Happy New Year!
All of us at ASHA International wish you and your family a year filled with health and happiness. As you know, mental health is the foundation for individual well-being and the effective functioning of a community. We are delighted to launch our signature campaign and look forward to collaborating with you in promoting personal, organizational, and community wellness through mental health education, training, and support. Please visit our brand new website to learn more about the campaign, and how you can sponsor our programs at your workplace and in your community. Together, we can promote mental health awareness, hope, and holistic wellness.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Wishing you wellness,  Gayathri Ramprasad, MBA, CPSFounder & President, ASHA International |
The Healing Power of Breath
 For the last 23 years, I have practiced pranayama every day and it has profoundly transformed my life. Despite recurrent bouts of depression, anxiety and panic attacks over the years, the consistent practice of pranayama has helped me thrive in life. I start each morning with 10 minutes of pranayama, an ancient form of deep breathing technique that originated in India, my country of birth. Pranayama is derived from two Sanskrit words - Prana (life force) and Ayama (control). Therefore, in its broadest description, prananyama would mean the control of the flow of life force. The yogis believe if you can control your breath, you can control your life. I have certainly found it to be true. While there are many forms of pranayama that are highly effective, I practice nadi sodhana pranayama - a form of alternate nostril breathing which induces calmness and tranquility. Among many other benefits, consistent practice of pranayama provides deep relaxation to the body and mind, strengthens the nervous system and respiratory system, improves concentration, and relieves stress, depression and hypertension. To learn how to perform nadi shodhana pranayama and learn about its many benefits, please click here... To watch a video of how to perform nadi sodhana pranayama and learn its many benefits, please click here... To explore other forms of pranayama, please click here... I invite you to give pranayama a try, and hope it enriches your life.

Thanks to Kathleen Krushas, Kathy Fors and Dan Cook at Thanks also to our global community of sponsors and donors for their generous contributions and ongoing support. Their valuable support makes it possible for us to promote mental health awareness, and bring hope and healing to people affected by mental disorders and their families. Sincerely,
Gayathri Ramprasad, MBA, CPS Founder & President, ASHA Interantional |
Real People, Real Recovery
Stories of Courage, Hope & Resilience
 Elyn Saks is a success by any measure: she's an endowed professor at the prestigious University of Southern California Gould School of Law, and the recipient of the 2009 MacArthur Foundation "Genius" Award. She has managed to achieve this in spite of being diagnosed as schizophrenic and given a "grave" prognosis - and suffering the effects of her illness throughout her life.
About Us:
ASHA International's mission is to promote personal, organizational, and community wellness through mental health education, training, and support. GET INVOLVED.
You can make a difference!