the Interview Expert 
Welcome to your latest issue of the Interview Expert newsletter.

Every issue explores the key elements of a successful job interview and strategic job search techniques - so you can master your skills and land the job you really want!
In this issue we continue our article about blogging to position yourself as an expert by tackling the nuts and bolts of getting it done right.

Blog Your Way to Your Next Job: Part 2
Before we start, remember why you're blogging:
  • Blogging is an easy way to position yourself as an expert. And, your supporting stories solidify your credibility by showing that you're familiar with the problems in your area of expertise and have solutions that work.
  • Other job seekers aren't blogging, they're using traditional job search strategies.  This gives you the huge advantage of being more than "just another job candidate". By blogging about your experiences and successes, organizations can see you as a key component to helping them solve the challenges they faces.
  • For those at mid-career level, blogging is a subtle yet powerful way of showing that you embrace new technology and can use it appropriately and to your best advantage.
  • Best of all, when you blog, you'll remember who you are: a solid expert in your field. Blogging boosts your motivation and confidence, helping to show you that you're the perfect hire for the right organization. With such a positive attitude, you'll be actively engaged in your job search and open to the opportunities that come your way.

Now, here are the details you'll need to set up your blog and get it working for you easily, efficiently and effectively.
How do I set up my blog?
WordPress, a free, basic blog package, is all you need. It's easy to set up and use and you can choose from a range of design templates to select a style that's right for you.
What should appear on my blog page?
In addition to your regular posts, include:

  • Personal branding statement
  • "Tell me about yourself" introduction
  • Photo (Most people connect to visual images, so including a photo makes it easy for people to remember you even if they've never met you in person.)
  • Email address
  • Business phone number (Use this exact term so as not to appear like "just another job seeker")
  • LinkedIn address

Do not include your resume. You want to look like an expert, someone who provides solutions, not a job candidate.
Once it's done, what do I do with it?
Send it! As soon as you've posted three great articles to your blog, send the best one to:

  • Absolutely everyone in your network
  • Those who would hire you at each of your targeted companies
  • The hiring manager in any open positions for which you've applied
  • The hiring manager in any positions for which you applied but weren't hired.  (Although these people may not have offered you the job, they do have an active network of industry and professionals - and they already know you. They may forward your blog to a prospective employer.)
  • Everyone you've met in informational interviews in person and over the phone
  • Trade publications and professional associations: they may be interested in publishing your blog article.
Use the title of your blog post in the subject line of your email. Before sending it, though, add the following items to the end of your article: 
  • Hyperlinks to your other two articles
  • Personal branding statement
  • "Tell me about yourself" introduction
  • Photo
  • Business phone number
  • Hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile
  • Hyperlink to your blog.

Send your article by both email and regular mail. People receive so many emails it's too easy for them to delete yours. If an email doesn't get their attention, the hard copy may have a better chance. Use good quality colored paper with a matching envelope to make your document stand out.
Tell everyone about your blog
Everyone you meet and connect with should know about your blog. Add your blog address to:

  • Business cards
  • Resume
  • LinkedIn profile

Are we there yet?
To reap the benefits and add momentum to your efforts, send out your articles regularly. The next two should go out within the next two weeks, one right after the other. But, avoid the temptation to distribute them more frequently - send them no more than once a week. Continue to write and send out your blog posts. Make sure each one is content-rich and solves a problem. That way you'll be remembered as a problem solver and not just another job candidate. 

Questions?  Comments?  Topics for future newsletters?
Feel free to e-mail us anytime at the Interview Expert newsletter.
And don't forget to check the Interview Expert blog for more free resources including information on how to answer standard interview questions. 

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