CambridgeIP News & Updates

February 2012

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CambridgeIP is a provider of business and technology intelligence and innovation strategy services to companies around the world. CambridgeIP's work has been covered in leading publications, including the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg.  CambridgeIP runs - a leading online information portal making available over 100 million scientific documents, and training to private and public organisations in high-technology sectors.

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We would like to share with you some recent news about CambridgeIP's products and activities.

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If you have any comments or questions about any of our recent news and activities visit us at or feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!


The CambridgeIP Team


CambridgeIP report on commercialisation of graphene technology
CambridgeIP has analysed the global patent space around graphene and produced a report on graphene technology ownership and the key challenges faced in commercialising graphene technologies.  Our report builds on CambridgeIP research into the role of academic institutions in the graphene patent landscape recently published in Nature Materials.  

Graphene, a sheet of carbon a single atom thick, has been referred to as the world's first 2D material.  It possesses highly unusual electronic, optical, thermal and mechanical properties and has a host of exciting potential applications such as flexible and transparent touch screens, next generation computer chips, stronger and lighter and conductive composite materials, hydrogen storage devices, bio-sensors and ultracapacitors. Although graphene-based products are beginning to come to market, many applications are still a long way off and significant challenges remain in commercialising graphene technology.

"Our research indicates that disruptive graphene technologies are likely to be rolled out by large corporations in the near future. While the graphene-based semiconductor chip is still a long way off, there are strong signs that smartphone players, notably Samsung and Nokia, could be incorporating other graphene-based technology into their products."  Quentin Tannock (Chairman, CambridgeIP)


To learn more about this report click here or contact us at

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CambridgeIP sponsors Cambridge University Entrepreneurs competition
Quentin Tannock (Chairman, CambridgeIP) presented prizes and certificates to winners and runners-up in the Cambridge University Entrepreneurs (CUE) 2012 competition. The prize pool included subscriptions to BolivenPro, CambridgeIP's technology and science literature search and collaboration platform.  
CUE Event image
CambridgeIP's sponsorship to CUE includes annual BolivenPRO subscriptions for competition winners together with a range of support services designed to accelerate technology development and deployment by CUE members. 
CambridgeIP's sponsorship of Cambridge University Entrepreneurs is part of CambridgeIP's Outreach Programme, which supports the leading young minds who are creating the businesses and technologies of tomorrow. The programme provides access to advanced technology intelligence tools, supports the early adoption of sound IP strategies and accelerates the growth of ideas and businesses.
The CUE competition is one of the most successful business creation competitions in the world. In the '1k challenge' phase of the competition teams of students from Cambridge University deliver business pitches and poster presentations.  
To learn more about this event click here.  If you would like to learn more about our CambridgeIP Outreach Programme please contact us at

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CambridgeIP publishes full graphene patent dataset
To accompany its recent report on the graphene patent landscape CambridgeIP's nanotechnology team has made available an expert-validated graphene patent dataset, representing a comprehensive indexed list of all published graphene patents sortable by a range of fields such as publication date, assignee, inventor, patent jurisdiction, and others.
The search strategy used in producing this global patent dataset explores the wide patent space around graphene and includes patents on graphene manufacturing processes, graphene purification techniques, graphene modelling techniques, integrating graphene with other systems and innovations around graphene end-use.  To arrive at our graphene patent database, we undertook a graphene literature review focused on past graphene patent studies, interviewed graphene technology and nanomaterials industry experts, made broad and inclusive searches in the patent literature around all identified graphene technology system components, conducted a semi-automated and expert-validated analysis on our systems to remove false positive search results, then generated graphene patent data sets and undertook further analysis to produce our report.
To purchase the dataset click here.

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CambridgeIP surveys water treatment industry professionals for new WIPO report
CambridgeIP has been commissioned by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) to produce a technology map and trends analysis around key water treatment technologies.  

As part of this report, we have asked water industry professionals for their perspective on innovation in the water treatment space - by filling out a brief questionnaire. To thank participants, CambridgeIP will provide a summary of the survey results to all who take the survey. Please note all comments will be made anonymously and the questions deal with non-confidential information and are generally focused on perceptions of the water industry as a whole.    

To take the survey please click here

For more information and to view the report please visit here or contact us at

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CambridgeIP announces new Scientific Advisory Board
CambridgeIP announces the appointment of four seasoned industry and science experts to its new Scientific Advisory Board. The board members' expertise in a range of cutting edge scientific and industry disciplines will support CambridgeIP's team in building an exciting publication pipeline, and helping our clients navigate the complexity of accelerated innovation and technological change.
CIP Homepage
The new Scientific Advisory Board members are:
  •  Dr Daryl BoudreauxNanotechnology and materials science. Dr Daryl Boudreaux established and was Director, Office of Technology Transfer at Rice University in Houston, Texas for six years (from 1998 - 2004), where he managed Rice's technology licensing and business development activities.
  • Prof. Christopher Lowe (University of Cambridge) - Biotechnology and medical devices. Prof Christopher Lowe is currently Director of the Institute of Biotechnology and Professor of Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge.  
  • Prof. Robert K. Perrons (Queensland University of Technology) - Oil and gas technologies and technology and innovation management. Prof Robert Perrons is currently an Associate Professor at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Previous to this appointment he has worked in a number of roles and locations for Shell International's Exploration & Production division. 
  • Dr. Philipe Rogueda (University of Monash) - Pharmaceutical formulations and industrial chemicals. Philippe has experience working in senior management roles in both Novartis and AstraZeneca, and is currently the CTO of VaryDose, an adjunct senior lecturer at Monash University and a visiting professor at the Kunming University of Science and Technology in China. 
 Full profiles of the board can be viewed here. 
WaterWorld covers CambridgeIP's recent report on Desalination 
Leading water technology publication Water World covered CambridgeIP's research on desalination. The article entitled 'Renewable powered desalination: South Korea catching up with patent leader Japan' covered CambridgeIP's research on desalination and renewables, a report commissioned by World Intellectual Property Office, and authored by CambridgeIP's Helena van der Vegt and Ilian Iliev.
The report examined the latest trends in innovation, technology ownership and geographical focus in the field of desalination technology, with a special focus on desalination systems using renewable energy. Ilian Iliev (CEO) was cited by Water World as saying:

"Renewable energy-desalination integration is already a reality in off-grid remote locations and island communities, as the cost of various renewable energy sources decreases and the newer desalination technologies are deployed at scale, we anticipate that desalination renewable energy applications will become a core part of the modern water utility system...As the market size and competition in this space increases companies with a solid IP strategy and awareness of their patent landscape will find they are better positioned to take advantage of growth opportunities."

To read the full article please click
here. To learn more about our work in desalination technology please contact us
Cambridge Cleantech's Water Special Interest Group 
lian Iliev (CEO, CambridgeIP) participates in Cambridge Cleantech's Water Special Interest Group workshop.

Hosted at the offices of Cambridge Water, the participants provided perspectives on areas of strength and challenges for the UK water industry of the drought risk for 2012. 

Ilian Iliev shared the findings from CambridgeIP's research programme on water technologies, and ideas around accelerating technology development and adoption in the water space.

Cambridge Cleantech works to encourage supply chain opportunities, enable shared experience of innovative growth businesses and provides collective services such as access to finance, government regulatory updates and links to international partners. Special Interest Groups provide the forum for in-depth information sharing from sector experts and enable networking, debate and the potential for exploring joint commercial opportunities.