the Interview Expert 
Welcome to your latest issue of the Interview Expert newsletter.

Every issue explores the key elements of a successful job interview and strategic job search techniques - so you can master your skills and land the job you really want!
In this issue we talk about how you can prepare effectively for each stage in the interview process, starting with the initial screening interview.

How to Prepare for Each Stage of the
Interview Process:  Part 1
My clients often want to know the questions interviewers will ask. But, that's almost impossible to predict because there isn't a list of common questions. Yes, there are standard questions, but that's a short list. Besides, many interviewers are seasoned executives, and not necessarily expert interviewers. However, there's a better way of preparing - by understanding what the hiring organization needs to achieve at each stage of the interview process.
During the interviewing process, the hiring organization needs to answer these five questions:
  1. Do you have all the required skills, abilities and experience to do the job?
  2. Can the organization afford you?
  3. Do you have the necessary motivation, drive and work ethic to get the job done?
  4. Are you easy to supervise and manage?
  5. Will you fit with the team and the organization?

Most hiring organizations structure their interviewing process into two or three stages. Each stage delves deeper into each of these questions, and goes further down the list. 
Stage One: The Screening Interview

Human resources staff members or search consultants usually conduct the screening interview. And, to save time, they often conduct these interviews by phone. Typically, interviewers have received your resum� and want to confirm the details of your experience. Their focus is on the first question - whether you have the required skills, abilities and experience to do the job. They need to establish this before they take the time and go to the expense of interviewing you further. They also need to know, right upfront, whether the organization can afford you. If they can't, they won't waste their time - or yours - with further interviews.
How to Prepare for the Screening Interview
  • Describe the skills, abilities and experience that matter most to the hiring organization. To do this, review the job description in detail. Create a list of the requirements, and next to each one, list the skills, abilities and experience that demonstrate that you have the specific requirement. This way, you'll be ready with proof that you have everything they're looking for.  
  • Answer the salary question directly and specifically. Based on your research, state a salary range. Tell them where you see yourself fitting into that range, given your experience and skills. Then, ask directly whether that range fits with their existing compensation structure. If it doesn't, ask them to tell you about the range.
In the next issue of this newsletter,I'll discuss how hiring organizations focus in stages two and three. Then, I'll show you how to prepare so you can maximize your chances of landing the job you really want!   
Questions?  Comments?  Topics for future newsletters?
Feel free to e-mail us anytime at the Interview Expert newsletter.
And don't forget to check the Interview Expert blog for more free resources including information on how to answer standard interview questions. 

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the Interview Expert 
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Just click Make Me Memorable to get the details.
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How do your interview skills really stack up?
Find out before your next interview.
You can get an objective evaluation of your current interview skills by requesting a professional assessment.   
  • During a 30-minute phone interview, we'll ask you questions that help us assess your current skill level and your preparedness for upcoming interviews.
  • Within 24-hours, you'll receive a detailed personal report that tells you exactly how you can polish your skills.
The Interview Skills Assessment is available for a discounted fee of $97 plus GST (regular value - $300). Just call 416-239-4406 now to schedule your assessment.