The Secret Circuit Challenge
Health Chores
Recipe of the Month
The Tune-up! Save $60 and stay tuned up for 6 months!
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 30min session w/Chris with any Yelp review or Testimonial! 
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Health Food of the Month! 
This trail mix is very healthy and tasty, and it comes in large or convenient travel-size packets. Keep one with you during the day for those random times when you are hungry and have few options for healthy food. The travel size is also great for kid's lunches and snacks.
You can find these at Trader Joe's.
Chris' Crazy Food Inventions 
Sweet Potato Mash
This is great for breakfast or dessert and can be greatly varied with its ingredients.
Bake a sweet potato at 350F for 60 min, scoop the insides into a bowl. Whip almond or peanut butter into it for 60 seconds. Add raisons, berries, or bananas with walnuts or pecans. Optional topping is cinnamon and or ground flax seed.
Issue: #3 September 2009
Bio Pic of Chris 
Website and YouTube 
channel are almost done!
Please stay tuned for the new website and a channel I am creating on YouTube for our contests and educational videos! 
The Secret Circuit Challenge
So you think you are fit? Come in for a free assessment on our suprise circuit of the month for September. Don't worry, It is nothing crazy and everyone can do it!
Score is based on:
1) Form
2) Reps or time, depending on exercise
3) Ending heart rate 
Call us (408) 945-1474 or Email for more info!
Health Chores 
Daily Health Chores
Health does not happen by simply talking or thinking about it. Health requires ACTION. Try these daily chores to obtain your weekly health "allowance."
  • Make at least one person smile today
  • Something that you normally would not do because it takes you out of your comfort zone
  • Try Green tea instead of coffee at least once a week
  • Write down at least 3 things you are grateful for
  • Write down at least 3 successes you had today
  • Take at least 5 minutes of silence to plug into nature's vibration
  • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water, i.e. 100lb person drinks 50 ounces of water
  • Eat your fruits and veggies! Check out this link, Fruit & Veggie Recommendations, to see how many are recommended and the best way to get them 
  • Accept things for as they are and make the best of them by realizing that life does not happen TO you, it happens FOR you
  • Forgive things and people asap
  • Accept compliments and own them, you deserve them
  • Give compliments without expecting a dang thing
  • Be as calm as possible while in a is FUN...almost like slow motion, but still very productive and much less stressful
  • Focus on words that empower you and others, like; will, can, going to, great, nice, choose, choice, want, love, like, lovely, amazing, etc. instead of should, can't, couldn't, won't, already know that, don't need to, why try, etc.
  • Take responsibillity for your own health
  • Exercise moderately 5-7 times per week for at least 30 minutes; this could simply be walking

Do Not

  • Judge, criticize, or look down on people
  • Complain (train the brain to say something empowering everytime you complain, such as " well at least I have....", and eventually complaints will not be in your vocab : )
  • Feel guilty when you are not "perfect", correct and continue on your journey to health and happiness
  • Forget that stress management is the most important factor in health, so please follow the DO list
Recipe of the Month 

cook!sf logo


This is a recipe from our dear friend and advisor, Rebecca Katz. It is featured in her cookbook, One Bite at A Time. This recipe is great for the fall, and is also a dish in our Real Detox. It is gluten-free and dairy-free but completely full of wonderful flavors.
Nona Lim
Cook! SF
          Acorn Squash Stuffed with Rice 
                                      Serves 6
1 tbs of olive oil
� tsp sea salt
� tsp ground allspice
� tsp red pepper flakes
� tsp ground cinammon
3 acorn squash, halved
1.   Combine spice mixture
2.   Brush squash with spice mixture
3.   Bake at 350 F for 20-30 min until soft
Rice medley
1 cup wild rice
1 cup Japonica rice
1 tsp sea salt
2 tbs olive oil
1 cup yellow onion, diced
1 cup celery, diced
2 tbs shallots, diced
2 Granny smith apples, cubed
� tsp dried thyme
� tsp dried sage
� cup cranberries
1 cup roasted pistachios
1.   Boil & cook rice with � tsp salt. (Overcook rice a little as it will dry out when reheated in the oven.)
2.   Saut� onion. Add celery, shallots, apples and salt.
3.   Add thyme, sage, cranberries
4.   Deglaze pot with 2 tbs of water
5.   Stir in rice and season
6.   Scoop rice mixture into squash and sprinkle with roasted pistachios
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                    Where Rehab Meets Fitness!

Chris Hallford
and the Exercise Progression Team