic-like seizures. She has had them before, but it seems the
stress and fatigue of college life has accentuated the problem. Though she was unable to finish her final
exams, understanding professors have arranged solutions. Pray that this week's appointment with the
neurologist in Greenville might lead to a suitable diagnosis and treatment. The hardest thing for
Catherine was not being able to accompany Jonathan and Catherine back to Qu�bec
for the Christmas program!
Elizabeth Sandquist has arrived!
We are
proud to announce the birth of our first granddaughter, born to our daughter Valerie and her husband Tom on December 17th. She weighs 6lbs 13oz and is 19 inches long. Melanie was blessed to be present for the birth. We are looking forward to Christmas Day at Valerie and Tom's with the three grandchildren, Stephanie, Jonathan (who return from Qu�bec on the 24th), Catherine, and Mike's family from North Carolina.